Author: Huang Bingxi

U.S. President Trump, who has always been full of confidence, has been very passionate and distressed recently, because the new crown pneumonia that was neglected in the country has actually attacked the country, and experts from Harvard and Hopkins University warned that the epidemic may last more than 1 year.What is even more worrying is that if Trump's arrogant mentality will not change, this crisis may be more serious and longer, and sequelae may be great.

The U.S. Congress held a new crown pneumonia epidemic hearing on March 8. Trump issued five emergency response measures at the time, including: 1. Send 1 million test boxes to the country, and schools, clinics and pharmacies can be tested.2. Require 3M to expand production capacity, and the government is requisition.3. All medical supplies and drugs are required to produce in the United States.4. Doctors can open test prescriptions and comprehensively upgrade more accurate testing methods than accounting and detection.5. Focus on upgrading the protection school and nursing homes.

The hearing of the hearing is very strong. Trump mentioned the most extreme treatment method and promised to correct the error to make up and make up the leak. But why is the US epidemic prevention?

The taboos of crisis leaders are proud of self -righteousness.Trump is not only proud, but also brutal pride.At the beginning of January, the American Intelligence Agency had warned the terrible epidemic. Trump underestimated the impact. In order to facilitate the re -election of the president, he also insisted that the economy was greater than the restrictions on the epidemic and the control of the personnel.Two loopholes.

The characteristics of crisis leadership are the uniqueness of the crowd and breaking.The U.S. government's emergency response organization was established in early March. One of the problems is that Trump's personality is unique and unique.Fo Qi, director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, avoids anti -tuning with Trump all the way, and can also transform external criticism into countermeasures.The treatment of the infectious epidemic crisis requires many cross -sectarian talents. Trump's words and bad temper cannot accommodate the heroes of all walks of life.

Another door of the crisis leaders does not like to trace the past and do reality.Trump comes from the corporate community. The treatment of economic and commercial crises is underway. In the face of complex and changing epidemic conditions, he obviously does not want to face past defects.All his actions now are to seek re -election in the president in November this year. The facts that happened in the past can avoid it, and the basic mentality is to turn a blind eye, otherwise all the faults are dragged on others.

The point is that if the hemostatic of the crisis damage is not tracked clearly, it is difficult to shoot the target for the arrows of the problem, and the strategy is not easy to stand against the momentum and position.Moreover, rational thinking is the prerequisite for successful crisis treatment. Among them, reasoning is a necessary process for integrating relevant professional knowledge and experience.Otherwise, no matter how emotional the crisis is, it will only flow in the unexplainable affection.

Trump has a strange mentality for the treatment of the new crown epidemic, thinking that the higher the media attacks his voices, but it will help him counterattack the strength and visibility.Fear of national emotions and events.But in fact, selling fear has the limits of its psychological perception, and the heat is easy to fade.Last year, the US Congress's rectification has proved that over -trafficking fear is bad. Trump wants to use the patriotic mood of the epidemic to protect himself. It is to take the people's life and property as a bet. It will only make the epidemic get out of control.

The psychology of crisis treatment should not be too optimistic or pessimistic.The quality of the US epidemic prevention and control is the major variable of Trump's personality. The Tsai government cannot be too optimistic when making relevant decisions. It is determined that the world's number one strong country will be able to spend the epidemic crisis in peace.

(The author is the chairman of the Taiwan Public Welfare Development Association)