
Northern Remember

First of all, blame China, then Tan Desai, and then the World Health Organization.So many deaths.

This fierce decision made the world aware.From the United States allies, the United Nations Secretary -General, the EU, the Charityist Gates, to experts, scholars, medical staff, etc., they have spent time and accusing Trump of dangerous shortness or outdated.Everyone does not necessarily agree that the performance of the WHO is flawless, nor does it support China, but they all think that the most needed in the international community is to cooperate with resistance instead of mutual accusations.The editor -in -chief of the well -known medical magazine Liu Ye Dao even strictly condemned Trump's crime to human beings.

The problem is that as the largest gold master of the WHO, what kind of impact would Trump really cause the WHO?

According to the WHO website, in the two -year fiscal year from 2018 to 2019, the United States donated a total of US $ 893 million to WHO, including ASSESED CONTRIBUTIONS and $ 656 million in voluntary donations.It accounts for 14.67%of the source of all funds of the WTO.

Among the single countries, the top three donations are Britain, Germany and Japan, and their contribution rates to WHO were 7.79%, 5.68%, and 2.37%, respectively.In contrast, China's total donation is $ 85.98 million (including $ 10.18 million in voluntary donations), with a contribution rate of only 0.21%. It is less than medium -sized countries such as South Korea, Norway, and the Netherlands, and less than India.

In the sponsorship list, it is noticeable that the foundation founded by Microsoft founder Gates, who voluntarily donated $ 531 million to WHO, accounting for 9.76%of the Source of WTO, and is the second largest gold owner of the WHO.Gatsfer's enemy country has a total donation of nearly 4.8 billion US dollars each year. Hundreds of millions of yuan for WTO is only pediatrics for him, but the rich people are enthusiastic about global public welfare.

The topic returns to the United States.Trump claims that he has the responsibility to pursue the WHO to conduct a very thorough investigation of WHO for 60 to 90 days, but does the US president have the power to unilaterally suspend the country's donations from international organizations such as WHO?

This is actually an unknown.Scholars interviewed by the National Public Broadcasting Station in the United States pointed out that if the donation has been paid, it cannot be recovered, but the president can suspend the performance of donations that have been promised but have not been paid, or require the US CDC, the State Council and other national institutions to reduce the reduction of WHO and the WHOs.Cooperation will no longer provide funds for WHO projects.Another data shows that as of March 31, the United States has owed US $ 198 million in the evaluation of WHO, which means that the money may suspend payment.

If the maximum gold owner breaks off the supply, it will definitely make WHO feel pain.The organization regrets and protest about Trump's announcement that it must not only deal with crown diseases, but also fight infectious diseases such as malaria worldwide.

However, if the number is spread out, the average annual expenditure of WHO is equivalent to one large American hospital.If the United States is drawn, it is nearly $ 400 million in funding a year, and believes that other countries and charitable organizations can also make up for it by increasing donations.At this time when human health and life security are threatened, supporting WHO is the responsibility that is difficult to shirk on the morals of various countries. Without the role of the United States, the international community has to form a new rule to respond to the crisis;Leadership and the right to speak will become losers.

In this way, it is not necessary to protect the World Guard and think that it has no discussion.Conversely, WHO still does not agree with or even opposes the travel ban on China on January 23. It was only until March 11 that crown disease was announced as a global epidemic.These errors have a negative impact on the prevention and control of the international epidemic. They should be reviewed, but it is impossible to bear responsibility for everyone.In the final analysis, the stars of epidemic prevention have to work hard and bear their own responsibility.

On the other hand, does the US exit say that China can replace it internationally?This is not so simple.First of all, China's overall strength is not enough, which can be seen from the contribution rate of WTO from all over the world.Secondly, even if there is no United States, China and other countries are not disagreeable. Cleaning China ’s voices have appeared in many countries. In the recent restless atmosphere, China and African countries and France have friction.Without the intervention of the United States, China ’s troubles may be turned into zero, but it may not be reduced.In the end, the United States will retreat, but it will not give up its interests and military hegemonic positions around the world. Therefore, when the United States plays the role of responsible leaders at different times, the loser will not just be the United States.