Author: Li Zhaoxing

Inheriting last year's Internet celebrity KOL rush, in 2020, the home life phenomenon that appeared due to the new crown pneumonia's epidemic, which further strengthened the new wind in the Chinese online economy: live broadcast and cargo.

Combined with the popularity of live video live video and online promotion of Internet celebrities in recent years, the live broadcast and cargo (the live host hosted marketing programs while driving large -scale instant goods transactions) instantly became the new conventional Chinese retail industry today.As far as the trend is, whether it is for career transformation or more like a desperate survival -Internet tide people, celebrities and stars, and even intellectuals, etc., they all go to the sea as a live host.

The products sold by this live host, from more than ten yuan of snacks and tens of yuan lipstick to 500,000 yuan (RMB, the same below), are available.The initial technical demand is not high, just a small mobile phone and the network are basic.The successful live broadcast of the data may sell hundreds of millions of yuan in sales.This is a national retail carnival with a very low threshold, and it is also more and more popular in China.

This background of a successful online celebrity live broadcast is a set of industrial chain theories like star manufacturing and instant transaction revenue, as well as the transformation of the times when short video live broadcasts are popular.It changed the function of the Internet and the model of online shopping, and announced that the brutal reality of bringing the number of goods as the king was present, which largely brought aesthetic disaster, but as a consumer netizens, it was already addicted.

China is a pursuit of quantitative society. It is often possible to say whether the same thing is popular.According to the live broadcast platform king, Taobao live broadcast, the live broadcast was 400 million users in 2019, and the annual turnover (GMV) broke 2,000 billion yuan. Among them, it broke 20 billion yuan on the day of Double Eleven.If the number of other live broadcast platforms is added, conservative estimates, at least 600 million to 700 million people are watching.

By February of this year, obviously because of the phenomenon of the epidemic house, the number of newly -broadcasting merchants in Taobao live, which increased by seven times from a month -on -month!As far as the influence, various platforms have to join the ranks of live broadcasts and goods. Weibo announced the official launch of a small Weibo store. A new feature of a Douyu shopping is also quietly launched on the Douyu live broadcast platform.Zhihu, Xiaohongshu,, Pinduoduo, Mushroom Street and other e -commerce platforms are lined up on the line.

Watch and buy and review games

When the popular live broadcast host, the monthly transaction value can exceed 1 billion yuan, and a live broadcast extraction is enough to buy a house.These large data, cautious people will also doubt their water (just as other listed Chinese giant companies recently questioned), but from the perspective of social and topics on weekdays, watching live broadcasts is the same as the people as the people.trend.Needless to say that the topic of last year's Red Live host Li Jiaqi has long become a textbook -level textbook. On the 4th, the live broadcast and cargo war, and this topic has been launched into a phenomenon of the whole people.The so -called: Popularity to broadcast the Lord online, you can get frightened when you buy it.

Everyone commented on the top: Whether the old Lao Luo can immediately become a newcomer king, and the way may support the purchase of one or two promotions.The reason why the live broadcast is attracted, especially in this special period of this epidemic, because it is inherently consistent with the consumption inertia of the house that cannot be carved, it provides new entertainment methods and social interaction.Shopping becomes a fun game that is watching, buying, and reviewing.

On the evening of April 1st, what happened to the worst and bloody night in the Chinese live broadcast industry?On the social platform during the day, everyone talked tacitly. Waiting to watch the good show of Lao Luo PK Via in the evening. In another time, it may be equivalent to the strength of the Hong Kong people looking forward to the battle between Tai Chi Gate and the Baihe School.Weiya is the first live broadcast of the first live broadcast in China. It is said that it can be watched as high as 40 million when selling goods. A total of 30 billion yuan of goods is sold in a year. The myth is a live broadcast of only double eleven.As high as 2.7 billion yuan.

On the other side, Luo Yonghao, who is Lao Luo, is between KOL and entrepreneurial modeling. Over the years, he has run over speed education. He has been a inspirational mentor. He has also started to sell mobile phones and electronic cigarettes, which is more like a role of a pioneer in the era.However, if this war is simplified, it is also a middle -aged successor expert to host a sister with a red -faced female female in 1985.

Another number: Luo Yonghao's live broadcast for nearly three hours, the amount of sales was claimed to be 110 million yuan, and the goods were costing 600,000. According to the rules of commissioning in the bank, such as the number of numbers, the commission can reach 20 million to 30 million yuan.The circle of friends discussed Lao Luo's talk in real time, his hairstyle, his name, why did he sell this product?Promotion products are available from mobile phones, recording pens, electric toothbrushes to crayfish.Everyone has become a critic and has seen what they see.One of the most representative messages may be: Why do you criticize a person with more than two hours to make 30 million people?

It seems that Luo Yonghao watched 48 million people according to Yun Yin (the number of Wei Ya was 19 million at the same night), but the number transcript was not very prominent, because as the first show, he cooperated with Luo Yonghao to cooperate with Luo Yonghao to cooperate with Luo Yonghao.The platform Douyin actually gave him great traffic support.But as a super topic, this live broadcast also seems to have gained good harvest, at least for the entire live broadcast and cargo format.It is mainly women, and the goods they sell are biased towards women).

Almost on the same week, the well -known enterprise owners also joined the live broadcast. The host of the tourist network sold the hotel room (the ridicule was to save the money of inviting online celebrities. Come on it by yourself, the cost is low and simple).Not only that, intellectuals also caught up with this wave of trend. Xu Zhiyuan, one of the founders of the famous bookstore and Cultural and Creative brand, (last year, also invited the circle with the 13th interview program -means that it is famous outside of its own field.) It also launched the live broadcast of different bookstore owners nationwide, selling special version of bookstore suits, and tried to save the bookstore business that has been in a low tide for two months.

The whole people start to broadcast, start saving livelihood

I do n’t know if KOL has followed the custom, or the whole people really hear the order of successful broadcasts. Later, when the epidemic was unreasonable. When the national shutdown was stopped, it seemed to have launched live redemption from large shops to small companies.In the circle of friends of ordinary people, at least ten friends may be promoting the date he wants to broadcast, and send a QR code to ask friends to pay attention to watching.What I have experienced is that the owner of the clothing shop saw that there were no guests in the street shop, and immediately inquired about the equipment and discussing the content format.The seafood stall owners who have been ordered before, together with the suppliers of Fujian, live the latest seaside fish every day to receive orders.

The huge and extensive change seems to be not only a replacement of simply a house that cannot go out, but the consequences of developing technology, trading methods and social forms.The live video shows a new induced consumer model, and everyone seems extremely down.Compared with the previous strange customer service sales model, what is more popular now is the communication with acquaintances.Live host attempts to meet the needs of this transformation. Like the past stars, he has a certain PERSONA (personality charm) to allow the audience/consumersEssenceInteractive during the live broadcast (the audience's message can be seen on the pop -up window) adds entertainment and functionality (explaining product selling points).

Technology also occupies a very important part. People have already used to swipe their mobile phones when they ignore traffic. More importantly: from the overall page application experience, China is a large online shopping country.Product development is amazing.In contrast, Facebook only stays on the broadcast function of the media broadcast screen. Instagram is just a social platform with the main force as the main force. They have not focused on developing powerful e -commerce connection functions. This makes these live broadcast methods in China.More Chinese characteristics.

Now, Taobao, Douyin and Kuaishou, the three major live broadcast platforms in the Mainland, are all started by short video social social, and slowly add e -commerce elements.Although Taobao Live is mainly selling goods, it is mainly selling goods, but after evolution, it has moved closer to stronger social attributes.As a result, while selling goods, these successful platforms all show strong social characteristics.Not only the above -mentioned acquaintances are economicalIt is clever. On the page, add a dazzling settings and screen buttons. You can press the electronic gift to the live broadcast to host the live broadcast in the lower right corner.Popping up the pop -up window, but the barrage is a part of the young consumer group in this era.), There will be a preview of other live broadcasts on the screen.Of course, it is essential to buy links on the screen.It seems to have created the most perfect economic circle in the era of social interaction. Not only does the product sellers only promote, the host and the platform have substantial benefits at the same time.Published a sustainable economic cycle.And all of this happened in the game of chatting with old friends.

Shopping guide becomes a major in the new era

In addition to the shopping consumer game cycle, it is the formation of a new marketing industry.To some extent, it overlaps with the entertainment industry, the Internet celebrity incubation economy, innovation industry and e -commerce.The easiest operation is to use a mobile phone, and the advanced one is just a number of cameras in the small live broadcast room. No matter how good the light is.Compared with traditional guide production and factory shooting, the space and equipment required for live broadcasts are relatively simple.Senior is equipped with its own live broadcast room, slightly decorated and background in the space (sometimes another TV is required to be a guest connection conversation).The career of the live host was to accurately capture the face and the products to be displayed, and to speak a prepared introduction in a timely manner.He always stares at another mobile phone screen in front of him so that he can know the image effect on the street.

This system made from live broadcast from excavation to training, and the operation mode of the day after day, Li Jiaqi, who is popular with the popularity of last year as a case.Li Jiaqi's success is rare, but the live host incubation mode behind him has been greatly applied.He can be said to be the second wave of representatives under the development of the live broadcast economy.As early as five or six years ago, YY live broadcast (online live broadcast) was a format that hosted the business earlier to recruit business earlier.There are many implicit men and women's embarrassment and sexual attraction, and it is in the early stages of technology and business, and there are still many limitations for business models.

Last year, Li Jiaqi and Weiya rose, explaining how the live video is combined with e -commerce powerful.Li Jiaqi conducts more than two hours of live broadcast every day. During the period, as many as dozens of products, the process is to introduce each product. Some gimmick -style trial actions, and then the logo Oh My God!Oh my god!Buy it!Buy it!Buy it!All girls, buy it!slogan.Although the live broadcast seems to have only two or three hours, this is a daily work that is full, and the actual working hours are far before the live broadcast period.

Every day, the queue waiting for the live broadcast has a special person to explain to the team (to save time, Li Jiaqi team has been stationed in his house for live broadcast), they even have a lot of decision to accept or not accept a certain product.The standard depends on whether the goods appear in the live broadcast at the lowest price.Li Jiaqi's team tried to find that a certain product was not the lowest price after something, so she announced the case of blocking this product in the future.

During the sales process, he received product appearance fees and product sales.A friend reported his experience in cooperating with Li Jiaqi's team. He believed that in the admission fee, the elasticity was still there, and it was not a sky -high price, but the team was very attached in terms of selling prices.And because the discounts sold for Li Jiaqi's team were too low, it was sold tens of thousands of pieces (can be said to be effective), but the overall losses were lost, and they could only be regarded as publicity.But this does not hinder the investment that won by quantitatively.The company that Li Jiaqi belongs is a similar manager and agency company specializing in the live broadcast (although the company said that the company only has one Li Jiaqi), in terms of operation, it is also like an artist training company.Discover different potential to broadcast the owner, sign training, and become famous.

This method of operation means that the new industry positions are coming. In a previous survey of the post -90s, they also said that the most eager career is an Internet celebrity. Now I am afraid that it will be changed to live broadcast.Last year, just Taobao live broadcast, claiming to bring the employment of 4 million live broadcast owners.The new era talents in the new era between artists, young idols, hosts and salespersons seem to have gradually become the ability of shopping guide from their previous acting skills and appearance.As a new star that was excavated at the cosmetics sales counter of the mall, Li Jiaqi's professional background illustrates this characteristic.

Blind digital worship and aesthetic fatigue

Buy it!Buy it!Buy it!This rude selling, some people will suffer, but it will inevitably cause criticism of the resistance.If the online store has always been a silent store, the live broadcast is popular, adding noisy selling sounds to the store.During the epidemic, the Shanghai Fashion Week was transformed on the cloud live broadcast on the cloud that highlighted this uncoordinated.In the past, the fashion show that promoted the image and design ideas supplemented by ordering. Once it moved to the online, the effect was extremely worthy of practical reflection.Is this the future of fashion promotion?

The bridge cat step on the original fashion show has become a model in the live broadcast room. The momentum is greatly reduced. The new fashion display process is accompanied by the interim improvisation of the guide. Moreover, it sounds that it is more focused on encouraging everyone to click on the same time.Shopping links appearing on the screen.The reports of the front row VIP and harsh fashion editing in the past are gone. The accompanying may only have a blow to the promotion of its fashion creative industry.

The success of the live broadcast is about its sales figures, but its failure comes from its aesthetics, and it should even be called disaster.The limited mobile phone screen and complementary screams, pop -up pop -up pattern product advertisements destroyed the elegance and rhythm that should have appeared in traditional graphic media, on -site catwalks or any high -experience space.The appearance of a live broadcast of live products appears, like a harsh advertising environment, making many marketing professionals be confused.Here, whether it is lipstick or noodles, or an electric vehicle, it has been rushed to the host for a few minutes as the mask.It broke the knowledge of the past marketing, and I do not know if it can establish a new and convincing rule.

Although the epidemic catalyzed the live marketing revolution, the challenge came from aesthetic disaster and information fatigue, and also included freshness.It is like an analgesic agent, which briefly relieves the downturn of offline retail and the needs of home life, but its limitations are equally obvious.Its success seems to be based on the new shopping social habits, but in fact, it is not separated from the two numbers: one is the blind worship of numbers such as conversion rate, transaction volume, and clicks in the e -commerce community;Another more straightforward: For a wider range of supporters or buyers, what they values most is to eventually appear in the live broadcast, whether it is cheaper.

The clever thing is that it is more suspense to make this live broadcast form. At the end of March, the Chinese Consumer Association will not issue an investigation report sooner, showing that 40 % of the respondents have encountered exaggeration during the live broadcast purchase process.Explanation of problems such as unclear, from the inertia of every hot and explosive government in the past, this is like a precursor to another policy intervention.