
In the previous period of Wuhan Coronary Virus epidemic and the most difficult and tragic days in the city, some netizens recommended the Fang Fang diary for the author. Its style of writing is simple, true, empathy, and expressed his chest. It contains the sense of justice, courage and courage andConscience, from the perspective of ordinary citizens, records the special and dark moments experienced by the people of Wuhan and Wuhan.

One netizen also shared his feelings, and the author took it for granted: What is positive energy?To tell the truth, seeking truth from facts is positive energy.At that time, Marshal Peng Daihuai was in the Lushan Conference in order to save the people in the disaster. He asked for his life for the people. It was the positive energy of the people and the backbone of the Chinese nation.On the contrary, the kind of lsquo; under the banner of positive energy rsquo; Gobbel, Yao Wenyuan -style lies, the fans of peace, or the ignorance of the righteousness and the group -style, anti -modernization is the negative energy of perverted paranoia.

Many years ago, the author had heard a quite interesting cultural comparison, saying that the Chinese police generally packed on the job, while the US police always shot real bombs; American speech publication was unimpeded, and the accumulation of Chinese text and prison was deep.Now it seems that it is not better than not knowing, it is scared.Creation like Fangfang Diary, in the American and Western cultural environment, it is a normal and ordinary literary activity, and there is no need to fury.

Even in a very time in American history, such as the terrorist attack in September 1 in 2001, the US folk's crisis response to the government has various discussions and claims.A Hollywood director even shot a documentary named Huali 911 to propose a conspiracy theory of sharp criticism for the crisis handling of the Bush administration at the time and the Iraqi war that was launched.But the United States can be calm, and there is no objection writer in the United States. The United States grows and grows in the voices of criticism and opposition.

However, only in the voices of criticism and opposition, it has grown. It is almost an unreasonable thing for many other countries and culture. It seems to have some irrational resentment and fear.For example, there are countries in the Middle East, and the author of the world's wanted chase books can be published for the publishing of a book. In the past, the Soviet Union also continued to create so -called objections.

I remember I heard the theme song of a foreign movie, sincere, beautiful, deep, but full of freedom of longing, which is unforgettable.It turned out that this was based on the movie music melody adapted from the Soviet novel Dr. ZHIVAGO.

Dr. Zvaggia told the first half of the 20th century. In the historical tunnel full of turbulence, revolution, war, and suffering in Russia, a doctor's personal course, value thinking, and sorrowfulness and joy were selected.Unique perspective.Writer Pastener was already in 1956 in the post -Stalin era when completing novel creation.

However, the response of the manuscript of the Soviet publishing industry at the time turned out to hate socialism and refused to publish the book.The distressed writer helplessly sent the manuscript to the West and was successfully published. He was well received in the Western cultural community and won the 1958 Nobel Prize in Literature.

But this has attracted the official and criticized of the Soviet Union's official upgrade of the novel and writer. Two years later, the writer ended lonely.In 1982, the Soviet Union rehabilitated Zhao Xue for the writer. In 1988, Dr. Zavago was officially published.The tragedy of this history lasted for 30 years before it was settled by the victory of justice and conscience.

Although the ending is comfortable, it also triggered a major key question: Is there a similar next time?Do you want to repeatedly toss for another 30 years?Doesn't people learn from tragedy and lesson, learn smarter, tolerance and noble?But it is amazing that the answer is completely not optimistic, but it has deteriorated.

In East Asia in Russia near China, there are passionate writers who are Golki's Haiyan, and the protagonist Paul Middot in Ostrovsky's novels; Cachangjin has also tried to create Liu Zhidan, a Chinese revolutionary history novel, but unexpectedly in 1962In the year, it was used to use the novel anti -party. It was a major invention of prison, which caused 16 years of brutal injustice and false and wrong cases.

Back to the Fang Fang diary of the 21st century, it should never occur repeatedly, Dr. Zavago and Liu Zhidan's absurd tragedy and ignorance sin.The Chinese dragon's eyes are brightened, and the Chinese civilization must surpass the confusion.

The author is an expert in international cultural strategic research and consultation in the United States