
New Tune of Haida

Chinese video website Bilibili (station B) released a video called Houlang a few days ago, paying tribute to the times on the occasion of the May 4th Youth Festival.The video swipes the screen like a relay race on the Internet. The topic of the post -wave has also become the most lively discussion on May 4th.

After the name of the waves, it is not difficult to imagine this video about young people. As the saying goes, the waves of the Yangtze River push forward the waves, and the back wave is also synonymous with young people.In the video of three minutes, well -known Chinese actor He Bing used a magnetic voice and the tone described by netizens as a dad. The era of passionly praised the young people was the result of a modern civilization.The era of opening.

Video cooperate with young people's high -altitude skydiving, e -sports cups, traveling around the world, wearing Hanfu dancing, playing classical instruments and other visual impact pictures.s right.

According to reports, on May 4th, this soul chicken soup -style video successfully achieved a performance of 6.289 million, 858,000 praises, and 105,000 reviews at station B.Tens of millions of eyeballs.The streamlined version of the video also appeared on the golden period before CCTV News.The upside -down transmission power of the mountains and the sea, which made the original B station B of the young people's subculture, was widely known at once. It is described in a tide in the entertainment industry that Station B has successfully made a circle through this marketing.

However, this video that expressed envy, recognition, and sending to young people also divided Chinese public opinion into two very different camps overnight. Some people watched the bloody boiling and surging heart; some people didn't take it for granted.

It must be admitted that when I first saw this video, I was moved, and there was a trace of envy and hate for the post -80s post -80s.The video is indeed a real cut of the younger generation in China today. They learn things they love, absorb fresh information, show their talents and personality, and pursue the career and life of longing.

This kind of freedom, dare to do, can do it, can be very chicken blood, or a very Buddhist attitude, which is closely related to the environment of this generation.After 1995, he was born and grew up in the Internet era. Compared with the post -80s generations born before the reform and opening up, and the post -80s generation of the early period of reform and opening up, he has enjoyed the dividend of the times from an early age.They live in China, which is far exceeding the previous economic foundation and continuously developing and renewed. They have not experienced lack of supplies and social turmoil. They are almost not much different from young people in Western society in material, knowledge, vision, and self -consciousness.

Such a growth experience has made them miss the burdens of the two generations, more confident in their various choices, and more recognition of their social environment.They will also be more confused with the current status of politics, and they rarely reflect on the country's problems and system defects like the two generations, so that they even show their naive nationalism when they encounter some controversy.

The complex China always has its eternal multi -facetability. It is like every time China News reports various wages and asset reports, there are always a lot of people crying that they are representative. Many young people have mixed flavors after watching the video after watching the video.Sighing that he was eliminated.

A young netizen who drifted in a big city sarcastic: (video) I can't experience these eating, drinking, and fun, or the rent has risen 500 yuan for me.Some people also say that the video only represents young people with wealthy family. With a material foundation, they have poetry and far away.For many young people, the description of the video is out of reality, because they face the ideal to reality, and the free and easy is replaced by anxiety.In recent years, the funeral culture emerged from Chinese society is not the manifestation of the abandonment of the waves after the waves of weakness?

Behind this controversy is actually a discussion about what kind of time is the current China and whether the people living in this era are lucky.

For more than 40 years of reform and opening up, China is indeed different.But the fact that cannot be avoided is that China is also facing new problems.The dividend of high -speed economic development will gradually fade away, the myth of entrepreneurship may be shattered, the genetic genetic genetics will be strengthened, and the space of society is narrowing.On the international stage, the conflict between China and the United States has intensified. The two major economies are decoupled from the global industrial chain.What does it mean?

Whether it is a young man in the video or the young people who scoff at the video, it is actually the real wave of the real existence of China at the moment. Maybe you really don’t have to be too envious or praise the post -wave enjoyment, because each generation belongs to them.In encounter, they must not escape the complexity they need to face.