The United States has experienced the new crown virus crisis after China and Europe, but it continues to show in front of the world. Some critics believe that the new crown exposes the rupture of the US governance system, and even compares it with China's resistance.However, the sound of China's early response and transparency accounting in China is also continuous.The advantages and disadvantages of China -US anti -immunity will inevitably become a topic that Sino -US relations experts and historians pay attention to.

At present, we are still in the global health crisis. Many people ask: In the first half of the resistance, who wins China and the United States?What impact will the era of new crown virus on the changes and future of global order?

On April 7th, New York's Huamei Join Society hosted a remote lecture that surpassed the new crown pneumonia. The title borrowed one of the names of one of the books that Ma Kaishuo recently posted: Did China win?

Ma Kaishuo is the founding dean of the State University of Singapore, Li Guangyao, the School of Public Policy. Do you think of Asians to think?Is the West lost?Did you win the new book China?: China ’s challenge to the United States supremacy is recognized as the spokesperson of Asia.

He talked to him was the founding president of the Kennedy Government College of Harvard University, destined to fight: the author of the United States and China to escape the trap of Xibid?This dialogue was chaired by the British Financial Times columnist Lana Bull; Frehar.

Ma Kaishuo believes that it is currently too early to talk about the new crown epidemic on the world status of China and the United States and the long -term global order, but it is certain that the epidemic has exacerbated the confrontation and competition of the geopolitical Chinese and American politics in fermentation.

Self -consider George Bull, a former diplomat of Kissinger and the former Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union; Kenan's influence, Ma Kaishuo believes that before the United States set off a geopolitical competition with China, he committed a great strategic mistake.Long -term and comprehensive response to the other party.Kenan believes that before the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union, the United States actually had long -term strategic goals. It was already prepared to strengthen domestic spiritual cohesion and international alliances, and maintained a humble attitude.However, it is completely lacking now.

In Ma Kaishuo's view, China and the United States are currently facing great misunderstandings.For the United States, there is only black and white opposition, fighting good and evil, and fighting between democracy and centralization, but Ma Kaishuo emphasized that the new crisis shows that the lack of trust; hellip; China's main goal is not to promote communism worldwide to promote communism worldwideHellip; Hellip; their fundamental interests are to overcome the century -old humiliation suffered by them (starting from the Opium War).The crisis of this new crown pneumonia re -revealed these scars.When encountering a crisis like new crown pneumonia, it can cure and condense people, but can also open the painful wound again.I think this is the impact of new crown pneumonia on the world today.

Ellison believes that the new coronal virus is like a lightning, illuminating the landscape, and let us see the outline covered by darkness.He said: With my understanding of the overall situation, the virus is the threat of the most vital interests of the United States, which is related to the survival and well -being of the American people; the virus is also a threat to the survival of China, it is related to the survival and well -being of the Chinese people, and it constitutes any any of them constitutes any of the Chinese people.None of the country cannot defeat itself.If China has successfully defeated the virus, but the epidemic is still spreading in the United States, China will continue to be threatened by the second and third wave of epidemic, and vice versa.Therefore, due to selfish considerations, China and the United States want to solve the problem of epidemic.

Ellison agreed that the outbreak of the new coronal virus exacerbated the competition between China and the United States and expanded the structural differences between China and the United States, but the two sides must acknowledge and face the reality of structural differences.Even in this kind of Juxuede -style competition and confrontation, in the face of common survival threats, the two sides should try to find out the relationship between one -sided competitive cooperation, such as the relationship between Song and Liao in Chinese history.

It is very naive to think that China and the United States can return to a completely conflict relationship will be very naive;Ellison hopes that the new crown virus can become the opportunity to get along with China and the United States.

Frehar invites Ma Kaishuo and Elison to compare the achievements of China -US anti -epidemic: Who won?

Ma Kaishuo believes that no one knows what the end of the new crown epidemic is.Anyone who wants to foresee the future is just self -deception.So far, the new crown epidemic has strengthened the stereotypes of China's and the United States.Most countries in the world have accepted that China is not a rigid communist country, but a country with full vitality and dynamic.From a structure, in the history of the past thousands of years, China has never fully used the brain power of 80%-90%of the population. In the past 30-40 years, through the expansion of basic education, the popularization of medical care, the modern society of modern societyProgress, China can now use the brainpower of 1.4 billion people.

Ma Kaishuo described the talent system in the Chinese system: In China, the best talents were remitted into a very careful elite system, so the ultimately outstanding institution won the best talent in the country.I was surprised how much they knew about the situation.This is an efficient and elite government.Yes, it bumped at the beginning of the new crown virus at the beginning, but once it cheered up, my God, it adopted this dramatic action, and a province of 60 million people was closed two days before the Lunar New Year!Believe me, that's really shocking!This is like closed the United States two days before Thanksgiving!

Relatively speaking, Ma Kaishuo pointed out that the new crown epidemic revealed many structural weaknesses in the US system. As President Liden once said that the government was not an answer to the question, but the problem itself.Since the U.S. government has not attracted the best talents to the government, all government departments are poor.Real talents have entered the banking, financial, and consulting circles. It is a good situation in normal times, but once facing the crisis, all the weaknesses of government departments are at a glance.

Ma Kaishuo said: Now you only need to ask people with a little common sense. Whether in Asia, Africa, or Central and South America, they are shocked by the lack of preparation and even chaotic resistance in the United States.The West has exported science and technology to all parts of the world, but ironic is that Eastern countries such as China, South Korea, and Singapore are more respectful to science and technology.The highest -level leaders in the United States can make the most ignorant remarks.

Therefore, Ma Kaishuo's conclusion was that in the end, in this crisis, China's status in the world rose, while the United States fell.

Ellison believes that the situation is actually more complicated.There is no doubt that if the current situation is judged, from the perspective of the official infection numbers and the number of deaths, China's resistance is more successful than the United States, and the US government seems to show incompetence and confidence.In addition, he also agreed to Ma Kaishuo's view that the biggest challenge presented by the new crown epidemic was uncertainty, and no one knew the ending.We are still in the first round of war.

The systematic difference between the new crown epidemic shows that the centralized government of one -party dictatorship and the decentralized democratic system of power, and also highlights the contrast between the two governments.Ellison agrees that the United States lacks investment in a efficient government, but China has strengthened its investment in the government, and attracts elites to politics. These are obviously visible.However, Elison quoted the stock god Buffett's words that in the long run, no one made money by selling the United States.

Ellison emphasized that from a historical perspective, the democratic system usually performs badly in the first round, but often lives later.If the independent war ended in 1776, the United Kingdom would win; the First World War, if the United States did not intervene, Germany would win.

Frehar believes that after the financial turmoil from 2007-2008, although China saved the global economy, it also began a journey of debt bubble.In order to save the economy, the United States is moving towards a huge debt bubble. China and many countries are moving towards the trend of going to the US dollar and leadership to the United States.The decoupling has begun, and the epidemic has made it more aggressive. For global governance and economy, how will the geopolitics of polarization develop?

Ma Kaishuo pointed out, did he win in China?In fact, it should not be seen that the United States should not be underestimated. If China has a hairZedong, 1,000 Mao Zedong, a giant like Bull; Gates.However, in the US -China confrontation, the fatal weakness of the United States has the fatal weakness of Achilles, that is, the US dollar as the international reserve currency and gives the United States a great advantage, but once the largest economy is reduced to the second largest economy, the US dollar, the US dollar’sThe status is bound to be shaken, and China can promote digital currency as a currency of international transactions through artificial intelligence, thereby accelerating the process of subverting the US dollar.

But sadly, the person who decided to win between China and the United States will be 6 billion people who are not living in China or the United States.These third countries will use rational calculations to analyze the cost benefits of the most direct benefits for them.Where should they go when they need new power plants, new ports, and new hospitals?The Chinese are systematically established a global influence network. In this network, the state relies on influence to obtain real things instead of rhetoric, but the United States is withdrawing from the international exit at the same time.This is why, although I think China has not won yet, it also thinks that Lsquo; China will not win rsquo; the point of view is absolutely wrong.

Ellison agreed with Ma Kaishuo's self -confidence of some Americans, and these people ignorantly believed that the advantages of the United States were unshakable.However, the reality of Xiu Xidde is that the current role played by the United States and China is the classic role of Shoucheng's great power and emerging challengers.

Ellison emphasized that both China and the United States are facing a big problem that may not be able to solve.Most of the problems are within their own borders, not abroad, and have nothing to do with each other.

How does Elison evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the two systems of China and the United States?He quoted Lee Kuan Yew's view. On the one hand, a one -party dictatorship system was an operating system of the 20th century, but it was impossible to try to paste the 21st century application on it, but on the other handSaid that the democratic system of another country is obviously dysfunction.

The competition between the two countries will continue for a long time. The authoritarian system cannot guarantee that there will always be a leader of mercy, and the democratic system, especially the current democratic system in the United States, is facing the challenge that it cannot reshape itself.The final winner belongs to a country that can successfully provide well -being of their citizens, but neither China and the United States have failed to solve their own systems.

Frehar believes that both systems are facing the problem of vested interest groups to control capital and resources. The epidemic highlights the increasingly rising populism in recent years. Which countries in China and the United States can solve this problem?

Ma Kaishuo believes that the current ruling party in China has improved people's lives in the past 40 years. It has exceeded the past 4000 years of the past 4,000 years. As far as the historical experience of changing the dynasties in China, about 200 years of rotation, the current political party is still in power.Early in the early stage, it didn't think you could bet on it.

As for the United States, Ma Kaishuo asked in a chapter of the new book: Can the United States make a U -shaped turn?He believes that the real war between China and the United States is not a military, but the economy, but the US defense budget is controlled by the interest group. They collude with parliamentarians, so there is never a way to reduce the national defense budget, but this is not a good strategy of long -term victory.EssenceThis is an obvious example: the purpose of decision -making is not to benefit the country as a whole or the people, but to benefit a small number of interest groups.

Ma Kaishuo compared the elite rule accumulated in China for decades and the recent chaebol rule of the United States.When you have an elite rule with a chaebol rule, you will never fight against the elite rule.

The 21st century geopolitical competition with a decisive significance is a confrontation between China and the United States.But can this be avoided?Has it decided?Can Europe's intervention avoid the trend of bipolar confrontation?

Ellison believes that the two -right competition of Xiuqi Dande will be the tone of the future world situation. With the intensification of US -China competition, the two governments are committed to deciring the supply chain and reducing the dependence of key technologies. For example,China will be committed to reducing dependence on US semiconductors. The United States will reduce its dependence on key supply sources and supply chains in China. The ultimate winner may be the country that can solve its own problems best.

Ellissen explained that if you go to Australia, Singapore, Japan, and Central South America, they say LSquo; don't force us to choose RSQUO; but these countries also say that these countries also saylsquo; Don't let us stay alone with China rsquo;.Third -party countries will make this situation more complicated than the polar relations during the Cold War.It is relatively easy for the United States to beolate the Soviet Union during the Cold War, but China is not like the Soviet Union. China is almost the largest trading partner in all countries in the world.But in addition to maintaining economic interests, these countries do not want the United States to leave them on the national security issue.

Ma Kaishuo agreed that most third -party countries hope to maintain a subtle balance between China and the United States, rather than being forced to choose the side station.Ellison believes that medium countries will continue to be between the two strongs, which is very painful.

Ellissen said that the difference between the gap between Washington and Beijing's respective global forces and military power will cause concerns about the nuclear war, but it may not mean that any war between the two will be under the motivation of the past.Start by one of them directly.

Ellison believes that in the current situation, Taiwan is a timing bomb.If Taiwan announced its independence, Beijing may be unified through force, which may (although uncertain) prompt Washington to defend the island.

Ellison said that from there, it is not difficult to find the upgrade of the nuclear bomb explosion.We should not consider one party to launch a nuclear war, but must consider that one party was dragged into the war.

The dialogue between Ma Kaishuo and Aireson foreshadows the highlights of the second half of the Sino -US anti -resistance.But will the new crown epidemic cause the permanent turning point of the Sino -US confrontation?I want to quote the comments made by the former US Agent Assistant Secretary of State and Yale University Law School Cai Zhongzhao China Center, a senior researcher at China Center, recently published in Barren Weekly Financial Magazine:

We are still in the pain of great popularity, but the United States and other countries have sounded the alarm for the benefits that China may get from this crisis.Some people worry that this crisis will shake world order and put the new leader first.These fears are greatly exaggerated.China will not stand out from this crisis and become the world's leading country.As other people have pointed out, it has many aspects that need to be held accountable in the pre -treatment of the epidemic, and it will bear the pressure after a huge crisis.But China will use crisis to adjust and change as in the past.

The real question is, will the United States use this crisis to adjust and change?

(Note: This article only represents the author's personal point of view. Responsible for the mailbox [email protected])