Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Yi Wenjian

Regarding the controversy of Radio Hong Kong, the recent waves have been unprepared. The latest one is the Hong Kong -Taiwan program The Pulse, Bruce Aylward, a assistant director of the World Health Organization (WHO),Considering Taiwan's membership qualifications and adversely advocated Taiwan independence; from February to March, Deng Bingqiang, Director of Police Division, twice to believe in the Broadcasting Director Liang Jiarong to complain about the headline news of the Hong Kong and Taiwan program.The work during the epidemic misleads the public; early March, the Communications Administration announced the acceptance of the requests proposed by wireless TV, and allowed Hong Kong to suspend the broadcast of Hong Kong and Taiwan programs for free TV stations.

The series of storms are not related to each other, but there are common points in the investigation, which is inseparable from the identity of the public broadcasting of Hong Kong and Taiwan mdash; mdash; different camps say each other, but they also come out of the same way and cannot avoid a avoidance.The reality, that is, Hong Kong and Taiwan's public status has made it more clearly stipulated in the production of the show compared with other media.

Specifically, The Pulse interviewed WTO officials caused criticism. The direct reason was that the question ignored the fact that the WHO membership was based on the country and the responsibilities of the interviewed.EssenceIn other words, the program asked the object wrong, and intentionally showed the embarrassment of the interviewee. Whether the team was interested in provoking political disputes, it was difficult to conclude, but it was difficult to get out of preparation and was not professional enough.Social disputes are placed in the hidden political meaning of related questions, and those with different places make more or less judgment in accordance with their respective positions.If the program is produced by private media, it is probably the audience label it with colors and decides whether to continue to join the scene.The recognition of citizens and the cultivation of citizens' identity in citizens and citizens.Qiu Tenghua, the superior of Hong Kong and Taiwan, is based on this, showing that Hong Kong and Taiwan must have a correct understanding and cannot be deviated. Liang Jiarong, the editor -in -chief of Hong Kong and Taiwan, must be responsible for this.

As for the headline news storm, the police accused the show mocking the discredit police team. Hong Kong and Taiwan responded to the show to reflect social phenomena and different views in the form of a smile.The external dispute was that the police tried to interfere with Hong Kong and Taiwan to make an autonomy, but after discussion of the Hong Kong and Taiwan Advisory Committee last month, Deng Bingqiang's complaint was initially rational and asked the Broadcasting Director to follow up and explain.The committee also pointed out that Hong Kong and Taiwan need to provide accurate and flat news reports, information, opinions, and analysis to strengthen the citizens' identity in social countries and the world.Authoritative information.

Along with this storm in this game, the tit -for -tat and tit -forces are opposite.Speaking to help them maintain their autonomy.These wrestling reflect the differences in Hong Kong and Taiwan in the bones of different partners.For the establishment of the establishment, since Hong Kong and Taiwan have the role of government departments, it should be punished by the water throat;EssenceThe extension of the controversy is that Hong Kong and Taiwan spend 1 billion yuan each year. Is it worthwhile?On the one hand, Hong Kong and Taiwan have repeatedly achieved good results in media credibility and program quality evaluation of the program, but on the other hand, the overall ratings of the program are absolutely not ideal.The operating dilemma of Hong Kong and Taiwan is brought out: Even if there is its own TV channel, the content of the program is extremely limited. It is far from being a choice for the mainstream viewing of the audience. After separating from the free TV, the number of audiences may narrow further.

In the argument of the disturbances, the Radio Hong Kong is like four different. Although it is a government department, it is not the official mouthpiece; providing information and entertainment for the public, but the amount of weighing work in the market is like a large flower tube.Some of the programs with quality are even regarded as classics, but compared with public media in other countries or regions, the overall performance is unspeakable.The problem brought by this is that if the key indicators of rating and revenue and expenditure are measured, Hong Kong and Taiwan may only end the operation in the brutal market reality; if it is not necessary to implement the functions of government departments, Hong Kong and Taiwan need to strengthen the government as the government.For political propaganda and give full play to the official color of the official.Both of these situations must be uncomfortable with Hong Kong society.In fact, the question of where to go around Hong Kong and Taiwan, Hong Kong society has been exploring the third road for many years, that is, Hong Kong and Taiwan have transformed into the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).Public broadcasting institutions with balanced revenue and expenditure.This vision should not be reduced to the air pavilion in the upside.To find the road of breakthroughs, we must first sort out the reasons for the origin of Hong Kong and Taiwan's role conflict and the lack of public broadcasting characters.

Since its establishment of Hong Kong and Taiwan in 1928, it has been affiliated with government departments. In the following 40 years, Hong Kong and Taiwan's public broadcast concepts are not strong. Even though the government studied Hong Kong and Taiwan from the government system in 1956, 1960, and 1970Not feasible.Liang Lijuan, the mentor of the School of Journalism and Communication of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, has been paying attention to the development of Radio Hong Kong for a long time. She said in an interview with Hong Kong 01: Before the radio was issued, the government considered whether to expand Hong Kong and Taiwan, but the Hong Kong British government was reluctant to bear the financial burden at that time.Therefore, deciding to send cards to wireless, which reflects the government's inadequate determination at that time.

The transfer point appeared in the early 1970s.In 1972, Jimmy Hawthorne was transferred to Hong Kong as the Director of the Broadcasting Department by BBC. He advocated that the Hong Kong and Taiwan News Department had an interview and editor's autonomy. In 1973, Hong Kong and Taiwan established the news department and no longer provided news briefing by the news department.In this period, the radio department has live broadcasts to walk under Taiping Mountain to assist the audience to understand the questions, and even ask officials to answer questions. It is the prototype of today's smoke show.The Television Department also produced programs under the Lion Rock and Jianji, which not only reflects the current social conditions, but also criticizes government policies.After that, the views and angles and tit -for -tat, invited other people and citizens of different circles to attend to explain the debate policies.It ended for more than two years.

Later, there were reports and conference records submitted by Hong Kong and Taiwan, stating that Hong Kong and Taiwan agreed to reflect the opinions of citizens and dare to risk risks.This is seen in the 1980s, the 1980s, the Urban Forum and Headline News of the Television Department of the Radio Department.The government's documents in December 1983 stated that Hong Kong and Taiwan cannot be regarded as a government's propaganda machine.It can be said that the role of public broadcasting characters in Hong Kong and Taiwan was born inside Hong Kong and Taiwan and the needs of citizens, and was accepted by the Hong Kong British government.

In the mid -to -late 1980s, the government proposed a corporate Hong Kong Radio, imitating the BBC, and the name and deputy actually fulfilled public broadcasting and separated from government departments.In 1993, Shi Shen Dahai.Even so, the concept of public broadcasting is rooted in Hong Kong and Taiwan, and it becomes stronger and stronger after returning, and it is becoming more and more obvious instead of its inherent contradictions as government departments.

Pan -Democrats believe that public broadcasting should dare to criticize the government, adhere to the compilation of autonomy, safeguard human rights and freedom, and support Hong Kong and Taiwan based on these concepts.The establishment camp did not say that Hong Kong and Taiwan became the government's mouthpiece, but they were dissatisfied with Hong Kong and Taiwan waiting for them to be cold or targeting them, and they reprimanded them to violate the principle of equality.At the beginning of the return, Xu Simin, member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, criticized the headline news that the headline news was weird. At that time, Dong Jianhua, then Chief Executive, criticized the low -level interest of headline news. When the anti -repair example broke out, the establishment of the camp group attacked Hong Kong and Taiwan to spread violent hatred.

The government launched the public radio service review in 2006 and completed in 2009. It concluded that Hong Kong and Taiwan would maintain the status of government departments.In the future, it is also called Hong Kong and Taiwan as a public broadcasting institution.At that time, many comments pointed out that the establishment of status helplessly helpless the conflict of the role of Hong Kong and Taiwan. At present, the headline news storm can be said to be a controversial extension.

To solve this knot, it is necessary to clarify the role of Hong Kong and Taiwan.Hong Kong and Taiwan undertakes the Hong Kong public broadcasting task. This positioning itself is not a problem. This positioning does not mean that it must assume the responsibility of the government's mouthpiece at the same time.In the existing government structure, Hong Kong and Taiwan should not need and should not be a government's pass.To release government information, the government news office is competent, and Hong Kong and Taiwan only need to follow the requirements to ensure that the content of the program is flat, give the government enough time to explain positions and policies, and arrange government information during the time period.At the end of 2018, Qiu Tenghua, the director of commercial and economic, once said that there was a public mission in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Unlike the work of the news office, the two departments did not have a merger intention.

In the past, surveys on Hong Kong and Taiwan evaluation and program quality showed that the public generally recognized the public purpose and mission set by Hong Kong and Taiwan to fulfill the public purpose and mission set by Hong Kong and Taiwan.Nevertheless, after reviewing the audit report of the past audit office and the experience of public broadcasting institutions in different places, it is not difficult to find that there is still a lack of Hong Kong and Taiwan, and there is a lot of room for reform.

As mentioned above, Hong Kong and Taiwan relies on a number of results indicators to evaluate the service performance. In terms of program, it mainly includes ratings, appreciation index, public satisfaction investigation and complaint figures.The purpose of appreciation index is to improve the overall program quality of the Hong Kong TV industry and hope to become a professional indicator other than ratings.Liang Lijuan has participated in the review work. She explained that the business and advertising industry will pay attention to the show of the high appreciation index, and believe that these programs attract specific audiences, which has greater results than broadcasting advertising and sponsorship programs.

However, Hong Kong and Taiwan often cited appreciation index and audience surveys. It is not so much business considerations, but it is better to say that the ratings of the program are downturn for a long time, and it is difficult to match the wireless (ATV, which has ended the free TV business).Hong Kong and Taiwan usually responded that some programs take care of the niche, coupled with inertial ratings, the performance of Hong Kong and Taiwan programs with ratings is not fair.In fact, the audit report issued by the Audit Office in 2018 also agreed that it was not appropriate to use ratings as the show performance indicator, but at the same time, it was pointed out that the refutation of Hong Kong and Taiwan was not convincing enough.Even if the ratings are not the only measuring quality standards, it is an important standard.Even if some programs in Hong Kong and Taiwan have high appreciation index, the cognitive rate is generally lower than the average, and some of them are only about 10 %. In fact, it is a waste of the effort of the production team.

In recent years, the phenomenon of inertia's ratings has been loosened. Two commercial free TV channels VIUTV and Hong Kong starting television are also seeking strategies. These commercial TV stations must not only fight for the audience, and avoid losing money and face dual pressure.Relatively speaking, Hong Kong and Taiwan have no commercial pressure and have certain advantages. Since the program can be applauded, Hong Kong and Taiwan should conceive how to call the same.

Radio broadcasts must not be ignored.Radio listening to survey shows that in recent years, the number of listeners in Hong Kong and Taiwan has exceeded 3 million each year. According to the channel calculation, the audience spends an average of 1.4 to 4 hours a day. In a society with excellent images, it is actually good.Of course, the audit report also points out that the listening rate of English stations, Mandarin stations and channels for the elderly is recommended, and Hong Kong and Taiwan will be improved.Loss listeners are the challenges faced by radio stations around the world, especially the Internet easily absorb the niche.Although the Audit Office did not propose a more aggressive solution, such as integrated channels, Hong Kong and Taiwan should not exclude this option to allocate people and resources to more needed categories.

The audit report specifically mentioned that the awareness of community participation in the broadcast plan (CIBS) was low.The original intention of the plan promoted the multicultural society, enhanced the awareness of citizens, and encouraged the niche to speak, but in 2017, the results of the radio listening to the survey showed that only 21%of the respondents knew CIBS, and the number of listeners responsible for playing was only 2.3%of the population in Hong Kong.It is lower than the proportion of ethnic minorities in Hong Kong.There are too few audiences, and the program cannot play the effect of promotion. Even encouraging niche participation can not be talked about. If the first and second broadcasts that can be listened to many people can contact more audiences, and it is believed to be wider.

In fact, the target audience of public broadcasting institutions is not limited to the local people, and can also be facing all over the world. The BBC, the Japanese Broadcasting Association (NHK) and the Arirang (Arirang) are all examples.These three TV stations have their own English satellite channels, and overseas people can watch through television or the Internet.

Establishing overseas public television radio program channels can show a soft power.For example, one of NHK's operating goals is to open Japanese multiculturalism, tradition and innovation, and give the audience the latest economic and technological conditions. It is the portal of the world to enter Japan and Asia.The image of society, through cooperation with foreign broadcasting companies, improves relations with foreign countries; let alone BBC has long become the representative of the British in the international community. The future report of the news five years ago emphasized that the BBC international channel is the unique British unique BritainAssets remind the BBC to continue to grow in order to become the country's value ambassador and soft power spokesperson.

Perhaps, radio TV has long been stabilizing overseas. The production volume and equipment investment in the program are richer than Hong Kong and Taiwan. In recent years, the OTT platform has been developed without an extra overseas Hong Kong channel.However, wireless sales of variety entertainment, the proportion of news information is small, and uses Chinese to play, lack of English channels, Hong Kong and Taiwan can make up for their shortcomings.Furthermore, Hong Kong is an international city and a place where Chinese and Western cultural meetings. Hong Kong and Taiwan have the conditions to develop overseas media services.The people of Fang Youzhi provide a good recipe.Since promoting the diversified open culture of Hong Kong is one of the mission of Hong Kong and Taiwan, and some Hong Kong and Taiwan works enjoy the reputation, why not output excellent programs in Hong Kong and Taiwan and show soft power to the outside world?

To execute the above two points, a large amount of additional resources are required, and the government's capital injection is essential.Of course, in the moment when the society is permeated by the social contradiction, it is a sensitive issue to Hong Kong and Taiwan.To persuade the government, the Legislative Council and the public to increase Hong Kong and Taiwan resources, Hong Kong and Taiwan must be used as an example to review whether the current resources are used.

The audit report in 2018 stated that the output and results of Hong Kong and Taiwan were not commensurate. In addition to the low ratings and listening rate mentioned above, there are also high cost of education TV production but low output.1.58 million yuan, which was doubled in 2008/09.This amount can be said to be unreasonable. The annual production fee for the outsourcing plan of the Hong Kong and Taiwan TV program is roughly estimated at 400,000 to 800,000 yuan, but it is only one -quarter to half of the same period of education television.

On the other side, the number of audiences of education TV programs continues to decline. Each kindergarten and middle schools have an average number of programs in each class.It plans to cooperate with the Education Bureau.Knowing that the number of audiences is constantly lost, if Hong Kong and Taiwan are determined to transform education television a few years ago, hundreds of millions of public crickets can be put on other departments, or produce more programs to bring greater benefits.

Outside of the throttling, Hong Kong and Taiwan need to be open source.Most people believe that Hong Kong and Taiwan resources are 100 % from the government. In fact, Hong Kong and Taiwan have income. In 2017/18, there were 20.7 million yuan, but compared with 1 billion yuan in annual expenditure, it was insignificant.Hong Kong and Taiwan not only have talents, but also have the valuable resources of copyrights. Unfortunately, they have not been able to use them well. The revenue of the use licensed (or content authorization, Content Licensing) revenue is only 2.3 million yuan.At the meeting of the Hong Kong and Taiwan Advisory Committee, members have suggested that this aspect will help Hong Kong and Taiwan discuss open source, promote excellent programs, and management will consider the opinions of the committee and follow up in a timely manner.

Experience of foreign industry also helps Hong Kong and Taiwan to think about how to open source.Public Broadcasting and Television Group in Taiwan is a local institution that plays public television. Its financial sources are similar to Hong Kong and Taiwan, and most of them are subsidized by the government.In 2018, the Taiwan government subsidized approximately NT $ 1 billion (approximately HK $ 262 million), which was equivalent to 40 % of public TV expenditure and 40 % of NT $ 2.5 billion (approximately HK $ 650 million).

From time to time, public TV criticizes insufficient government subsidies and weakens the quality of the program.However, at the same time, at the same time, public TV actively develops the source of income. For example, under the drama produced by the station, the annual sales revenue in 2018 accounts for 3.62%of the overall income.The revenue and expenditure of the government's external judgment production programs was approved, and public TV sales revenue accounted for 7%to 8%of total revenue.In addition, public TV also tried to cooperate with foreign companies and pre -sale copyright to online video and video platforms, so as to strive for more resources to produce heavy dramas, transparentThe signs of the episode, the psychic girl, anesthesia storm is an example.

Regarding the suggestions of the above -mentioned Audit Office, Hong Kong and Taiwan roughly agreed that the next question is how to implement reforms, improve fiscal and expanded revenue, and prove that Hong Kong and Taiwan are determined to go to Wu Cunjing.Only in this way, Hong Kong and Taiwan have always asked to increase funding and build a new broadcast building.After increasing resources, you can increase the premiere of the hand, make good use of your own channel, and reduce the replay.If you can make more original programs, it will help the establishment of the audience's support and loyalty to the channel, drive the ratings of niche programs in the eyes of Hong Kong and Taiwan, and can better exert the influence of public broadcasting.

With the recovery of the fiscal budget this year, Hong Kong and Taiwan controversy will continue to ferment.It is true that if Ren Hong Kong and Taiwan emphasize your own public broadcasting tasks, there are still no shortage of voices in the outside world that are equivalent to official platforms and spear, and it is difficult for Hong Kong and Taiwan to be human.It is certain that the disputes similar to headline news will be repeated sooner or later, adding internal social consumption.Hong Kong and Taiwan should truly fulfill its social mission as a public broadcasting, leave the government's preparation, introduce the governance system in the form of a board of directors, disperse the source of fiscal sources, and maintain a certain distance from the government to maintain a certain distance at the same time.