Author: Wang Qin

Tan Desai, Secretary -General of the World Health Organization, publicly named Taiwan a personal attack on him and rose to the height of racial discrimination, and immediately made Taiwan public opinion boiling.Apologies, the Internet army did not surprise a new round of personal attacks, and Taiwan society almost reacted to knee. Tan Dezai humiliated Taiwan.

Taiwan has been unable to participate in international affairs for a long time. Of course, there are grievances in their hearts, but in the face of Tan Desai's allegations, I am afraid that it is not possible to be rational.Where, I do n’t know what the medicine was sold in Tan Desai's gourd.

Because of the long -term cross -strait perspective, when the Taiwanese viewed Tan Desai, they always admitted it from the narrow cross -strait perspective, and labeled it from the pro -China or the opposite.How can the leaders have only one Chinese perspective?And can it be determined unilaterally in mainland China?Even if Tan Detai is friendly with mainland China, how can he ignore the reaction of other countries on a question about global fate?What's more, his person in charge of his international organization also requires him to be responsible for his organization.

If you can make your vision more open, you will find that Tan Desai's actions are full of political calculations, but his goal may not have much to do with Taiwan.Previously, WHO was attacked by the United States. Normal people's reactions were tried to shirk responsibility for the Trump administration, because before they first accused the mainland of concealing the engine, after the operation was invalid, they turned to the WHO as asking, and threatened to cancel fund supportEssenceThis is naturally a top priority for WHO, and of course it has to fight back.At this time, the so -called medical experts in France proposed to establish a new crown pneumonia vaccine test site in African countries. The implicit racial discrimination and arrogance attached to the African continent will be spread, which will cause unanimous condemnation from related countries and let other countries’s other countries’s in other countries.The African people were humiliated, and Tan Desai also gave a tough background.

This public opinion atmosphere also allowed Tan Desai to seize the opportunity and use the great banner of politics to counterattack the panic of the developed country during the epidemic.The logic of nature has to reduce the critical door.In the process, Taiwan, which embrace European and American ideology, manipulating politics during the epidemic, has already attracted Tan Desai's attention. At this time, it happened to use Taiwan issues to fight back.

Interestingly, there are Taiwanese scholars, Tan Desai, who do not look at the owner, which means that behind Taiwan is the United States.But the problem is that he dare not directly aim at the United States directly, and can only focus on the American younger brother.

According to this logic, Taiwan's countermeasures are simply unknown. Now African countries with enemies who are enemies do not care whether Taiwan has a personal attack on Tan Desai. They are more concerned about the inequality international order structure.Now it is necessary to bring new discrimination and attacks on the black ethnic group, and the United States' actions of WHO also disturb the disadvantaged countries because they can only seek the help of WHO, and the US move will only make them further in trouble.

If Taiwan wants to get rid of this situation, it must recognize the reality. Whether Taiwan can join the WHO depends on the attitude of the member state and has nothing to do with the WHO officials.pressure.If Taiwan continues to provoke WHO officials, it will only make themselves more passive, because the other party is not a frog at the bottom of the well in international politics.