Ming Pao News Agency

The global epidemic has no signs of calming, and the assessment of international institutions on the impact on the epidemic on the world economy is also constantly being amended.Coupled with the efficiency of the use of funds, from the proposal to the sixth stability to the six guarantees, coupled with the steady progress, stability must be aggressive.The epidemic is unprecedented, and the response measures to a large extent require the provincial and municipal governments to be appropriately grasped in accordance with the actual situation. It is not possible to implement the central policy simply. This is the biggest test of local officials.

Small and medium -sized enterprises are difficult

Local support should be positive

The epidemic in mainland China has led to the suspension of national economic activities. The economic growth rate in the first quarter decreased by 6.8%, and all walks of life suffered.As soon as the epidemic was slightly eased, the Politburo meeting held at the end of March proposed that while re -production and re -production, many stimulus measures also launched, including the issuance of special bond financing, financial measures such as loan subsidy interest and extension of the company to promote the promotionExpanding domestic demand.Re -referling the six -stabilizing goal of the Economic Work Conference at the end of last year, including employment, stabilizing finance, stabilizing foreign trade, stabilizing foreign capital, stable investment and stable expectations.Although the epidemic in the mainland was roughly controlled, the international epidemic continued to develop, and the global economy was severely frustrated. In less than a month, the Politburo held a meeting again to put forward new economic countermeasures.

It has been more than a month after the resumption of work and re -production, and large enterprises have basically resumed production, but small and medium -sized enterprises are still difficult. In addition to the inadequate factors such as insufficient funds and low technical content, the international market is not dazzling.The orders have been canceled, and it is also a fatal injury. This time the Politburo meeting proposed that it is necessary to help small and medium -sized enterprises to cross the difficulty and improve the survival and development capabilities of small and medium -sized enterprises.The government has been implemented, and the financial resources in various places are different. In addition, the performance of supporting small and medium -sized enterprises is not easy to reflect in the short term. Whether it can be able to help help, there are doubts.The key is when the consumer markets are rejuvenated.

The Politburo meeting further proposed that it is necessary to resume commercials, expand the consumption of residents, and increase public consumption appropriately. The purpose is very clear to expand domestic demand.However, the policies that encourage consumption are contradictory with the requirements for preventing the rebound of the epidemic.In addition to insufficient purchasing power, residents' consumption intentions are lingering.Many places are vigorously promoted that as long as the method of preventing epidemic prevention, consumption is safe, and some places will send thousands of dollars to residents to consumer coupons ranging from thousands of yuan.However, many original workers who resumed work are now forced to take a long vacation or even fired. Employees who returned to the large city after the epidemic have to return to their hometown, and the residents who can keep the rice bowl can naturally take a wait -and -see attitude towards consumption.Dare to rush to gather in mall restaurants. The consumer market, which was expected to recover, had to look at it. The government also had a responsibility of preventing epidemic prevention than heaven. Once the epidemic rebounded, officials Wu Sa would not guarantee.It is indeed a great challenge to highlight the two dilemma of epidemic prevention and expanding domestic demand at the same time.

Six Stability Basic Plus Six Insurance

Reinstalling work, re -production plus reciprocity

In the depression of Baiye, of course, the central government cannot sit at the sight. The latest mention is that the six guarantees are required to protect the employment of residents, the basic people's livelihood, the main body of the market, the safety of the food and energy security, the stable supply chain of the industry chain, and the grassroots operation.Among them, it must rely on central policies to maintain, including food and energy security, but the people's livelihood and grass -roots operations require local governments to implement.In general, the division of labor between the central and local governments is to maintain the basic market of the economy from the central government, and the local government is guaranteed by local governments.The central government also proposes to be actively aggressive on the basis of stability. How to choose between local governments is also dilemma.Actively protecting people's livelihood requires financial support. Although the central government has relaxed the restrictions on bonds issued by local governments, debt bonds have caused hidden concerns about the stable fiscal fiscal financial of the local government. Once the currency supply is overly increase and the effect of failing to reach economic growth, local officialThe achievements of political achievements will not be reflected, which is more stable and positive. It is another test for local officials.

In addition to the hard indicator of Liu Bao, there is also a death order, that is, to ensure that the task of poverty alleviation is fully completed as scheduled.The national poverty alleviation was proposed in 2015. The goal is to be completed within this year. After years of efforts, the task of 70 million people out of poverty. Now only the last mile is left, but the 1113 villages in 52 poor counties must be done.A goal that is indispensable for poverty alleviation is not a big problem under normal circumstances, but now the global epidemic is raging. Whether this goal can be extended is a question that cannot be discussed.The task of poverty alleviation is not contradictory with Bao Min and Shengsheng, but there are still provinces in which poor counties. The government's financial resources are not strong. It is a hundred pounds to undertake poverty alleviation tasks, but one is a dead order, one is a hard indicator.Because of the loss of this, and being criticized as not for progress, no one in his heart.

The new crown epidemic is unprecedented. According to the description of the Politburo meeting, it is extremely unusual. As a result, the measures that need to be taken should not be adhered to the rules.Proper adjustment, if local officials are ruling, they may be able to obtain their elder brother -in -law, and it is difficult to have the best strategy of both beauty.The central government should give local officials the appropriate flexibility. Local officials also need to be based on the original intention of the well -being of the people, and together to deal with the epidemic, the country can perform danger and pass the difficulties.