In recent years, Sino -US relations can be described as ups and downs, with a wave of twists and turns. From the wrestling of China and the United States on the South China Sea issue, to the trade war between the two parties, and then the mutual refutation of the coronary virus epidemic.The general trend of US relations has shifted from peace to confrontation, from common development to competing with each other.

Roughly, most of the comments and analysis are worried about this new pattern, thinking that the world will face a new round of turmoil and anxiety.It is undeniable that this view has a considerable reasonable ingredient, but it should also be realized that competition between countries may not always be bad, and at some moment, it can promote the progress of the world and the development of human beings.

The competition between China and the United States is not just a pure power dispute, but the dispute between the governance model and development path of the two countries.In other words, who is the big brother of the world is one thing, and how the eldest brother uses to lead the world in this world is another thing.This exactly provides the opportunity to learn from opponents, and naturally it will naturally become a reference for other countries.

If the value and governance model of the United States can win the respect of most countries in the world, these countries will follow the United States; if China can do better, they will follow China.Of course, they may also take their own strengths and find a way that is more suitable for them.

In terms of this crown disease epidemic, there are two evaluations of Western countries' performance in China: on the one hand, criticizing China's early concealment of information in the epidemic causes the epidemic spread, but on the other hand, it also recognizes that China's national system can be short.Use huge resources in time to quickly reverse the situation.

This means that the Chinese model is not a piece of iron plate, and there are different parts: Western countries may learn from China in strengthening government execution, and it is easier to achieve concentration of major events at the crisis.It will definitely continue to adhere to a relatively loose environment for news and networks.

Therefore, if the problem can be seen from the perspective of development and progress, the competition between China and the United States will instead provide opportunities for each other's reference, which will not only benefit the people of the two countries, but also provide different templates for the world.

American historian Jared Diamond (GUNS, GERMS, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies) pointed out that until modern times, EurasiaIt is important to lead the other parts of the world to the degree of civilization. The important reason lies in the geographical conditions of Eurasia, which is suitable for communication and collision between different civilizations.In such interactions, more efficient and reasonable factors are always preserved and learned, and those factor that becomes bottlenecks will be improved or eliminated.

In the context of today's era, the role of geographical factors is becoming smaller and smaller as globalization deepen, and more importantly depends on the attitude of learning and the country's minds.Good treatment, China and the United States will benefit the two countries and the world. If not well, the world may push the world to the abyss.Here, I try to make two suggestions, hoping that the competition between China and the United States can still maintain its positive effect:

First, China and the United States must avoid internal nationalism.To this day, whether it is China or the United States, there is a rising nationalist tendency.This is an unusual thing to develop and prosper. However, excessive emphasis on the nationality of a system will only bring huge negative effects.This will allow a country to regard any criticism of any criticism as a vicious attack in the outside world, thereby losing the opportunity to improve self.This will also make a country regard the existing arrangement as sacred, and treat everything from external influence as heresy. Once you must adjust yourself according to the external situation change, it will even be regarded as a shame.

China and the United States are both courageous countries in history. The United States abolish the black slave system and greatly promotes the equality between races. China bravely abandon the inefficient planned economic model and moves towards a more efficient market economyEssenceHowever, it should also be seen that in the battle against the crown disease epidemic, China and the United States have accused each other and shake each other. It seems that the other party's responsibility is great, and its own situation can be improved.If this momentum is allowed, it is not good for both parties, and it is not good for the world. It lacks self -refutation of self -reflection and cannot play any positive effect.

On the contrary, in the opposite of this, in the long -term competition, the room for improvement is endless. Whoever can greet changes with a more open mind and enhance themselves, who will have a greater possibility.This relatively healthy competition model will increase the well -being of the two countries and the people of the world.

Secondly, China and the United States still need to coordinate under the common global governance framework to avoid the world from being split.During the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union, the East and West were divided into two relatively independent systems, which made the possibility of large -scale wars out of the two sides.In today's space -time background, China and the United States must avoid standing on the mountains, causing decoustration in various fields.

Comprehensive decoupling will not only greatly increase the risk of the upstart war between the two sides, but also not conducive to cope with worldwide problems such as environmental pollution and climate change. The crown disease epidemic has greatly highlights the importance of coordination of countries around the world.If China and the United States can find a balance that both parties can accept in collision, negotiations and compromises, the improved global governance system will be more stable, efficient and powerful.

In short, just like the competition between the company is conducive to consumers, the dispute between the model between the big power is not always a bad thing.As long as China and the United States can maintain their open minds and learn from each other to learn from each other to jointly improve the world governance system, this wrestling will play a role in promoting development.On the contrary, if the two sides have unlimited fighting, which causes decoustration and even war, it is the world's disaster.Competition between China and the United States, dependent on each other.

(The author is a PhD in the King of King Britain)