Author: Zhang Yan

Is it difficult to spend money or make money?Most people must be difficult to make money. On the issues such as mortgages and car loans, they often spend money like flowing water. Unconsciously, the pockets will go down.But for big guys like Ma Yun, it is more difficult to spend money.

A few days ago, Jack Ma said in an interview with CCTV 1+1 column that spending money is more difficult than making money. Wanting to spend money efficiently, it can change the society and make humans change.

After the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, Alibaba and Ma Yun Public Welfare Foundation donated up to 1.1 billion yuan in funds to help against epidemics and funded scientists. Ma Yun personally donated 100 million yuan of special funds to the Zhongnan Shan team and the Chinese Academy of Sciences to support anti -epidemic research.

When the Chinese epidemic gradually eased, Ma Yun also donated various supplies to the world.According to the incomplete statistics of the Observer, the Ma Yun Public Welfare Foundation has donated nearly 20 million masks and more than 2.5 million detection kits to the world. In addition, there are a large number of ventilator, protective clothing and other equipment.

Recently, in an interview with CCTV, Bai Yansong asked Ma Yun, how to choose which countries to support?In this regard, Ma Yun said that since the outbreak of Wuhan, the state has used a lot of power to help Wuhan. This kind of thing cannot happen in other parts of the world, and China cannot be alone during the epidemic period, so it must help other countries.

Ma Yun also said that we must consider the first outbreak of the outbreak and the most difficult country in China to help. In addition, it must pay attention to the epidemic situation of African countries, neighboring countries, and island countries.To this end, the Alibaba procurement department does not consider the price, but only considers the supply and expand its procurement, not just donating money.

And when asked if it is difficult to spend money or make money?When this problem.Ma Yun said: Many years ago, when I had not retired, I knew that spending money was more difficult than making money.I discussed with Bill Gates that Gates became chairman of the Charity Foundation.Because spending money is a higher technology, because you have to spend money, take the results, spend efficiency, and maximize the society, which can change the society and change human beings.

How to achieve a good -hearted and powerful ability, such as a big public welfare fund, influence more people through technology and awaken more conscience, I think this difficulty is really more difficult than making money.We have been earning money before, without spending money, and no experience.Ma Yun said.

As for which countries that netizens talked about, and which countries should not donate, Ma Yun said: Every country has some people with brains that break, and about 1%of any country, if we pay attention to 1%.And forgot to get 99%of the kind people, I think this is a human sorrow, so I don't care about it.

The following is the full text of Ma Yun interview (text: CCTV News 1+1 WeChat account)

1. Why did relevant groups be established on January 20?On the 25th, the global procurement group was established?

Ma Yun: Before January 20, we have paid attention to some situations.In 2003, Alibaba had a change in emergency response due to SARS, and Alibaba Group felt that the temporary group was set up on January 20.Thinking at the time: What if the situation happened?What should I do more in the future?What should Alibaba do?Later, a large number of procurement masks were found through online data. All medical supplies were out of stock. It felt that the problem was serious. On January 26, the procurement group was quickly established to purchase a variety of medical supplies worldwide and shipped them to Wuhan.It is because of the lesson lesson in 2003, let us respond faster than others.

2. Why did you take out 100 million yuan from the beginning to many scientific research teams?

Ma Yun: When making this decision at that time, on the one hand, he was buying various materials, and on the other hand, how long will the epidemic pass?What is the past?I think it will not pass for a while and a half. Only by breaking through science and technology, technology innovation, and research and development of medicine can innovation.Medical experts, most people think that the vaccine is good, but there are very sincere suggestions that the vaccine has not played a role in any epidemic process of the vaccine, only to play a role in movies.Because of the fastest speed, it takes 9 months from development to research and development, and this idea should be dispelled.

I personally think that long -term preparations must be made.What if the vaccine can come out for 9 months?Be sure to support scientific researchers and must support them.It can be said that 100 million yuan can be said to be a lot, and it can be said that it is very rare. It is expressed. At the same time, the people who pass to the Chinese and Wuhan people must support scientific researchers and must be a breakthrough point here.

3. The hardest thing at first is to find the source

Ma Yun: At the beginning, when there was an epidemic situation in Wuhan and the epidemic in various cities across the country, medical supplies were very short.At that time, we must first think of various methods.I called all the friends I know, hoping that they could try everything to help me collect various materials.At that time, the hardest thing was to find the source, and the price was very chaotic. Some price was three or four dollars and finally fired to thirty dollars. We need to stare at the quality of the goods with cash and get the goods in one hand, and use these goods immediately.The vehicle was taken to the warehouse and returned directly on the plane to ensure speed and ensure materials.

4. What's unforgettable from abroad to domestic transportation?

Ma Yun: Many international students and overseas Chinese provide supplies to mainland China. There is no way to ship the goods. We find a way to transport it back.The other is to raise supplies from abroad. The most deepest one is:

I flew to Japan and asked Mr. Second -order to talk to him.We had a meeting that afternoon. During the meeting, he told his son that he immediately called to meet the main Liberal Democratic Party cadres in Tokyo and Japan. He would have a major meeting tomorrow afternoon to discuss donations to China.And in myself, there is an epidemic in China, just like our relatives have an epidemic, we must go all out and immediately raise 120,000 sets of protective clothing within a few days.At that time, the mask was snapped around the world, but the protective clothing was the most difficult to get. Japan gave us almost all inventory and good things;

I purchased a lot of masks from a friend in South Africa. The quality is very good, but it is very difficult to return. In the middle, it takes the right to lead a dozen countries in the middle., To open the right to lead a dozen countries within 24 hours;

At that time, there were various standards for the import of masks in China, South Korean standards, Japanese standards, European standards, and US standards, but many standards China could not be imported.Wuhan is important, and immediately coordinate the meeting and transport many masks into the country.Later, when we moved abroad, we also encountered standards for standards, so we told others that this case is now life -saving, saving people, not the standard for cards.

5. It is important to donate priority to which country to donate

Ma Yun: When the situation of China and Wuhan was controlled, and Chinese masks and protection materials were produced, we thought that the situation in Wuhan could not happen around the world, and preparations could be prepared in advance.We have organized the next stage in the process of grabbing materials to Wuhan and giving other cities across the country.The epidemic will not only be in China, but also the phenomenon of epidemic stop in the short term. Considering this, you must prepare for the world.When I donated to many European countries at the beginning, they said that you take care of yourself first. We don't need a mask. They think that the problem is not so serious. I almost convince them one by one.

It is important to judge which country to donate and which country should not donate. One of the important points is priority.

Countries with difficulty in the epidemic, Japan, South Korea, Iran, etc., quickly transport the supply of supply;

When we were the most difficult, others helped us and went all out to support our country, preferred;

In the third stage, almost any country may encounter, especially in Africa and neighbors around us, and there are some island countries. If there is a problem, the consequences are unimaginable.At that time we decidedLet Alibaba's procurement department expand its procurement, including the Ma Yun Public Welfare Foundation and the Ali Public Welfare Foundation without considering any funding pressure.Personal support to the world.

6. How to ensure the donation logistics under the current situation of aviation control?

Ma Yun: Logistics is very difficult. When he donated from abroad to Wuhan, it was also very difficult, including Wuhan.At that time, there were five departments of the company's temporary headquarters:

How to ensure that internal employees in the company, how to ensure his safety;

Is Hema and hungry in Wuhan, especially Hema Fresh, and must be operated.In order to prevent the price from rising, get up at 3 o'clock in the morning to grab the supplies, 5 yuan of dishes comes in 4 yuan and 3 yuan for selling;

The courier brother took the logistics, as soon as he arrived at Hangzhou Airport, and when he arrived at Shanghai Airport, he sent it in with a truck for a while and night. It was particularly moved. Some truck drivers all slept and eaten all the trucks on the truck;

There are also some groups global procurement;

There is also a distribution of logistics worldwide. In fact, the main energy of the rookie logistics system must ensure that overseas supplies can reach China, Chinese materials can go overseas, rookie more than 200 warehouses and 300 lines overseas.In order to go to Europe, we first locked the Belgian Liege Airport, delivered all the goods to Liehri Airport, and then quickly transported by trucks from the Cervical Airport. It must be transported to various European countries within 24 hours. Many countries for transportation.We went to Africa and I called the Ethiopian Prime Minister on the phone, put all the goods to Ethiopia, and transported it to Africa through Ethiopia.When we went to Southeast Asia, most of the goods first went to Malaysia and transported from Malaysia to the sidelines.Therefore, we are designing various routes every day, and we have to work overtime, especially to planes in Europe. It increases to 5 flights in a week. It is dedicated to direct aircraft. It is transported back there and passed from this.

7. Each country has about 1%of the bastard that breaks the brain. We cannot pay attention to 1%and forget 99%

Ma Yun: I am or Alibaba. In the past two decades, we have been criticized all the way, so we are very used to different opinions and different voices.Everyone must be used to listening to different voices, and they must be accustomed to being criticized. Doing public welfare itself is not to win the praise of others, but we don't care about the criticism of others.We are the Chinese people, the Chinese folk, the Chinese business community, and the common conscience of human beings to donate to the world. The donation itself may not help others, but it is very helpful to our own.

About any country has about 1%of the bastards that are broken by brains. If we pay more attention to 1%and forget 99%of kind people, this is human tragedy and sorrow, so we don't care about this.

8. After the epidemic, Internet technology is the key point for many companies to survive

Ma Yun: After this epidemic, the world economy will undergo tremendous changes, and huge changes in the Chinese economy will change.If Internet technology has just allowed many companies to live well. After the epidemic, Internet technology is the key point for many companies to survive.

In fact, from the perspective of the resumption of work this time, the fastest and fastest of resumption of work is through Internet technology, so Internet technology and e -commerce must become a new infrastructure, the key to the next step of this country, and the most important thing about the world economy.Promotional force.

9. The real economy and digital economy supported by the Internet economy must be the main trend of the future

Ma Yun: The Internet is the future technology. The real economy and digital economy supported by the Internet economy must be the main trend of the future of this country and the world.The last century is the future, and the Internet this century is the future.Any country, any company, or any person wants to get rid of the Internet completely, it is impossible to live yesterday.

In fact, the epidemic this time gives a strong signal to the world economy, and also gives many Chinese enterprises and national policy decision -making a strong signal. We must grasp the future.system.If we don't grasp the Internet, then we are really troublesome.

10. Cherish the future and respect the future, you must do things for the future

Ma Yun: We must respect yesterday, cherish today, but also prepare for the future.If we are not prepared for the future, we cannot set up an anti -epidemic team on January 20, and it is impossible to set up a global procurement group on the 26th; if you do not think about the future, there will be no Alibaba today.I was an e -commerce company before the year; how can our company survive in the future if we do not think about the future?How can our country think about the future, how can it be a country that is respected in the world?So we cherish the future and respect the future, we must do things for the future.

There are various voices at home and abroad. It is because of different voices that you need to think with your head.For this country, for the peace in this world, and for more people in the future, we must communicate with the world better, and we must do it for the future.

11. We can be able to help others today is the biggest blessing

Ma Yun: If you want to find the harsh sounds, there is no shortage of in the world. If you want to listen to a good voice, there is no shortage of this world, but what you have to listen to is inner voice, future voice, those who shouted for helpthe sound of.What you do today is your best effort and your conscience. I think that we have such ability today to do, which is the biggest blessing.

12. The most important thing for public welfare is transparency

Ma Yun: 1. Public welfare funds must have results.Without results, only good intentions will not be respected, nor will it achieve effect.2. Must be efficient.It takes five days for others to do this. Can you do it in three days?Others do this for five dollars. Can you do it for two or three dollars?3. The most important thing is transparent.Although this money is yours, since you have done public welfare, thousands of people are paying attention to you, thousands of people are benefiting, and thousands of people are involved. You must also have a responsibility to be transparent to the world. Every timeOne penny, everything must be clean, transparent and clear.

13. Methods to have public welfare mentality to do public welfare

Ma Yun: On the first day of the establishment of the Ma Yun Public Welfare Foundation, I used my own money. This is a private fund.It may be unclear outside, thinking that it may be that Alibaba or Ma Yun raised it. Every penny is our own, because I hope to use this money to create a template for China's public welfare undertakings, so that more other public welfare organizations know that it should be known to the should be known to know.How to do it.

I am a business, and doing public welfare is the same as doing business. The most important thing is the mentality of public welfare and business methods.To do public welfare, it is necessary to lead, efficiency orientation, transparent orientation.I can make a lot of decisions with my own money. I can make a decision that I think is correct. I can not care what others think, because we do not represent anyone, only represent the conscience, only represent the future, and only represent the future.matter.

14. What is the most benefiting for public welfare is not others but yourself

Ma Yun: The biggest improvement of public welfare is not others, but himself.The public welfare itself is to wake up, the biggest difference between public welfare and charity: charity is money, public welfare is involved in action, and public welfare is to wake up others. Charity must be low -key, but public welfare must be high -profile.There must be organizational ability, result -oriented, efficient awareness, and cultivating a group of people.

During the epidemic process, it was given to Alibaba, and many young people and many opportunities for the Ma Yun Public Welfare Foundation. In the future, we want to truly turn the Ma Yun Public Welfare Foundation into a globalized foundation.Spirit, insist on female leaders and the environment.Things like the new crown pneumonia hopes that the less it happens, the better, but once we respondIt's very fast.

15. What is the biggest difference between retreating and not retreating?

Ma Yun: I retired from Chairman Alibaba and CEO, and I retired everything for making money. This was I retired.But what I did not retreat was that my person's personality could not stop. There were many things, interesting things, and meaningful things. I used to do nothing, especially because of the Ma Yun Public Welfare Foundation today, around education,Focusing on the spirit of entrepreneurs, around female leadership, and around the environment, these four are my theme direction.

In fact, the epidemic is not my theme direction, so this epidemic suddenly has to invest in such a lot of energy, especially when you invest in so many funds, someone asked me why you spend so much money, this is not your professional.I think that money should be spent at this time, and it should be spent on these things. Only by this can the money really make sense. Only when people like us retreat, commercial positions retreat can they have real value to society,Essence

16. What we must respect and cherish today and the future

Ma Yun: Everyone has to give up the treasures that are not the same. I often remind myself what you have?what would you like?What do you give up?What I can't give up is my own principles. What I want to give up is the thoughts of my yesterday. I was completely unreliable yesterday.I believe that many people want to give up the roads that have been proven to be unsuccessful yesterday. We must cherish what we cannot give up. What we must respect and cherish today, especially the future.What we want to be grateful is those kindness. Don't always remember what others are bad for us, hatred, and hatred will not make you strong.Thanksgiving and kindness are the greatest self -confidence and the greatest energy.