Current affairs perspective

In the past two or three years, the media has always predicted the so -called Sino -US New Cold War.Has this New Cold War started?

Frankly speaking, it has begun.In the current situation of extremely severe situation, senior diplomats such as the Chinese ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai can be said to be like a thin ice and support the crisis, just like the situation of Zhou Enlai in the British Representative Office of the British Representative Office.

What is the Cold War?The Cold War is that there have been no military hot war between the two countries, and in the absence of each other's basic diplomatic, government, foreign trade, and civil exchanges, all -round real estate and outbreak disputes, containment and confrontation.

What are the current aspects and means in the United States?In fact, it is very simple.For Americans, it is more handy to operate.

The traditional Cold War strategy in the United States is confrontation+curb block+revenge.Among them, this confrontation is particularly damaged to China's reform and opening up in the past 40 years.For example, some reports say that the United States may cancel several Chinese communications companies' business licenses in the United States.This is the Trump administration to show China to China.

The report is true, but this superficial so -called analysis is more misleading.Is the U.S. government starting with Chinese technology companies because of the epidemic?Do you remember the United States almost disconnected the chip in 2018 and let ZTE bankruptcy?Meng Wanzhou, the chief financial officer of Huawei, isn't it still waiting for trial in Canada?These toughness is not an authority, but is led by the US confrontation strategy of the United States.

The confrontation of the United States is to return to the eyes with the eyes, and to the teeth.On the other side of the US strategy coin is equivalent: that is, fairness, openness, transparency, rule of law, freedom, rules, market economy, civic society.About 40 years before, the United States said that it is not necessary to have a good relationship between China and the United States.

Therefore, in the past 40 years, the United States has low tariffs and China's high tariffs, and the accumulation of trade deficit has reached hundreds of billions of dollars; Chinese communications and information industry companies can enter the US market freely, but US telecommunications operators cannot enter the Chinese market; China can not enter the Chinese market; ChinaOfficial news agencies and television reporters can operate freely in the United States, while American journalists and news agencies have many restrictions on their business in China.

However, 40 years later, the United States found that many of the equal equivalent rights that deserved to have in China are still far away, and it is in the case of great improvement in China's comprehensive national strength, economic level, and people's lives.Promise is still unsatisfactory.The American elites, companies, people, and governments have begun to lose patience to China and have doubts.

China can be called the United States intending to curb the development of China. Anyway, the United States has begun to strongly demand to be with China. Otherwise, it will confront it. In the past 40 years, the asymmetric relationship between the United States has ended.

This means that the consequences can be voted at the peach, or the needle tip Mai Mang. The United States kicks the ball to China, depending on what China does.For example, China ’s anti -US aid theme film can be played freely on the US network. Can some sensitive theme films in the United States be played publicly in China?

For example, in terms of trade, in addition to buying more American agricultural products, China is not willing to make other major reforms, which is equivalent to choosing to continue to confront.The United States is not much embarrassed, and it will continue to maintain high tariffs on Chinese products in China, until China is willing to make changes.

After completing the confrontation steps in all aspects, it is expected that the next two steps in the United States will be obstructive+revenge.Curbing is the so -called measures such as sanctions, embargo, and decoupling; revenge is that you let me lose it, and I will definitely make you hurt. For example, the United States and the Soviet Union were expelled from each other.Now that Chinese warship fighters are around Taiwan, the US warships also come to wear the Taiwan Strait. Military planes are close to cruise, and they have played a dangerous game near both sides.

The current general trend is that China and the United States are not equal, and they can only choose to confront.Different from the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union, the United States seems to intend to treat the Chinese government and the people. This is because the people of the United States and the Soviet Union of the United States and the Soviet Union were far from reaching the extent and density between China and the United States today.It is hoped that the wisdom of the people of China and the United States will also make positive contributions to eliminate the Cold War between the United States and the United States.After all, history is written by the people.

The author is in the United States

International Cultural Strategy Research and Consultation Experts