Author: Dong Yifan

In recent years, the rapidly rising Chinese Internet cafe brand Ruixing has recently been exposed by external reports to the problem of high financial sales data, which has caused the company's oversized turning point in the Nasdaq market in the United States.6.4 US dollars, this Internet+enterprise, which was widely sought after in the US stock market, was also severely impacted by credit, and the future development prospects were full of uncertainty.

In fact, Rui Xing's financial issues can be traced back to 2 months ago.

On January 31st, Muddy Waters Research, a well -known US stock, quoted an anonymous report, accusing Ruixing of Ruixing's high sales data and high financial expenditure in the second quarter of 2019 and the financial expenditure to dismantle the East Wall to make up the West.Walls and other issues include a large number of video videos of Ruixing stores, store consumption estimates, and collecting customer consumption records.

As soon as the news came out, it was difficult for Ruixing's stock price to restore a high of about $ 40 in mid -to -late January.From March, several American law firms have announced that they will be charged with fraud or information induction to help Ruixing investors recover their losses.

Of course, Ruixing's own problem is irrefutable. The announcement issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission has made a clear judgment on this, waiting for Ruixing to be a huge fine of the US Securities Regulatory Department or even forced delisting penalties, as well as investors from all parties from all parties, and investors from all parties from all parties.Continuous lawsuits.

However, the muddy water company that set off the karate and the pervasive investigation agencies behind China may become a stumbling horse rope that sniper Chinese economic security and Chinese enterprises have gone out, and become the stumbling horse rope that China's economic and financial approach to the center of the international stage.

The so -called shorting is to sell stocks or foreign exchange from the market in the early days. After waiting for the price to fall, buy a bottom -up and return to the house to borrow assets, and then earn the difference from it. Basically, it uses fluctuations and predictive negative news to make money.In the 1990s, Soros continuously sniped the East Asian economy currency. This trick was accurately found the vulnerability of the financial system and succeeded in one fell swoop.For international speculators who are disgusted and confused, no opportunity does not mean that it cannot create opportunities. Hunshui, such as muddy water, is born of a long -term short news institution.

Public information shows that Carson Middot, the founder of Hunshui Company; Brock was born in 1977 and graduated from the University of Chicago Kente Fa College. He worked with his father in his early years and was frustrated by being deceived by Internet companies.This person came to Shanghai in 2007 to engage in a self -service warehousing business and worked in the US Law Firm. He even wrote a book for a business of counterfeit products in China.Specializing in the Chinese Hustle, a film that Chinese companies violate the rules in the US capital market.

In 2010, Brock founded the current muddy water company. If he is familiar with Chinese culture and the market, he is named by the company's name.Corporate culture.It can be seen that the essence of Hunshui Company is to make chaos from it.

Although the muddy water quickly wrote a report on the Oriental occupation and caused the latter's stock price 47%, it did not quickly show up in the US capital market.Forestry survey.

In June 2011, Hunshui Company issued a report to accuse Jiahan Forestry falsely report assets and income, which not only brought the stock price plunge, but then the Canadian Securities Regulatory and Justice Department intervened. The company applied for bankruptcy protection in 2012.Canadian conviction ended.

However, Brock himself earned a double collection. In 2011, he was rated as the 50 most influential thinkers by Bloomberg. He became a guest of the mainstream media such as CNN, BBC, CNBC.The platform published a signature article and described itself as a vascular messenger who increased the transparency of corporate governance without admitting that it was a ninja assassin of a sniper company. However, this messenger had an unknown side.

The goals of muddy water include companies in many countries, while the most important goals are Chinese companies. The targets that have attacked include Alibaba, New Oriental, MediaExpress, Oriental Paper, Jiahan Forestry, and Zhong Media.Brock is full of attention to Chinese enterprises in his public words and deeds.

Economist Magazine once published an article saying that Brock was the scourge of Chinese companies. In an interview with the New York Times, he said that Chinese Internet companies have engaged in fraud rather than technology and other preconceived colors.Expressing concerns, Alibaba can definitely deceive investors.

Brock once told the Financial Times that it can have a sense of gain from Chinese companies, that is, the sense of gain from the Chinese gritted teeth.At the same time, he also admits that discrediting the company is a dwelling of a knife tip. If he cannot successfully discredit the company, his reputation will be lost.

In fact, what you do in Hunshui company can be regarded as a quasi -intelligence agency.In an interview with a business insider website, Brock said that his team would pretend to be a customer to enter the factory of the investigated enterprise and track the truck and logistics center of the enterprise.The report quoted by the muddy water this time, the writer used only 1,500 people to conduct a follow -up survey, and entered the WeChat group of Ruixing Store and collected consumer data without any details.All ashamed.In 2015, Hunshui financing 100 million U.S. dollars established its own hedge fund to make it easier for the intelligence to realize the intelligence, and even hired senior officials of American intelligence agencies to be the director of the new company.connect.

In the background of the world's unprecedented changes, the United States has made crazy suppression of China with the whole government and the full means. For example, the flow of muddy water is likely to be included in the US strategy of the United States to comprehensively have a strategy of China, and it becomes the impact of China's economy and finance.The mudslides that are safe and enterprises go global, just like the anti -overseas corruption law that was originally aimed at supervising the compliance of American companies, and eventually became a fine harvester for foreign companies.

In fact, in recent years, the United States has issued a lot of tickets or severe sanctions based on long -arm jurisdiction on foreign companies. Banks, Deutsche Banks, and ZTE have been slaughtered by the US judicial department.And fishing law enforcement is still vivid, let alone Chinese companies listed in the United States, regulated by the United States, and broke the news of muddy water.As the United States has continuously strengthened its willingness to crack down on China in the economic field, Chinese companies have been stunned by muddy water, and the risk of touching fish in the US government has also increased sharply.

Of course, Chinese companies that go out, especially overseas listed companies, must first meet domestic and overseas laws and regulations, and iron must also be hard. Regulatory agencies must also take a serious look at Chinese companies going out with a strict attitude of love.However, China must strengthen their vigilance in the short -term enterprises wearing the company's skin pockets and intelligence agencies to prevent companies from becoming a sacrifice of leek and eagle policies of the US government.