Source: Ming Pao

Author: Zhang Wang

The new type of coronary pneumonia swept across the world, which is a major test of politicians in various countries, and it is no exception in Japan.

On March 18, Hokkaido Zhishe Suzuki Zhidao announced at a press conference that Hokkaido has lifted an emergency since the 19th, and the entire area will gradually restore social and economic activities while preventing and controlling the epidemic.This marks the results of Japan's campaign in the face of new crown pneumonia.Just a few weeks ago (February 28), in order to avoid the expansion of the epidemic in Hokkaido, this young and aggressive young insiders issued an emergency declaration declaration.s concern.At the same time, Koizumi Kojiro, who has always been regarded as the popular candidates for the next generation of Japanese Prime Minister, has been revealed by the Japanese media at a critical moment of this major epidemic.

Two new -generation Japanese politicians, one is the local head and the other is the Minister of the Environment. Last month was 38 years old. Why did it perform so different?

Opening the resume of Suzuki Knowledge, you can find that he is a typical grassroots in Japan.According to an unannounced visitor of the Japanese media, Suzuki grew up in a single -parent family in Chunri City, Saitama Prefecture.Due to economic reasons, Suzuki failed to enter university for higher education when he was young. After graduating at the age of 18, he joined the Tokyo Metropolitan Civil Service System.Since then, Suzuki has worked while studying, and obtained a university degree at Tokyo Law and Government University.

The relationship between Suzuki and Hokkaido was in 2008. At that time, he went to Tokyo as a staff member to go to Hokkaido to work in auxiliary work.In Japan, this city is famous for its decline in population drama and fiscal bankruptcy.Suzuki has worked there for several years, worked hard, and formed a deep friendship and trust relationship with the locals.In April 2011, Suzuki resolutely decided to participate in Mayor Xi Zhang's election and was officially elected at the age of 30, becoming the youngest mayor of Japan at that time.At that time, Mayor Suzuki did not mind the low salary of Xi Zhang, and worked hard to save the local economy with Hokkaido.

In the crisis of the epidemic, because Suzuki himself served the health department for a long time during his work in Tokyo, he was extremely familiar with medical epidemic prevention affairs.According to Tamaki Shiro, a reporter from the current affairs news agency observing Japanese politics for many years, recently pointed out that in February, Suzuki often returned between Tokyo and Hokkaido, and maintained close communication with the official residence of the official residence of the command center of the command center.Before the epidemic expanded, it was decisively announced that it entered an emergency, which instantly entered a highly alert state in Japan.

In contrast, Koizumi Kojiro lost points in this epidemic crisis.Junjiro is also a single -parent family (the mother of Kaishiro divorced in 1982 and the former Prime Minister Koizumi Koji), but he is a typical hereditary politician background. Compared to the smooth sailing, he has undertaken the site of the Koizumi family in the Yokosuka constituency.Since his debut in 2009, with the image of daring to speak and the people, Jinjiro once became a strong election ticket for the Liberal Democratic Party.In August 2019, Koizumi Koizuro and the famous TV anchor Takagawa Karchichi announced their marriage in the Prime Minister's residence, and pushed his popularity in Japan to its peak.

However, the author pointed out in this column last summer that MPs Koizumi is obviously too confident.As the Japanese Prime Minister and the first lady faced the media, it is inevitable that the envy and hatred inside and outside the party.This potential quickly floated into the water this year.In February, the Japanese party in the wild party in the Parliament held a continuously questioning Abe Cabinet and asked the Minister of the Minister of the Minister of Spring.Since then, although Koizumi hurriedly apologized to the outside world, he continued to emphasize that the practice is in line with the procedure, and his attitude lacks sincerity, attracting the dislike of Japanese public opinion.According to the polls of Fuji TV at the end of February, the support of Koizumi has plummeted to 8.6 % in the most suitable candidate for the Prime Minister of Japan, far lower than the current Prime Minister Abe (15 %) and former chief Shi Po Mao (21 % 21 %) (21 %)To.

Whenever the great political leaders often walk through the low tide of life, and shed tears over blood flowing through the desperate night.Looking back at history, former US President Roosevelt has been in poor health for many years. Former British Prime Minister Churchill had continued setbacks in his early years, and former South African President Mandela was prison for 27 years.In Japan, even the Prime Minister Abe, who is often criticized, has experienced Waterloo's political setbacks and illness torture in 2007. Only now has the eight years of the moment of Japan for eight years.From this point of view, Suzuki's political experience and life experience are more mature than the hereditary politician Koizumi who lacks frustrated experience.The generation of Japanese political leaders is slowly revealing the place from the place.