On April 8th, when Wuhan was unlocked in China, Wuhan writer Fang Fang published an English version of Wuhan diary in New York, USA.A stone stirred up thousands of waves. This move made the controversial square diary before becoming the pancake on the iron plate.A writer, where he is isolated in the epidemic area, is public, and why cause such a big response?

During the isolation, everyone is in danger and does not understand and fear the virus, so that people are urgent to understand the truth.Fang Fang's diary has been cut off one by one in anxiety and anger in the epidemic area, which can easily resonate.Because it tells the truth to reveal the facts, it has won a lot of praise.However, then slowly changed the taste, the speech was negative and extreme, and even appeared in the same way, and caused a round of water war.

As a writer, writing down personal feelings is understandable.At the beginning, I have read a few articles, but I did n’t follow too much. After all, any feelings are a family saying. Knowing enough.

Although I am not in the epidemic area, my family and friends are in the epidemic area, so I pay more attention to the epidemic than ordinary people. From time to time, I will write down my personal feelings and experiences, and I occasionally send it to the circle of friends.On the one hand, I hope to relieve psychological pressure, and on the other hand, I also want to encourage family and friends to encourage them.

When the epidemic in Wuhan improves, the epidemic in Singapore is worse, and the focus of the text will slowly bias to Singapore and the world.The family bluntly said that they did not want to read it. These words made them more worry about me.

Later, I try to avoid some text outputs that may cause negative effects.After all, the text at this time is not only a replacement of life, but also the hope of life; habits and indulgence in negatives will only make negative emotions control personal life, which is not good for others.

The same is true of the square diary.At the beginning of the epidemic, the attack on the system can play a role of alertness. Fang Fang once said that a grain of the times in the times is a big mountain to fall into everyone.This kind of compassion has resonated with many people.

The situation is changing. When China actively responds and helps Wuhan with the strength of the country, when the community and volunteers help people trapped at home to solve problems, it is impossible for us to turn a blind eye.What I see is how my family has spent the difficulties with the help of the Chinese government.I also know that society needs more positive energy at this time to encourage and help people return to normal as soon as possible.

The writer Acheng once had an article from a witch doctor, saying that some younger youth's toothache was terrible, because there was no dentist to see, and found a witch doctor.The witch doctor found the cow dung on the dental caries, which has a magical relief effect.

In the face of difficulties, we cannot ignore the power of the spirit, and it is no available to magnifying difficulties.At present, what we need more is to pay attention to people's livelihood and help people spend difficulties.

China under the pressure of the world, eliminating all difficulties, and helping the people of Wuhan through the difficulties. After the epidemic improved, China still did not forget to help the global outbreak of countries.

The great writer Fang Fang turned a blind eye and was still immersed in the thrill of attacking current affairs.Her inertia thinking, at this moment, has become a greater resistance for people to welcome spring.

What is even more puzzling is that the English version of the Fang Fang Diary is released in New York at the fastest speed, which is tantamount to sending full ammunition to extremists who are preparing to send difficulties in China.

An author named insight is good, and the price of Fang Fang's honor is to hit the bullet on the country.He said that a drop of ink in Fang Fang was sprinkled on the country's head.Not to mention drowning or pressing, but adding a lot of trouble.China is in the situation of internal and external difficulties, and the world is in crisis. The writer cannot just care about his three acres of land, regardless of the interests of the country.

(The author is the practitioner of the electronic industry)