2020, the year of Gengzi, seems to be destined to be disaster and difficult. People have not had time to embrace new weather, but life has been disrupted by a global epidemic.However, compared with health threats, the beings under the epidemic are more thoughtful.Among them, the remarks of several Chinese students from Chinese students have caused many controversy.

Freedom in the United States, when returning home, it is like hellip; hellip;;

China just likes to take hardships as virtues, why is it so cheap;

I do n’t want to do n’t, the person who owes you 500 will give you 100, there is no need for thanks.In addition, there is currently no case of proprietary Chinese medicine passed the double -blind test (including Lianhua), and those who need it can take it away;

When will people cook, self -oil, human boxing, and legal system to Citizen.

The remarks of several international students are thought -provoking mdash; mdash; what is the reason that allows the study abroad students to be more open to the country and acupuncture in the country.Judging from the remarks of these students, there is one thing in common mdash; mdash; full of personal imagination of freedom and democracy in the West.In their expressions, democracy means absolute freedom, and this understanding is actually very biased.

First, Western democracy and freedom are not equal to arrogance. Behind freedom is a higher requirements for citizens' quality.

Westerners believe in themselves, emphasize that everything is done by themselves, and spirit is more independent.Children in the West have been educated to self -improve, self -reliance, and independent, and regard themselves as independent individuals distinguished by others.Many children know how to get up and face the problems in life.Many American teenagers have started working extra -curricular since high school to seek economic independence and accumulate social practice experience.

When it grows to adulthood, children will move out alone, self -reliance, and parents and children need to have their own independent space.Westerners adhere to individual struggle and believe that personal achievements depend on their own struggle; and the quality of personal life depends on their ability.After an adult, it is a shame that cannot rely on his own strength.

In contrast, these international students who hate the country shouted freedom and human rights, but their living expenses came from their parents and relatives, and even their parents had to bear their high living expenses.They are actually the first part of China, and they are vested interests under the reform and opening up policy, but they subconsciously ignore this and regard everything they get as a gift of fate.They worshiped the freedom of the West, but did not assume the responsibility behind the free system.

Some international students also believe that if there are her friends among the patients with epidemic, she must persuade the other party not to go to the front line, because it is a lack of human rights.In fact, Westerners also have hero complexes.They are brave and fearless, brave and wisdom. If they have discovered Columbus in the New World; or they care about the interests of the nation, the country's fate has made great contributions to the national nation, such as the first President of the United States Washington; or defending justice, freedom and equalityFor example, the 16th US President Lincoln liberated the black slaves and made immortality for the unification of the North and South; or in reality, through his own efforts to achieve a career and become the object of sought after, such as Jordan and Kobe.

Behind democracy and freedom, Westerners also respect the glory of human nature.Of course, heroes do not have to go to the altar and become moral symbols.Heroes are also ordinary people, and they have normal life, and they should also enjoy life.Rewarding to heroes at various levels is a very normal phenomenon, because heroes are worth it!

Second, the democracy and freedom in the West are not at all without disadvantages.

In 1947, British Prime Minister Churchill made a famous view in the House of Representatives: Democracy is a bad system, but we have not found a better system than it, so we have to use it.Churchill put forward such a view when he was in the UK at the end of his way, and his prestige made this view widely inherited.Western scholars have keenly discovered that in a sense, Churchill's words foreshadow the Francis Middot; Fukuyama's conclusion of the end of history declared in 1989.

The end of the end indicates that the end of the Cold War means that the Western freedom and democracy will be a government model suitable for all mankind.However, Fukuyama finally revised his previous view.In 2010, in the special issue of the Chinese Finance Age, Fukuyama wrote: There is a deep problem in the American model far from being far from solving.In the process of making risk decisions and efficient implementation, the Chinese government can make very rapid adjustments.The United States advocates constitutional constraints and checks and balances, and does not believe in the central government. This political system guarantees personal freedom and booming private sector, but has now experienced extremeization and rigid ideology.

Taking this epidemic as an example, in a wasteland, in just 10 days, China has built a total of 33,900 square meters of construction area, which can accommodate 1,000 beds.What countries can there be so in the world?17 years ago, Dr. Huang Xizheng, the chief architect of Zhongyuan Medical in China, and his team were ordered to complete the design and construction tasks of Xiaotangshan Hospital within seven days.And this time in the Wuhan epidemic, China took only 78 minutes. The drawings of Xiaotangshan Hospital of that year were revised and improved and delivered to Wuhan.

Because of this period of time, large -scale epidemic prevention operations carried out across the country, the current domestic epidemic situation has finally been slightly controlled, and the number of new diagnosis has been declining.The World Health Organization (WHO) has also publicly stated that it is because of China's large -scale epidemic prevention that it has snatched three weeks of buffer time for the world.In fact, in the West, organized special interest groups in order to protect their own interests, through lobbying and sponsorship election activities, ultimately control budget and legislative processes are very common.

In terms of whether government or financial institutions can avoid being regulated, the right to speak of special interest groups is far greater than individuals who are scattered.Western scholars pointed out after comparing the American model and Chinese model that the political system of California and even the United States only cater to short -term populist emotions and serve the interest groups that use political influence to ensure their maximum interests.In this sense, if there are no effective measures, the free democratic system of the United States will easily fall into the tools of populist and special interest groups.

Any kind of system has its own advantages and disadvantages and the applicable national conditions.However, the various differences and contradictions in the world rationally look at the literacy requirements of a citizen.The democratic system requires every citizen involved in social affairs with extraordinary political literacy.Democracy and freedom are not a simple slogan, let alone outline it by imagination, so that it can only be farther and farther away from real freedom.This is also a question that international students should think about.

Qu Yuan once said: The road is long and far away, and I will seek up and down.Each generation will explore and think about their own times and life, and it is this spirit that has promoted the progress of human society.

(The author is a member of the Beijing Teacher Writers Association)