Industrial and Commercial Times Society

The crisis caused by the new coronal virus (COVID-19) is still raging around the world.As a global hegemony, the United States, which is aware of the later consciousness, confirmed and killed cases, have surpassed Spain and Italy, respectively, and the world's first world.The first Asian battlefield is now not only to prevent the spread of domestic communities and prevent the second wave of overseas movements.

Although the global scientists are in groups, they have developed effective life -saving medicines and vaccines, Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, who has long -term funding for epidemic disease research, has predicted that by the time of vaccine in next autumn, people will not be able to restore their original life.In fact, many experts also warn that even if this epidemic has passed, there may be new epidemic in the future. Since 75 years after the second war, the daily habits of various countries may never go back.

In addition to invading the lives of the people, the virus has also constituted an unprecedented challenge for international political operations, led by the United States after the war. It is facing a historic inflection point that is facing disintegration and re -construction.It is the United States itself.

After the war, the reason why the United States can become a great country and the world leader is the appeal of talents such as Bil Gates in stimulating the innovation of all walks of life in the people and the model of the democratic system.The United States always came forward when the world was in danger, and paid generously to international organizations. Therefore, even if the elder brother would persecute allies from time to time to make concessions and choose a border station, it still has no hinders of the head of the horse.

However, since 2016, Trump, a businessman, was elected as the president of the United States, and withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement, questioned the role of the United Nations and the North Atlantic Treaty (NATO), and built the US -Main Wall to the south, and then set off the US -China tradeBattle, sword refers to the WTO (WTO), all in order to implement its self -interest in the United States priority and make the United States great again.At this point, the United States under the helm of Trump is no longer a power worthy of looking at and trust internationally.

Inside, the new owner of the White House tried to overthrow the health insurance plan of the Obama era, the Budget of the Disease Control Center (CDC), and showed off the economic achievements and the glory of the stock market with exaggerated words, and the support rate was high.The gap between the rich and the poor has expanded rapidly and the crisis of society.

The appearance of the new crown virus is like Lu Tong poked the king's new clothes, so that Trump, who opened his eyes to speak nonsense.Ashamed and angry, he pushed the fault of inadequate resistance to the World Health Organization (WHO), and then announced that he had suspended the funding of WHO, but this kind of dedication could eventually be banned from the facts of public opinion.

Seeing that the United States was in an emergency, the national leaders couldn't even perform half -sentence inspiration. The senior columnist Frank Bruni of the New York Times couldn't help but lament the text: Is Trump still human?(Has Anyone Found Trumps Soul? Anyone?)

Even the hardcore Sichuan fans are now facing the dual threats of employment and life, and there is a lot of looseness.This also made the Democratic Party, which was chaotic by Trump's SARS governance, morale.If the presidential election in November this year, the vice president of the Obama period to defeat Trump and allow the White House to return to the command of traditional politicians, the United States may also re -revive leadership and integrate the world's common changes.But if the Americans eventually re -elected Trump for a refreshing word, it will not only ask for hard work, but also catalyze the changes in international competition relationships.

Compared to the US defense war, the test questioned by the new crown virus to Europe is whether the integration can continue.The European debt crisis in 2011 did not collapse the euro area. In 2016, the British Brexit referendum did not split the European Union, but the sequelae gradually emerged.Italy and Spain, which are classified as Pigs and Pigs (PIIGS) in the European debt crisis, is also the two EU countries with the deepest harm of the virus. In addition to the national conditions, the two governments have dug the east wall to make up the west walls in the past nine years.Its name is improving fiscal, but the medical resources shrink a lot, which eventually causes not to fall to the ground in front of the plague.

Although this time the European Union was based on natural disasters, they agreed to temporarily shelve fiscal discipline, reached a rescue plan of 50 billion euros, and provided a low -profit loan of 240 billion euros to Yiyi and West.Finland still tries to refuse pig teammates to issue new crown pneumonia public debts to raise funds for revitalization.Furthermore, the original European Schengen Convention State, which was unimpeded, now has their own parties when the difficulties come, and it will undoubtedly build a towering wall among the peoples of all countries.

After all, will the new crown virus be the final epidemic straw of the European Union?Still the opportunity to spur the European Union to get rid of re -training and go to version 2.0 with the times?Testing the wisdom of EU leaders.

And when history has reached an inflection point, who is floating?Does Dongfeng have a chance to overwhelm West Wind?In the past two years, the Sino -US trade war has been seen back and forth, which has long brought the Communist VS. Democratic and Oriental VS. Western opposition countertops. Now the new crown virus refuels on fire, making the G2 system, civilization and hegemony disputes more and more fierce.

Because the new coronal virus pneumonia was first developed in Wuhan. At the beginning, all China's resistance to the river across the river as a city, the rapid building of Huoshen Mountain and the square cabin hospital, and the control message, etc., were highly questioned by the world and treated with dual standards.EssenceHowever, as the epidemic is like a fire around the world, Wuhan has been experienced by the teacher, and the Chinese officials and people also learned the role of generous givingists in the past and exported anti -epidemic supplies.Even if the West is still wary, it is more reliable than one -sidedly announced that it is more reliable than the boss of the American boss who is unilaterally announced in Europe and high -priced interception resources.

In East Asia, the same illness allows China, Japan and South Korea to comfort each other through common poetry and songs. This is the tie of the Western world that we wear masks.It is enough to start a new bureau of the trial.

As for Taiwan, a member of East Asia, because of the current resistance to immunity, the British faction is strong, and it is full of vitality to the world from Taiwan, and disregard the long -term international reality.After the epidemic, if the other side of the Eagle School collides with the British in the island, how should the consequences be conceived?