The crown disease epidemic has become a global disaster and will undoubtedly change the international community and relations.The process of globalization is very likely to reverse. In addition, if countries sweeping the door in the epidemic will significantly weaken international cooperation, especially between China and Europe and the United States.

Even within the Western world, this epidemic is not helpful to enhance unity, especially President Trump's pursuit of US priority policies, trying to buy actions such as coronary vaccines developed by German companies, increasing the distance between the two sides of the Atlantic OceanEssence

Within Europe, the outbreak of the epidemic is just synchronizing with the British Brexit. In addition, the EU's existing members initially do their own affairs to protect their own interests, causing many disputes and contradictions.Especially in Italy, where the epidemic is the most serious, the European Union is accused of seeking death and death.At the same time, the Schengen agreement was paralyzed, and the entry and exit travel between the EU countries was restricted.The Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) does not deliberately declare that the coronary virus is dating the Unity of the European Union.

On the afternoon of April 23, the EU leader held a video summit to determine the financial bailout funds with a total amount of up to 540 billion euros (about S $ 837.2 billion) to help countries overcome the major economic losses caused by the crown disease.This funds were distributed through the existing European Stability Mechanism, which met the requirements of Germany and the rich in Nordic Rich Country through euro bonds.Progress is an important milestone in European history.

Behind this milestone is that German Chancellor Merkel announced in the German Parliament the day before that under the spirit of (Europe), Germany was willing to greatly increase its contribution to the EU budget within a limited time.As the country's richest and most considerate and quantitative country, this attitude of Germany is really the element of the EU reached a bailout fund agreement.

In my opinion, Germany's willingness to pay for the European epidemic is to see that Europe is indeed an uns separation. Coronatte virus has previously ignored the rapid spread of national borders.The epidemic of neighboring countries is out of control and will soon hurt Germany.In addition, it is foreseeable that the globalization is foreseen after the epidemic, and Germany exported to Germany must pay more attention to the internal market of the European Union.

Since the deterioration of the European epidemic, Germany's use of the domestic medical system has relatively light burdens. Patients have been severe in the air in Italy and France to receive treatment in Germany.According to SuddeSche Zeitung, Germany has spent 20 million euros for this.This is not only a symbol of the European Union, but also a long -term investment in neighboring countries and friendship.This involves not only hundreds of thousands of patients itself, but also their extensive relatives and friends.

A modern precedent may be quoted here.During the Iraqi War, the Iraqi Saddam regime used chemical weapons under the pampering West and used to suppress the Kurdish people in Iraq.Iran dispatched a large number of manpower and material resources at the time to help rescue of the Kurish Kurdish people who were attacked by chemical martial arts and isolated.Iran has still benefited from diplomatic.Germany helps to alleviate the generosity of the European crown disease disaster, which is optimistic about the EU prospects after the epidemic.

(The author is engaged in scientific research in North America)