Ming Pao News Agency

The Hong Kong epidemic has stabilized, and the government has relaxed 50 % of the number of restaurants in restaurants today. As for other restrictions on restrictions and community epidemic prevention measures, such as restrictions and business stops, it will continue in the next two weeks.The restriction of social distances will inevitably affect the daily life of the citizens, and the affected industry is even more bitter, hoping to withdraw as soon as possible.However, relaxation and restrictions cannot be rushed. Now it is the most test of the will. There must be patience and persistence in the society to avoid losing money. At the same time, all parties must also think about how to coexist with the epidemic for a long time.The global epidemic is protracted, and more and more experts believe that community epidemic prevention measures are difficult to withdraw. It is necessary to depend on the closure of the epidemic.When you have to walk into the anti -anti -aircover hole, when you are expected to get out of the cave and breathe.

Evaphys in the epidemic

Relax measures avoid irritability

The European and American outbreaks have caused the second wave of epidemic in Hong Kong. In order to cut off the chain of the virus community, the Hong Kong Government began to launch a series of community epidemic prevention measures at the end of last month, including regulatory restaurants' seats and distance arrangements, or ordered to close the bar.There are restrictions on convergence of more than 4 people.After nearly a month's efforts of all parties, the local epidemic has finally stabilized. The confirmed cases for 12 consecutive days remained in a single digit. Except for a special situation, the rest were cases of finding the source.The situation of anti -epidemic has improved, and there are more and more sounds that are required to unblocking social distance.Chen Zhaoshi, director of food and health, said that relaxation measures need to consider multiple factors, including whether there are no local cases, the affordability of the Hospital Authority and the Health Department, and overseas epidemic.

The government announced earlier that the regulations for restricting the number of restaurants to seats have been revoked today, and the remaining several community epidemic prevention measures will be extended for 14 days until the 7th of the next month to avoid repeated epidemic conditions.Do business.In the past few days, representatives of fitness centers and beauty industries have expressed dissatisfaction with the extension ban, and believe that there are only several confirmed cases every day in recent days.It is required to further relax restrictions, and to allow entertainment venues such as bars to restore business like restaurants.

People who are affected by the industry are anxious to reopen, and they are understandable. However, because the dawn of the epidemic control has now been present, in order to avoid abolishment from the front of the society, the upper and lower teeth must be clenched and endured for a while.The Health Protection Center stated that the number of diagnostic cases alone is mostly input cases, and there are few local infection cases. However, the supervision system may not be able to find all infected people in the community.EssenceRelaxing epidemic prevention measures cannot be rushed for a while, otherwise it is possible to waste the sacrifice and dedication before; at the same time, the authorities must also let the affected industry and the general public see hope, knowing what conditions can be further relaxed by the community epidemic prevention measures under the conditions of the community epidemic prevention measures.It won't wait a day, 14 days and 14 days.

According to anti -epidemic experts, from the date of admission of the last local infection case, the two incubation periods were calculated for 28 days. If there were no local cases, it began to be controlled by the local epidemic and interrupted community transmission chain.To relax measures such as the restriction order, the most ideal is, of course, it is not easy to wait for this for 28 consecutive days of local zero infection. However, it is not easy to do this.The WHD General Tan Desai said that the new coronary virus will coexist with humans for a long time. Most countries are still in the early stages of the epidemic situation in the early stage of the epidemic, and there is still a long way to do.Even if Hong Kong is tightly tested and tightly tested, it is believed that there will still be sporadic local cases.

Community epidemic prevention and retreat

Reasonable relaxation of research standards

So far last weekend, the last local case in Hong Kong was diagnosed on April 9. Unexpectedly, Sunday (April 19), the authorities found another case of unknown cases, and the infected person was the airport ground personnel.Although this case is more special, the reason for infection is believed to be related to the nature of the work. It may not involve community infection.Epidemic prevention must be strictly tight, but the socio -economic operation must be appropriately allowed.Some people affected by the industry have questioned that no one can guarantee that the 28 -day death line will not be repeatedly detained. Whether they will stop business until June, July, or more, the government will respond to their concerns.

Research on Harvard University in the United States pointed out that restrictions on social distance measures may be maintained intermittently until 2022. Chris Whitty, chief medical consultant expert of the British government, also said that some social restrictions must be maintained at least until the end of this year, and it is expected that it can suddenly reply to normal life.EssenceIf the community's epidemic prevention measures are really stated as foreign experts and cannot be withdrawn in the future, the Hong Kong Government should at least put forward a set of reasonable and combined storage standards for different social restrictions.Some local anti -epidemic experts pointed out that if Hong Kong only has sporadic cases and there is no community explosion, it is acceptable to relax restrictions.The authorities should be related to the research criteria of expert consultants. What are the cases can consider re -classes and restrictions, and what circumstances can consider relaxing or even ending the restriction order. What the situation may be re -enhanced, so that all walks of life and the general public have better psychological preparations.