01 Viewpoint

After the outbreak of the new coronary pneumonia's epidemic, many Western media have obtained the treasures and concluded that the CCP's authoritarian system is the culprit, and the death of the whistleman Li Wenliang is regarded as a symbol of authoritarian failure.In terms of peace, it is an objective fact that China has caused a big mistake due to diluting the epidemic.The two -point method to explain the problem.There is a one -sided two -point one -point. Even the American Japanese scholar Francis Fukuyama, an American -American scholar, who had proposed a historical end conclusion (Western Free and Democratic System is the End of the Evolution of Human Social Evolution).Pointing out national capabilities and trust in the government are the key to effective resistance.

Many people have a misunderstanding that democratic countries must follow public opinion and strictly observe legal procedures, so they are weak than authoritarian countries.It is undeniable that democratic countries are indeed subject to the principle of power checks and balances, but it should not be ignored that in the crisis, its administrative department can be very strong.

Wilson and Roosevelt

Take the United States as an example of Fukuyama, President Wilson has violated the principle of private property rights during World War I. The state -ownedization of railways; President Roosevelt passed the borrowing bill during World War II to bypass the sources of war to Europe;The Fed actively rescued the market during the financial tsunami, but was hardly supervised by Congress.These cases fully show that even though the United States may respond slower at the beginning of the crisis, as long as it is chased as soon as possible, its ability to respond to the crisis may not be inferior to authoritarian countries such as China.

The question is why the Trump administration is so poor this time, so that the United States is the world's crown MDASH; mdash; as of Friday (April 24), there are more than 880,000 cases in the United States.The total number exceeds 50,000, and the number of deaths is more than the other two of the other two countries Spain and Italy.

Fukuyama has not mentioned the medical system defects and weak awareness of community epidemic prevention (such as not wearing a mask) is of course the reason, but it is also critical whether the government's government has sufficient trust.Whether the people trust the government depends on whether the former believes that the latter has talents, professional skills, and whether they can make the best judgment, but the current situation in the United States is obviously not ideal mdash; mdash; after Trump took officeScientists have been repeatedly humiliated by the president.Anthony Fauci, an epidemic prevention expert who has won the hearts of the people, also reportedly did not bite with Trump.

Anti -Science Trump

Trump ignored the scientific attitude and even revealed in the epidemic. Recently, he announced that he could consider injection of disinfectants to the infected person to kill the virus, causing public opinion uproar, forcing the US health department to remind the public to consult a doctor before using any treatment.The environmental protection department and disinfectant producer pointed out that disinfectants cannot be used in the human body.Trump also advocated that Hydroxychloroquine (Hydroxychloroquine) helps to fight the virus, but the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sings against it to warn the drug that may cause serious rhythm.

This has led the people to suspect whether the authorities have the ability to deal with the epidemic.For the highest leader itself, the overall public opinion seems to shook his head and sigh MDASH; MDASH; in addition to the 35%to 40%of voters who will continue to be blindly supported by what Trump does.It failed to reflect the consequences effect, which is very different from Wilson and Roosevelt.

The poor performance of the elected Trump proves that the democratic VS authoritarian boundary is too rough.The observation close to reality is that both democracy and authoritarian regimes have excellent performance in resistance, provided that they are trusted by the people.South Korea and the United States are also democratic politics, but the former anti -epidemic performance is obviously better because President Moon Jae -in was trusted by the people, and the ruling party even won the Congress election in the epidemic.Taking the authoritarian China as an example, many Hong Kong and Western public opinion often ridicule the Chinese to believe in the party and believe in the country, but the Chinese obedient corresponding to the epidemic can be described as the key.It is difficult to implement at all, even if it can be implemented, it will face many resistance from the people.

Obviously, it is untenable to measure the performance of resistance with different politics.Rather than indulging in the pale and weak Democratic vs of authority, why not do it, think about how to get faith in the people, and let them choose the same line as the government during the crisis?