Source: Taiwan Industry and Commerce Times

Industrial and Commercial Times Society

When Trump approaches the new crown epidemic of thousands of people in the face of the number of deaths in the United States for a day, this one was the conspiracy of the Democratic Party in his mouth.Pay attention to: First, the policy of experts, why did not get enough attention, and second, the current transfer from Europe and the United States to imports. At present, the controversial room cannot maintain a social distance of 1.5 meters.During the persuasion, whether to implement epidemic prevention policies is a solution or more problems.

Former US President Nixon's speech called Silent Majority in 1969, there is a word as follows: If necessary, a leader must be bravely assumed in unpopular policy position heliip; when he finds that he must have to be sureWhen you do this, he has the obligation to explain to the people, fight for support, and win consent.

At each press conference in President Trump, in addition to the Vice President Pence, the chief commander of the epidemic prevention, there is a senior lady (Deborah Birx) with shawl scarf behind the head station and an old gentleman Anthony Fauci (Anthony Fauci).EssenceThe former is responsible for the response coordination of the White House's new crown virus group. Trump once said that if there is no mask, it is also effective if there is no mask, but it is not recognized.The latter is Trump's consultant Fo Qi, who has a high reputation in the people; the leakage lens is that when the media reporter questioned some words, Trump turned to ask Fo Qi on the spot, and after turning back, he said that he said that heDo not agree, it can be seen that the American version of Qian Nanshan's blunt personality and status.

However, unfortunately, since the seal of Wuhan on January 23, Trump has also emphasized until March 29 that it will be fully resumed on April 12 to return to normal life.The United States, which is developed by science and technology, is so weak in the face of the epidemic invasion. In early April, the US Department of Defense was even forced to prepare 100,000 corpse bags.

The policy of US President's policy is absolutely impossible to rise or eager for a while (although Trump has done so many times), the president must have the true, data, or evidence (Facts, data and evidences), But can he make him turn around and exist.For Trump, who is hindered and only hopes to re -election, facts, materials, or evidence are not practical, because the message is too fast, too much, and too complicated in the short term.Although the chief adviser, Buddhist, constantly accepted an exclusive interview with news media, explaining the information of the forecast model, his interpretation also made the complicated diversified information meaningful.However, the estimation of the professional opinions and policy situation based on the evidence as the foundation must face the federal government and the state government with different political interests and political interests.Each has its own difficulties.In other words, the strength of epidemic control and control requires more policy communication and political communication skills in the United States, as well as better measures that make people feel more.

The prevention and treatment of Trump's new crown epidemic is not enough to respond to the needs of the public, ignore the expert's policy, and do not pay attention to communication with the state government.And this also appears in the current government's request for 1 meter outdoors and unable to maintain indoor (1.5 meters). The so -called social distance disputes that the owner should stop operating should be stopped.Many small and micro businesses do not know the suffering of the people in the policies.

When the government repeatedly hopes that Chinese people will wear a mask and wash their hands more, the model that must be learned is that it is a popular non -shaking hands, and the publicity of the elbow is a movement of epidemic prevention and reminders.The best social etiquette during the epidemic spread.It is precisely because the elbow has scientific evidence that it is very important to avoid being infected. It is interesting and not rude. Whether it is in the West or East, it is not like wearing a mask. There are obvious differences between race and cultural differences.

Looking back on the Taiwan government to implement policy measures of 1 meter outdoors and 1.5 meters in the room. These social distances cannot be done during the spring vacation, let alone the interior interval of 1.5 meters.Policy declaration.Even if it is only a flexible persuasion, it has not yet reached the stage of mandatory punishment, but while adhering to the technical and technical decision theory of professional technology and knowledge, it should still consider the true feasibility.

Especially, while the history of the Executive Yuan has an unprecedented example, it is as high as 1 trillion New Taiwan dollars, and the Ministry of Health and Welfare proposes that the owner will stop business without a safe distance.One knife.Just as European and American people meet and kiss their cheeks are etiquette. They are not used to wearing masks is their culture. They must stop business if they cannot do social security distances.It is the problem.The dilemma of implementing the epidemic prevention policy is testing the wisdom of the governor.