Current affairs perspective

Singapore's 2019 coronary virus disease confirmed cases are amazing and rapidly growing, but the number of rehabilitation discharge has grown slowly, which greatly squeezed the medical resources that were not very elastic.

However, modern medicine has no special effects on crown diseases so far, and patients are hospitalized only using antipyretic drugs and ventilators under guardianship.As a traditional Chinese medicine tradition, Singapore, the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine into this crown disease should be a choice that deserves to be carefully evaluated and decided as soon as possible.

The earliest spread of the epidemic was spread and discovered in China, and the Chinese government's anti -epidemic experience was the most valuable global point of view. Many countries have borrowed it, such as the setting of squares hospitals.However, the most prominent development of China ’s anti -epidemic comparison with Shats this time is that Chinese medicine has been highly valued by the Chinese government and has been widely promoted and applied. It has played a key role in this anti -epidemic.

According to data released by the Chinese government, 91.5%of patients were taken in all diagnosis patients. Clinical efficacy observation showed that the total effective rate of Chinese medicine reached more than 90%.Traditional Chinese medicine can effectively relieve symptoms, reduce light, ordinary development, increase the cure rate, reduce the diseased rate, and promote the recovery of the body of patients in the recovery period.

564 patients in Wuhan Jiangxia's cabin used traditional Chinese medicine from the beginning, and none of them turned into severe illnesses.After its experience was promoted to other squares, more than 10,000 patients generally used Chinese medicine, and the rotation rate of each square cabin was basically 2%to 5%.It can be said that under the circumstances of modern medicine, Chinese medicine has played a key role in this anti -epidemic concept in this anti -epidemic concept.

In the beginning, some Hubei hospitals were relatively negative to the introduction of traditional Chinese medicine, resulting in a low cure rate in Hubei at the beginning, and the number of discharges increased slowly.Later, the government forcibly requested that major hospitals in Hubei must introduce Chinese medicine to make a key contribution to Hubei's early unpackings.

China's resistance will greatly increase the attention of the people and officials in responding to various new types of infectious diseases, and pay attention to the special value of traditional Chinese medicine.Modern medicine against the new type of infectious diseases is to hold the feet in the battlefield and find viruses, gene sequencing, developing drugs and vaccines. The whole process is almost a few months and slow for several years.But before a new type of infectious disease spread, modern medicine did not know where to prepare.

Traditional Chinese medicine is treated with pillows. Traditional Chinese medicine is integrated from prevention, treatment to recovery, and dialectical medicine. No matter what kind of infectious diseases, traditional Chinese medicine can quickly take out the medication plan and quickly optimize the formula according to the effect of medication.This time, the government came forward and launched a traditional Chinese medicine treatment plan to the country from time to time. It is a very successful practice case.Chinese research has confirmed that the overall regulation mechanism of Chinese medicine can enhance human immunity while inhibiting and killing the virus.

Of course, traditional Chinese medicine is valued in this resistance, and it is not smooth sailing.For a long time, modern medicine has occupied absolute right to speak in major hospitals and public medical and health management departments, and Chinese medicine has not received the attention.During the 2003 Shatas epidemic, the recovery of patients using Chinese medicine in China was good. Without sequelae, it had attracted the attention of the Chinese government.Tu Yu draws inspiration from the ancient Chinese medicine books in the elbow, discovered artemisinin, and won the Nobel Prize in Medicine, proving that the ancient Chinese medicine classics are the treasure trove of wisdom, which is worth our excavation and application.

Singapore has a certain basis for traditional Chinese medicine. Two charitable hospitals in China and Tzu Chi are applied for Chinese medicine. Local Chinese medicine stores have more consultation services and certain medicinal materials.These traditional Chinese medicine resources can play a role in this major plague.The Ministry of Health of Singapore can also consider inviting academic leaders in the Chinese traditional Chinese medicine industry to provide counseling and experience sharing.

Chinese Chinese medicine has not had the right to speak for a long time. It has restricted the past applications. It is patients who have been damaged. In this regard, Singapore has to learn lessons.Whether the Singapore Ministry of Health has a Chinese medicine expert to participate in the decision -making decision to fight against the epidemic, the author is unknown; the country is in trouble, and it is not me. I hope that the Ministry of Health and local modern medical experts will take the minds of national interests and the life.The valid Chinese medicine has opened the door.

If so, it will not only help alleviate the dilemma, but it is likely to help develop Singapore into the center of Southeast Asia's traditional Chinese medicine health care industry.This is consistent with Singapore's national industrial development strategy.

The author is a local publisher in Singapore, a strategic consulting expert