The sudden 2019 coronary virus disease epidemic can be said to be a global conference test that is not allowed to prepare.Each government, regardless of size and weakness, must take the test; the exam is very long, it has been more than four months, and it has not said it will end.

What do you take?It seems that there are several main test papers, including: response ability, governing ability, toughness, credibility, transparency and sense of responsibility.Such an exam, it does not matter to win or lose, only passing the grid is still failed.So far, although the exam has not really ended, the results of each government have been generally emerged.

This test of the crown virus like a black swan also allows the world to see many people who are usually invisible, and tore the veil and shame of each government.There are only one virus, but there are hundreds of government, which is strange.No matter what type of the government belongs to, its response ability, governing ability, toughness, credibility, transparency, and responsibility, will be fully naked in the face of the epidemic test test.The tests brought by the virus have no knowledge before, so they are more objective and fair.

According to common sense, people in each country and society will hope that their government has strong response ability, governance and toughness, and is highly credible, transparent and responsible.However, the results of the epidemic examination have shown that we have not only the governments with all these conditions in the world, but none of the governments that can get 100 % percentage in all test papers.It is good to have a government with an average of 60 points.

For the ability to change.Each government leadership team is actually composed of people. Since it is a person, it is impossible to do God.It is unknown whether there is God in the world, but most people believe that God's existence and God have divine power, including the ability to predict the future.People must not have these abilities, so the epidemic will not have the ability to predict the ability in the examination, and can only have the ability to respond.

Because the virus is brand new, it appears for the first time (or the first discovery), so no one knows it.In this case, the first test is the government's ability to respond.Response is not just a process of seeking tricks, but also a process of cognition, because before that, there is no information on the virus.

Therefore, we see that some doctors in Wuhan started to think that it was the reappearance of Shas.Chinese experts arrived in Wuhan, and they could not immediately determine whether the virus would be rumored.After all, people are not gods, and even experts must have a process of verification and cognition.If you persist, you are an expert, and we pay you such a high salary, and you should have the ability to be unknown, that is, unreasonable forces.We can neither require experts to have such a superhuman ability, and of course, no government can have such a superhuman ability.

After determining that it is a new virus and strong infection, another strain process is opened: how to block the spread and how to rescue patients when there is no medicine.The first country that occurs in the epidemic must also be notified to the World Health Organization in a timely manner in order to attract the attention of other governments.At this time, what was tested was the ability of governments of various countries that had not yet occurred.

Those who have strong response are usually alert. Those who have been bitten by snakes usually have high alertness, such as countries and regions that have eaten Shas, Singapore is one of them.Therefore, we saw that the Singaporean government soon mobilized.In fact, the government set up a national infectious disease center after Shas, and made quite sufficient emergency preparations.

Nevertheless, the virus is one foot high.After knowing that the virus is infectious and strong, the government launched a tracking operation, hoping to find out all those who had close contact with the patient and might be infected, but they did not know that the virus could also spread through asymptomatic patients; while infected patients could be transmitted;The virus can also be spread during the two or three weeks of incubation period.When all these cognitions, the virus has actually spread in the community, especially in the stage where the mask is scarce.Finally, you can only take the blocking measures of the city.Whether blocking measures can achieve the expected results depends on the degree of cooperation of the people.Not every country and region can cooperate closely with the government.

In any case, in the process of continuously cognitive virus that is constantly responding and unpredictable virus, a government's overall governance, toughness, transparency, sense of responsibility, etc. will be spread in front of the people.As far as China and the United States, the two fierce games of China and the United States, people have to recognize that the Chinese government has shown a strong governance, but the US government has shown a strong pot force, and the difference is obvious.Why is this?After all, both countries are economic powers, rich resources, scientific and advanced. Shortly before the outbreak of the United States, the United States was also rated as the world's first in the world. Why did it become the country with the most infected diseases and deaths in turn?

The key may be politics.China is a one -party dictatorship country. The Communist Party believes that the regime is out of the gun, but after 70 years of administration, they also know that the foundation of the regime is the people.Ancient people: Water can carry boats and can cover the boat. One party can dictatorship, but if the governance is improper, the people will not talk about life, and they will be cast aside by the people. In the end, they may also disintegrate like the Soviet Union.In fact, the Chinese do not have to ask for it to see the history of the rise and fall of more than 20 dynasties.

Recently, Hu Xijin, editor -in -chief of China Foreign Officials Global Times, commented on the US epidemic in Twitter. Do you just say that?There have been more than 1 million Crownic diagnosis cases in the United States, and the U.S. government is sorry for the American people and the world.But American leaders are lucky because the American people can bear it.If this happens in China, the people have long been a revolution.

Why can Americans tolerate?Because they have elections, they don't have to make a revolution.I selected a bad apple this time, and try it next time.However, it is undeniable that US democracy has failed.This great land has killed the government's ruling ability.Many voters in the United States abandoned traditional mainstream political parties and politicians. They chose a president of a businessman and met the epidemic.Voters also paid a painful price.

The anti -epidemic examinations of various countries are still continuing, and when the examination at this stage gradually subsides at the epidemic, each government's transcript will eventually show the two numbers now: How much is saved?How much died?But that's not when the coffin was settled, because the next test began, it was the reconstruction of thousands of afterburst.That is the ultimate test.

(The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress)