Trial Time

Among the leaders of the country, British Prime Minister Boris Middot; Johnson became the only person who was diagnosed with coronary virus.What surprised the outside world even more was that under the escort of the top medical team, Johnson was still sent to the Santoras Hospital in London for a routine examination after 10 days of confirmation, but soon he lived in Jiaguo because of his illness.Ward.

However, Johnson's condition gradually became slow. On the evening of April 9, he left the intensive care unit and was sent to the general ward.In the early stages of the recovery of the condition, he stayed in the hospital and received very close condition monitoring.

It seems that Johnson's infection of coronal virus seems to be a rally, intentionally.The first reason people see is that he has publicity, the style of the people, and a very personal behavior.In the absence of protection, you do n’t wear a protective clothing or a mask. He goes to the hospital to inspect and shake hands with the patient. He claims that the virus is fierce, and it will not reduce handshake greetings. The point is to wash your hands frequently.Moreover, this situation has occurred many times. Many occasions that appeared publicly before diagnosis, Johnson often did not wear masks, shook hands with the public without protecting a protective clothing.

Although the British Prime Minister's government later stated that Johnson did not shook hands with patients, but shook hands with hospital employees, and he was likely to be infected by the staff of the Prime Minister's Palace, because before his infection, many staff in the Prime Minister's House had been infected. Among them, many of the staff of the Prime Minister had been infected, among which, many of the staff of the Prime Minister had infected. Among them, many staff members had been infected.Including the first suspect and the chief representative of Brexit negotiations, David Middot; Florist.

Of course, some analysts believe that as a graduate of Eaton Gong School, Johnson also inherited the tradition of this school (Eaton Gong School has trained 21 British Prime Minister in history.The fifth place graduated), the first soldiers were sold, and the example was.An example often quoted was that the killer rate of ordinary British soldiers in the World War I of China was 12%, but the mortality rate of noble officers was 20%, including the noble officers trained by Eaton Public School.

Although this explanation seems to be far -fetched, Johnson's test of poison is not without this.However, of course, scientific decisions behind this behavior are inseparable from scientific decision -making.In addition to the think tank of the British Prime Minister's Office, Johnson also has the world's top scientific teams with a basis for decision -making.Among them, the group immunization strategy that is criticized and approved by people is March 13th, the British chief scientific adviser to Patrick Middot; Sir Walanis first proposed; on April 4,The chairman of the group Graham Middot; Medley's proposal again.

As a result, some people proposed that they should be held accountable for the two people, and they also said they were bricks, and they were likely to be recruited by Johnson because of group immune policies.In fact, Johnson may not be held accountable for his scientific consultants, and he would not even criticize, because he agreed with this strategy, otherwise he would not implement group immunity.Of course, this group's immune policy is inconsistent with many people's imagination, not group immunity in the actual sense.

There are other scientific basis for Johnson to dare to do sex, and some of these basis are actually common sense.For example, more than 80%of coronary virus infections are mild and ordinary symptoms, and they are self -limited diseases. They can be cured by symptomatic treatment or non -treatment.What is really dangerous is the elderly among patients with severe patients.Italian crown disease mortality is the highest in the world, 12.63%.However, data from the Institute of Health of the Italian National Health show that 58%of the deceased of the crown disease is over 80 years old, and the average age of all deceased is 81 years old.

Therefore, the main use of medical resources for intensive and elderly people can be used on the blade, and from another side, young people and those who are rich in the age are not worried about the infection of the virus, let alone intimidation.EssenceOf course, Johnson, who is only 55 -year -old, does not need to worry about the infection virus. Even the 71 -year -old prince Charles was cured after infection. What are you worried about?

Moreover, as the Prime Minister, its responsibilities are to establish an example, and to encourage people throughout the country, establish confidence and determination to resist disease.Treatment has conveyed a belief to the public that crown disease is not terrible.

In addition, Johnson's dominance has more support for other scientific research results.Director of the MRC Center for Global Infectious Disease Analysis of MRC Global Infection and Professor Neil Ferguson, a member of the Popular disease, published on March 26.If there is no relief measure to fight, the popularity of crown disease may infect 90%of the world's population (about 7 billion people) and cause about 40 million people to die.

The topic of this report is the global impact and slowing and suppression strategies of coronal virus. It is also the 12th report on crown disease released by the team, and submitted to the US Trump administration and the British government as a scientific reference.In this context, the U.S. and British government believes that as long as measures are taken, there will be no such serious consequences whether it is the country and the world's response to this epidemic, but it is undoubted that there are more people infected with viruses.

Similarly, Dr. Christian Bommer of Gostegen and Professor Sebastian Vollmer, a recent article published in a magazine published in the willow -leaf knife infectious diseases, proposed that the average country with only 6%of the Coronary virus infection was on average.The diagnosis, 94%of the people were infected with the virus and did not confirm, and some did not have symptoms, some healed, and some did not see it later.Therefore, people who are infected with coronary viruses worldwide will be a considerable proportion.

At 9 o'clock on April 9, the real -time statistical data chart posted by the Coronary virus tracker developed by the Hopkins University System Science and Engineering Center (CSSE) showed that the global infected person was 1.51466, ifIn terms of 94%of the infected people, there should be 25.24766666666666666666666666666666666666666666666.If the total number of deaths at this time is compared with 88444, the infection is only 0.35%, which is only 0.35%, which is 0.1%to 0.2%of seasonal influenza.(CFR) only one to twice higher.

Of course, the mortality rate of infection is different from the mortality of the disease. However, from the perspective of the crown disease, because a large number of infected people are not statistical, the mortality rate of infection is still a data that can reflect the condition of the disease.EssenceTherefore, not only Johnson, the leaders of many other countries believe that crown disease is just a large flu, so you don't have to worry too much.

Moreover, the leader must make an example for the public, so that Johnson's carelessness and sexuality are.It is even intended to test the poison with the body. Even if the infection is infected, it is probably mild, can cure, and heal itself. This is the best encouragement of the people's resistance.Moreover, even if infected, the Prime Minister can get the best treatment.

Johnson's behavior also obviously reflects the British personality of Queen Elizabeth II in the TV speech on April 5th: the British personality mentioned: self -restraint, unhappy tenacity, and difficulty.

The author is Beijing scholar, columnist