Author: Wang Mingyi

On April 8th, Wuhan was unlocked.The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issues major decision -making signals: Faced with the severe and complex international epidemic and the world economic situation, we must adhere to the bottom line of thinking and make a long time preparing for the thinking and work of changing the external environment.This signal means that China is facing a new type of enclosure storm that is gradually formed during the epidemic period.

Although China has basically consolidated the effectiveness of the epidemic prevention and control, and the aid of large -scale medical rescue and medical supplies for the continuous spread of international countries, recently set off a new century in some countries' public opinion in publicity, claims, and prosecution in ChinaGengzi's compensation compensation is filled with sharp anti -China, revenge emotions, and the pressure of international diplomacy, which is a rebound attack on China.

Faced with the spread of diplomatic storms of the epidemic, what is the bottom line of the high -level decision -making high -level decision -making?According to the political logic of the Communists, it is to make the worst preparations and strive to strive for the best results. This is the methodology of the CCP's high -level governance of the country.The recent response of the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman to the relevant situation basically maintains the wolf -style style.

At the beginning of the outbreak of the Wuhan epidemic, China adopted a fierce way to seal the city to effectively curb the spread of the epidemic. Now the epidemic spreads from countries around the world. Many countries leaders are intended to pass on responsibilities to cover up their immune prevention and reverse the focus of public opinion.However, in the process of repeatedly justified China, it seems that it should also reflect on why it is not a story that China ’s epidemic prevention, and why it is difficult for international discourse to effectively counter -control.

The CCP emphasizes four self -confidence in ideology: self -confidence, theoretical confidence, institutional confidence, and cultural self -confidence.In the difficult process of rescue Wuhan, it did show the superiority of the socialist system. However, recently, Wuhan's diary of Hubei writers Fang Fang was published overseas. It was attacked by mainland public opinion to send artillery to the Eight Kingdoms forces.

In fact, Trump has recently adopted various types of pots, responsibility, and transfer of the focus of losing control of epidemic prevention, and then maliciously accused China of concealment of the epidemic and notice.The law of survival of political interests.In particular, in recent years, under Trump ’s deliberate manipulation, anti -Central and anti -China have become the mainstream public opinion of the two houses of the United States.

Because the Trump administration originally urged the epidemic to adversely affect the general election, deliberately responded low -key, and even misjudged the lethality of the virus and delayed the timing of epidemic prevention.After the epidemic spread in the United States, the public health system that completely broke the wealth of the country and the high capitalist society and commercial insurance was so vulnerable. The states of the United States were captured one after another, and the case of death continued to increase.

The rapid enhancement of anti -Chinese moods in the United States is mainly to worry about China's strong rise, economic threats, arms growth, Belt and Road strategic expansion, and the recent epidemic situation has caused unprecedented serious harm to the United States.In fact, the deep structure of China and the United States contradictions still stems from the confrontation between ideology and political system. The United States excessive pride and arrogance, missing the critical period of governing the epidemic.

The new conflict of the two major economies in China and the United States will worsen the economic crisis caused by the epidemic.Trump intermittent anti -China operation is driven by domestic political interests. Beijing has stated that international doubts have stated that the old country that does not have a strong country will have the rise of the country, but the military strategy and political and economic interests cannot be reconciled.Considering, collision conflict, it is difficult to avoid.

The international public opinion that China encountered in the post -epidemic period was surrounded by the storm. With the approaching of the US election in November this year, the various contradictions hidden in China and the United States will only increase and will not slow down. It is expected that the two parties are likely to be in the Taiwan Strait policy.Or a new crisis in the military field. In the process of strategic conflict between the great powers, if the DPP government considers the unique opportunity, it will not only achieve political purposes, but also bring irreversible political disasters to Taiwan.

The author is a senior media person