The implementation of the virus blocking measures has been implemented for more than a month. Although my country is gradually controlling the epidemic and the anti -blocking measures are steadily moving down on June 1, in view of the 2019 coronary virus disease, there is still no special effects drugs and vaccines, so it is difficult for the safe distance measures to be in China. It is completely canceled in the short term.This directly prompts some living habits and economic activities that change due to the epidemic for a while, and even become a new normal. We need to adjust the mentality to accept new arrangements.

The open office increases the risk of coronary transmission. The office in the post -epidemic period must change the design and layout, such as increasing the interval between seats, ensuring that the air -conditioning and ventilation systems do not spread virus, and the hygiene of the toilet and desk.An important function in the office is that colleagues exchanged creativity. How to maintain social networking and maintain a safe distance in the future is a problem that all employers must think.

To make large -scale rectifications for the office, it is better to allow employees to continue home or remote office.Earlier polls showed that more and more people are getting used to home office, 80%of people hope that after the end of the blocking measures, half of their working hours can be worked at home.Minister of Trade and Industry Chen Zhensheng also said that those employees who can work at home will continue to work at home in the foreseeable future.In this way, the market will make many office spaces, and the commercial real estate market will inevitably be impacted.Office at home also means that family members are relative, and their mentality must be adjusted; the cost of hydropower networks in the home will increase, but the cost of commuting will decrease.For those who go out to work, the frequency of public transportation is necessary to make adjustments.People also have to realize that more time from one place to another, including spending more time waiting for public transportation and elevators, in -entry and leaving the door to make records.

The school must be re -class because the school has a healthy learning environment and atmosphere, but it is necessary to ensure that students maintain social and maintain a safe distance. For example, the seat distance, the size of the classroom, and the number of classes may be adjusted.As for colleges and universities, home learning and examinations will become more and more common. Schools must help low -income class to have appropriate computer hardware and network facilities.Ensuring the fairness of the home exams will be a major challenge, including how to ensure that students do not cheat, and they cannot pass the barrier with the gunman.

The crown disease epidemic has greatly promoted the local retail industry to the online business. Even the hawker centers and Pasar, which seemed impossible to access the Internet in the past, have begun to digitize now.The life of the Information and Communication Media Development Bureau is digital, and plans to increase the health to the health, allowing the traditional wet Bagar stall owner to sell vegetables and fish through the network.This is a good start, hoping to continue, and continuously improved and expand to other Pasar.

Of course, not every hawker or neighborhood store can use the online platform to make up for business losses, because the profits of these small businesses are not much, and they may not be profitable on the line, and some small businesses may really do not master technical capabilities.However, this is also the business opportunity.Local Internet technology companies and innovative companies can jointly design online retail, expenses, logistics distribution, technical training, etc., and create an online retail platform suitable for local people.

Facing the epidemic, the tourism industry, aviation, and retail industry are facing the biggest blow.It is difficult to recover in the short term of multinational tourism. People will face a lot of inconvenience to take planes, check in hotels, meet at hotels, enter tourist attractions, and eat at restaurants, including might be done before entering and exit.Body temperature, maintain safety distance, etc.Existing aviation industry predicts that there may be empty positions between aircraft, which will lead to rising ticket costs.It may be difficult to recover in the short period of time in the tourism -related industries, and even the unemployment wave will occur, and a structural change in the economy and employment market will occur.

We also have to think about whether to reduce dependence on dense labor, either reducing dependence on provider, or improving the density of the living dormitory.No matter what changes, it means that the labor cost will increase, and consumers must be borne by consumers.Another solution is to promote productivity improvement as soon as possible, or adopt more automated production technology.

Internet technology enables people to carry out work, social and leisure activities while maintaining a safe distance.During the period of blocking measures, many groups that do not know mobile phones and Internet technology, quickly get started under the urgent reality, and smartphones have become a part of their lives.In this way, we must pay attention to the disadvantaged groups without smartphones in the society and that they really cannot master Internet technology, and we cannot make them marginalized.

We can foresee that crown disease will have a long -term impact on life, society and economy.Part of the temporary measures to block the virus will be normalized, and the economic activity and industrial structure will change accordingly.On the other hand, maintaining a safe distance can also easily evolve into social distances and indifferent human feelings, lack trust in others, and cause social problems. This is not what we want to see. We need to be consciously avoided.The variety of adjustments and changes brought about by the epidemic are likely not to be short -term, but a long -term structural change. We must adapt to the new normal with a flexible and positive attitude.