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The 2019 coronary virus epidemic has been three months since the outbreak of Wuhan, China in mid -January.The virus is raging in countries around the world, and the severity and response strategies of the epidemic conditions in various countries are not the same.

The only thing that is the same is that the virus treats everyone equally. Unless the islands or deep mountains that are completely isolated from a civilized society, as long as they are in a civilized society that communicate with each other, they may be stained with viruses.The division.

The crisis brought by the coronary virus also shows the noble and mean human nature in the world.The noble and despicable human nature, and there is no difference between the country and the country.There are many countries in the world standing on the front of the medical care, and the medical and logistics staff who are risking and sacrificed in danger and sacrifice; some people are willing to risk the risks that might be farewell to their families, and enter the epidemic like Wuhan and Italy.The medical staff provided by the outbreak center showed the glory of human nature.

In contrast, there are also many selfish people in the society. For the sake of convenience, they have repeatedly violated the home ban, or they refuse to wear masks in public places.These people not only expose themselves to the risk of infected viruses, but also spread the virus in the community.Although the government has repeatedly fined the offenders or controlled the court, many of the offenders have been seen from time to time on newspapers and social media.

The situation where the epidemic was out of control in foreign workers' dormitories made us think deeply. The environment of the dormitory where foreign workers lived were too crowded, but they only provided them a place to live. Only basic cooking, sleep and fire prevention conditions were provided.EssenceSome of them infected the virus and quickly spread.

When these foreign workers accounted for most cases, it was chilling that some people in social media actually proposed to send them back to China as a solution.These people enjoy the cheap prices, but they completely ignore these benefits to a large extent brought by these cheap workers.When the epidemic crisis occurred, it was shamelessly called on to send foreign workers back to China.This not only violates morality, but also violates humanity; fortunately, the government's anti -epidemic policy is fair and firm. Most of the voices on the Internet support foreign workers fairly, allowing Singapore to add points to humanity.

After all, in addition to adhering to the core system of the rule of law for a long time, the Singaporean government has also showed a humanity on the governance of people's livelihood.In mid -March, the Malaysian government announced that it was two weeks after the country, and many Malaysian workers who had long been to discuss their lives for a long time took their homes to enter Singapore before the level closed.Many people have no time to find a place to live, and sleep on the streets.The government not only helps each enterprise find a residence for the Malaysian employees, but also provide temporary residences for the streets of the stadium at some stadiums.

What is even more moving is that more volunteers and volunteers provide material assistance to these sleepers. Among them, local residents are not afraid of the epidemic, and they are willing to provide empty houses in the family so that some sleeping people have tiles.All these are full of humanity and love.

In some countries in the world, racists have taken the opportunity to discharge Chinese and social conflicts.U.S. President Trump is the best among them. Not only ignores the exception conflict of the American community, but also repeatedly publicizes the media that the coronary virus is Chinese virus (Chinese virus), and it is completely ignored by the consequences of the words and deeds of the monarch of one country.You must know that in English words, there is no difference between Chinese and Chinese, and they are all called chinese.His improper remarks were just as a legitimate excuse for attacking Chinese as an attack.

Although Trump has repeatedly defended that he is aimed at China instead of Chinese people, but the outlook and discharge conflicts continue to be staged throughout Europe and the United States, and even occurred in Australia. Many attacked Chinese are local immigrants.

Of course, he never apologized or regretted with Trump's self -use style.Playing with ethnic subjects without moral shackles is just a tool for him to take votes.

Fortunately, in this epidemic, we still see a noble side of human nature, far more than a small part of the inferiority of selfishness, and seeing many human warmth, fortunately we are in Singapore.Although the government has some unsatisfactory things in resistance to the anti -epidemic, in general, it is satisfactory in balanced economic development and epidemic control.At least we still feel very safe, right?

The author is an engineer