(New York Comprehensive Television) Crown disease has raged around the world. In Europe and the United States, not only did the number of diagnostic diagnosis, but the cases of death were also very high.Some developing countries such as Myanmar and Cambodia are much less diagnosed and dead.The New York Times visited more than 20 infectious disease experts and health officials around the world, and summarized the four major factors that are more likely to determine the severity of the crown disease, namely population, culture, environment and government response.

As far as the population is concerned, experts pointed out that the population that has not been popular in this time is relatively young.Boliner, a professor of infectious diseases at John Hopkins University School of Medicine, said that the symptoms of young patients are generally mild, even without symptoms, and low infectivity.

The average age of death in Italy is over 45 years of age is 80 years old

According to the World Health Organization, young patients are less likely to have other diseases, so crown disease is not fatal to them.

Local health officials in Thailand and central Iraqi cities found that the population of 20 to 29 is the highest, but they generally have no symptoms.On the contrary, Italy, who is over 45 years old in the country, is one of the countries with the worst epidemic.Data show that the average age of local deaths is 80 years.

In addition, epidemiologists believe that cultural differences in various countries are also one of the decisive factors.For example, they said that people in Thailand and India are used to keeping their hands when they say hello, and the Japanese and South Korean people have become accustomed to wearing masks when they are sick before the crown disease.After the outbreak of crown disease, these countries soon controlled the epidemic through isolation restrictions.However, there are exceptions. In the Middle East, such as Iraq and Persian Gulf, men usually embrace or shake hands when they meet, which is contrary to the zero -distance contact warned by experts, but the epidemic in these countries is not as serious as many major countries in Europe and the United States.

In addition to the population and culture, the weather environment also plays an important role.Studies have found that crown diseases, like ordinary influenza, are very fast in winter, but there are almost no cases in tropical countries such as Chad and Guyana.But the researcher also warned that if the virus would disappear in summer, or tropical countries could be immune, it was just delusional.The hot and dry Brazil has also become one of the hardest hit areas of crown disease.

Experts also pointed out that government response also plays a key role.The earliest countries such as Vietnam and Greece, such as Vietnam and Greece, successfully controlled the epidemic.African countries, who have experienced the illness of love, tuberculosis, and Ipora, have also started to work temperature at the airport early in the morning, and wearing masks than European and American countries.However, although Cambodia and Laos did not take the first time after the outbreak, no new cases have occurred in the past three weeks.