International Roaming

At present, the coronary virus will have a long time with us, and problems such as class discrimination, racism, and loss of trust will become more severe.

If the history of human civilization is a history of fighting with viruses, which of the 2019 coronary virus will be left in the human history book?

Today, globalization, plague attacks have a wide range of influence, including at least economic, trade, political systems, geopolitics, public health, and social structures.This article focuses on some historical marks left by the virus to the economy and society.

First of all, the coronary virus will impact the problem of unequal impact.It is true that the virus does not distinguish between the classification lines made by skin tone, language, beliefs, etc. For viruses, only the problem of tolerance is not easy to spread; and the level of economic and social development determines the difficulty of virus transmission.The long -term inequality of society has led to the more convenient to spread among some groups.

These groups are mainly determined by factors such as education, knowledge, wealth.For example, the epidemic in New York, USA, is the most serious in low -income groups. The hardest hit areas are the more concentrated Steen Island of the poor.The low -income class has a crowded living environment, and the safety distance is nearly a luxury.They also have health problems, including unhealthy diet and chronic diseases. They are more likely to fall into severe illnesses after infection, and they are more late to seek treatment.Compared with high -income groups, it is easier to work at home. Low -income people are usually physical work. Take a few more public transportation, and most of them stop.In other words, low -income groups not only have higher risk of infection, but they may be hungry even if they are not infected.In the face of the virus, the disparity between the rich and the poor has caused the low -income class to threaten greater survival.

Another example is the infection group in Singapore's guest dormitory. High -density living space makes the virus appear at the trend of Logo.As migrant workers, they have no political rights and bargaining ability.The new liberalist believes that guest workers are a part of international trade and production factors, and the cost of labor should be determined by the market; social liberalist school believes that government and employers should ensure that foreign labor force is treated fairly.As for the first world level, it should be treated at the first world level, or only the conditions that are slightly better than their hometown, and there is a lot of room for discussion.Of course, the higher the price of the guest worker, the higher the cost of the country's market.However, a plague let us see that as far as public health is concerned, the crowded guest living environment is a problem that must be solved. Otherwise, the entire society will eventually pay a higher price for this, including quantitative economic costs and incurable estimates.Social price.

Before crown disease, more and more people around the world opposed globalization.Capital globalization has caused the disparity between the rich and the poor. The government has been wrapped in capital and has not effectively closer the gap between the rich and the poor. It has caused anti -new liberalism and anti -globalization movements around the world in the past 10 years, and the left -wing forces have flourished in Europe.

Will the impact of crown disease on the social class in injection new motivation to anti -globalized movements?European Black Death has contributed to the Renaissance and even the later industrial revolution. Will the crown disease epidemic promote the change of social structure?How will the crown disease promote the improvement of the living environment of the Singaporean workers?Do you reduce dependence on foreign labor?These issues are worth pondering.

Secondly, the coronary virus has led to loss of interpersonal trust and racism.The crown disease epidemic first set out in Wuhan, China, and some European and American countries excluded Asian emotions. Asian students were beaten and the local Asian population faced discriminatory reports.As soon as the epidemic broke out in Europe and the United States, it was the turn of foreigners who faced unscrupulous eyes.During the implementation of blocking measures in Singapore, people saw foreigners collectively activities in open space without wearing masks, and they accused them of being unwilling to cooperate and seeing their primary first.

Of course, racism has never disappeared.Race is a deep -rooted consciousness of human beings.Since the primitive people have self -awareness, they have established a layer of relationships around themselves. They can be family, relatives, the same tribe, the same skin color, the same income class, the same education level, etc.This kind of self -category is convenient for us to quickly deal with a large and complex interpersonal network, but on the other hand, it is easy to exclude others, produce racism and class discrimination issues, and even extreme ideas such as Sandianism and fascism.

The spread of any plague is actually strengthening this exclusiveness: I am healthy, he is a potential virus carrier; I wear a mask, he is irresponsible without a mask;So the virus may be spread; their young people just love to drink bubble tea; their old people are old stubborn.In the subconsciousness, we oppose me and him. In a peaceful period without natural disasters and human disasters, this may not be a big deal, but at the juncture of life and death, we will resort to the most primitive survival instinct. In order to protect our survival and sacrifice others.

The pessimistic is that this consciousness is so ingrained.During the popularity of coronary disease, the virus may only strengthen the elevated and racist tendencies of society, and it will continue to the post -epidemic period without being easy to eliminate.At present, the coronary virus will have a long time with us, and problems such as class discrimination, racism, and loss of trust will become more severe.

(The author is the commentator [email protected])