On April 25, Russian President Putin and US President Trump issued a joint statement to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the US and Soviet troops during World War II.The joint statement stated that the spirit of the Yi Beihe is a model for Russia and the United States to abandon differences, establish trust, and carry out cooperation to achieve common goals.

As soon as Russia and the United States jointly stated, it attracted speculation of all parties: Does Russia and the United States start to establish a normal relationship?To what level can Russia -US relations be reconciled?

The improvement of Russia and the United States is not from Trump.At the beginning of the former US President Barack Obama, he strongly advocated restarting US -Russian relations. Russia and the United States have made progress in signing the third stage to reduce offensive strategic weapons treaties and the establishment of the Russian and US presidential committee.This shows that the reconciliation of Russia and the United States has a certain foundation in the United States.However, after the Crimean incident, the United States and the European Union imposed sanctions on Russia, and Russian -US relations also entered the Iceman period.

After Trump was elected as the president of the United States, he intends to improve Russia -US relations.The new US Ambassador to Russia, Shalvan, said that the coordination of the United States and Russia is absolutely necessary. President Trump instructions take all possible ways to improve bilateral relations.Under the suggestion of the White House consultant, Trump also considered appointing a new special envoy to negotiate with Russia, including extending the new cut strategic weapon treaty.But Trump's friendly movement of Russia was quickly splashed with a pot of cold water.

In July 2017, Trump signed a counterattack against Russia under the pressure of the US Congress.The bill stipulates that if the president wants to cancel, reduce, and postpone the existing sanctions against Russia, it is necessary to submit a written report to the Congress to explain the reasons for the action in advance; explain whether the action meets the national security interests; whether it will affect the effects and goals of sanctions.Because the president has great restrictions on Russia's diplomatic rights, Trump has been difficult to make a difference in Russia -US relations.

On May 3, 2019, after the investigation of the Tong Russia, Putin and Trump conducted a telephone conversation and lasted for nearly an hour and a half.Trump also sent Twitter, saying that he had a very good conversation with Putin.On May 14, Putin met with the visiting US Secretary of State Pompeo. The two sides agreed to work hard to resolve the tension between the two countries and restore communication channels.This is the first visit to Pompeo's first visit to Russia since he served as a US Secretary of Man.

Pompeo said in a talks with Putin that the United States and Russia have common interests and common problems that can cooperate, which is a message that US President Trump commissioned him to convey.Putin said in the talks that Russia is committed to restoring a comprehensive relationship with the United States.The recently released Russian investigation report is quite objective, and the report proves that Russia has no contact with Trump.

Putin told Pompeo that when he had a mandarin with US President Trump not long ago, he had such an impression that Trump intends to restore the relationship between Russia and the United States, and he hopes that the necessary conditions for recovering the relationship are brewing.Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said at a joint press conference after talks with Pompeo that as the two largest nuclear weapons countries in the world, the tension between Russia and the United States inevitably had adverse effects on the global situation.The two sides unanimously stated that practical actions need to improve the current situation.

On the eve of Pompeo's visit to Russia, some reporters asked Trump to explain in detail what kind of signal should US Secretary of U.S. Secretary of U.S. Soreco replied that I think that the signal is that there is never anything except the current government, and there is never anything except for the current government.People will treat Russia so hard.At the same time, we will eventually achieve an understanding with Russia and live in harmony.It's meaningful to get along with Russia.

The focus of Trump's answers is in harmony with the following sentences.Even at the most important juncture of Congress's impeachment investigation, Trump did not attack Russia for self -evidence and cleared the boundaries with Russia.For Putin, Trump is still worthwoming.

Although the heads of state of Russia and the United States have a good relationship, the strategic circles of the two countries have always used each other as their opponents.Russia's strategic intention of Europe and the United States that Russia has incorporated Russia into the US international system is quite resistant, and strives to maintain its own strategic autonomy.From the perspective of the American strategic community from the concept of traditional liberal international order, it cannot tolerate Russia's independence tendencies, let alone tolerate Russia's penetration and affect Europe.Crimean and Ukraine issues not only care about Kerry and Ukraine itself, but also whether the international rules advocated by the United States can continue, whether the confidence of the Asian EU will be maintained, or even whether the United States can maintain the dominant position of the international system system.The key is.

Trump, who ignores ideological imprisonment, always has a good impression on Russia's unclear.Trump, who acts intuitive, may feel that Russia cannot threaten the United States, so he always believes that Russia and the United States are harmless to the United States.Trump is neither nor interested in the game of geopolitics.As long as Russia does not cause trouble and does not affect his re -election, it is enough for Trump.A paper statement between Russia and the United States will neither be blamed by Congress and can ease the relationship between the two sides, which is harmless for Trump.

Russia took the opportunity to repairs the United States when the crown disease split the United States.In the case of economic difficulties, internal and external difficulties, Putin took over the olive branches thrown by Trump, just to ease the relationship between the two countries.Russian presidential spokesman Peskov revealed that Russia and the United States are planning to cooperate in the space field, and the military of the two countries is also talking.This indirectly proves that both Russia and the United States have always been communicating and contacting, otherwise they will not issue a joint statement in a timely manner during the period of the epidemic.Russia and the United States have eased, making a little concession in military control and other matters, selling a face to Trump, which can make Trump more political capital to promote Russia -US relations in Congress.

Because Russia has always adhered to its unique national spirit pursuit, the probability of double -headed eagle Russia still has to swim between the East and the West, and will not be easily compiled by which camp.Although Russia -US relations are still far away, what cannot be ignored is that the willingness of leaders of the two countries has always been strong.If it is necessary to work urgently, the US Congress will change their minds, and the possibility of letting Russia have a way to live.As long as the Russia and the United States keep the relationship without rupture, there will always be a chance to turn around.

The author is the Guangxi Academy of Social Sciences, China Associate Researcher of Southeast Asia Research Institute