
Northern Remember

There is a full -scale love song in the Chinese pop music scene that you lose the world. The current crown disease has ravaged the world. At first, the outbreak of the epidemic controlled China, which was under the pressure of increasing accountability.Some Hong Kong media throwing out China the day before yesterday that they lost the epidemic but lost the world, they immediately grasped their eyes.

What is the current situation?Missouri, the United States, became the first foreign local governments to sue in China on Tuesday (21st) to the crown disease epidemic.Economic losses.

This is just the first official actions in the United States to pursue the first official action in the US atmosphere.At this time, President Trump was asked at the press conference at this time, and he made up and said: I must not be the last together.

Earlier, some American companies and individuals have initiated a collective lawsuit against China in Federal Regional Courts in Florida, Naverda, and California, with claims for trillion US dollars.Far on the southern half of the earth, Australian Prime Minister Morrison also called the United States, Germany, and French leaders on Wednesday to discuss international investigations on the epidemic and demand higher transparency.

The rust of international accountability that came from Yushan made a century ago the topic of the Eight -Power Allied Forces invaded the Huaxin Ugly Treaty Gengzi and other historical nouns through time and space, becoming the topic of Chinese netizens, exacerbating anxiety and anger for the United States.

In fact, as early as this month, when Bloomberg reported that the US intelligence agency submitted confidential documents to the White House, saying that when China deliberately concealed the cases and the number of deaths, many people of insight saw that the United States saw the signs of collecting evidence for the collection of evidence.Earlier, when the epidemic began to spread in the West, some scholars warned that China couldn't be light and wait for the West to survive this round of epidemic. The new global anti -China wave may explode.Today, those foresight people are watching soberly or painfully that their warnings are not valued, and Sino -Western relations are step by step towards their predictions.

Is there any reason for foreign claims to claim to China for crown disease?Will there be actual effects?From the legal level, the United States established foreign sovereign exemption regulations in 1976, allowing foreign governments to enjoy extensive legal exemption in the United States, so it is difficult to achieve practical results in the Chinese government's lawsuits.This is why Missouri ’s approach is criticized as a political performance, eyeballs and dumps.Some US Congress members are brewing the amendment of foreign sovereignty exemption regulations, allowing Americans to claim to the Chinese government on the epidemic.However, no matter what the results of these claims lawsuits are finalized, the sound of international claims is loud, and the situation of being forced to signs the treaty and humiliation of the country in the late Qing Dynasty and the mortal compensation can no longer occur in China today.

However, it cannot be ignored that this kind of topic continues to ferment, which will inevitably cause damage and impact on Chinese diplomacy and international image.This is like the 2016 South China Sea Arbitration Case. At that time, China rebuked the temporary arbitral tribunal as a grass platform. The result of a paper arbitration did not change the situation of the South China Sea and islands and reefs.EssenceWhether China is a big country that complies with international law and international rules has become a topic of discussions internationally.

Right now, China is also necessary to be highly alert to a situation that is not good for it, that is, in the perception of some people, China actively uses the interests of the epidemic to obtain economic and political interests, so that Western elites and people are more dissatisfied with China.

The criticism of China in the United States is becoming more and more exposed.For example, the White House trading consultant Navaro severely accused China of the four kills MDash on the Fox News on Wednesday; Mdash; first released the virus, and emptied the global masks and personal protective goods, and then used the epidemic crisis to sell masks at a high price of the epidemic crisis.Earn profit, and finally sent the unqualified kit to the United States.Secretary of State Pompeo has accused China of taking advantage of other countries to focus on resistance, further eroding Hong Kong's autonomy, military pressure to Taiwan, and bullying the South China Sea.

Navaro described the crown disease epidemic as a conspiracy in China, not worthy of refuting.As for the actions of mainland China to Hong Kong and Taiwan, and to the South China Sea, it may not be related to the epidemic.However, these criticisms will really hurt the atmosphere of Sino -US relations.

In terms of tactics, China needs to be cautious for the timing of external actions; and these cases are also clear

It exposes China's weaknesses, that is, the West has always been unaware of China's culture and system. Moreover, in recent years, China has continuously expanded its hard power, but its soft power is completely incomparable (some people even refer to China to build sharp strength).As the outbreak of the epidemic, China controlled the epidemic after paying a significant price. It wanted to take the initiative to attack in international diplomacy to prove something, but some actions touched the sensitive nerves of other countries, but exacerbated the outside world.I can't say clearly.

After this epidemic, maybe China can carry out some reflection on foreign policies, focusing on the construction of soft power, and seeking hard to soften, real softness, and the faster adjustment, the better.If you do this, win the epidemic and win the world, it is not just a dream.