Author: Zhang Huiying

Fo Qi, director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, was threatened by personal safety, and the Federal Ministry of Justice authorized the Ministry of Health to provide followers to Foqi, which reflects how strong the American Right Anti -Science School has interfered with the new crown pneumonia.Epidemic prevention.

The fuse was at the White House press conference. Trump was too optimistic about the epidemic, and then when Trump nicknamed the State Council as the Deep State Department, the Buddha on the side bowed his head first, then touched his face with his left hand, and seemed to be disagreed again.Helpless.In the early days of epidemic prevention, Trump's claims often conflicted with Buddha Qi Qi. The very right -right fans originally believed that the epidemic was a conspiracy to drag Trump's election.Fan looked very unhappy, saying that he was a member of the Deep State of the Secret Anti -Trump Group. The right website also turned the letter he sent to Assistant Hillary 9 years ago as a proof.In an exclusive interview with scientific journals: I couldn't push him down before the microphone, which was even more angered.

Including the great rightist, including the powerful gospel church and Foss news, accused the Democratic Party, the media and public health experts deliberately exaggerated the epidemic, advocating the suspension of the city to crack down on the national economy.The Republican Party, the Republican party of Wei Trump, is either admitted or dare not objection.There are 70 #Faucifraud Twitter accounts on the Internet. Every day, hundreds of each madly tweet the hats to criticize the Buddha Qi.Political interference in epidemic prevention, especially irrational anti -scientific extremist groups, is strong, and is a deep social background that the United States has failed to block epidemic conditions early.

These far -rightists have played a lot of battles before, such as questioning whether the climate warming exists. Behind this is whether the industry needs to increase costs to reduce costs.Trump cares about the support of these iron powder, and also cares about the economic profit of the United States, and withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement, is due to the conservative, anti -science, and protecting the short -term economic interests of the United States.Earlier, the Right -Right Anti -Science School also insisted on the theory of God, opposed the school's education theory, and proposed multiple lawsuits. These groups also proposed the Intelligent Design as an advanced version of the theory of God.

At the beginning, Trump and his same temperature partner really ignored the epidemic. He only cared about watching the fire from the other side of the shore. Trump even said that he would only die a few people, and the virus would disappear miraculously.It wasn't until the past two weeks that Trump was surprised that the big event was not good. The data speculated by the scientific model was that even if the United States did all the efforts of epidemic prevention, 100,000 to 240,000 people would die in mid -August. How terrible is this?Numbers!At this point, Trump also acknowledged that the situation was serious, but he still said in a typical Trump -style statement that if he only died 100,000 people, it means that he did well.When I heard this, there were probably many people who wanted to press the forehead like Frank.

The US epidemic is the first in the world. In addition to being restrained by anti -scientific conspiracy theories at the beginning, it has also been contacted, and because the United States does not have such a good public health and insurance system as Taiwan.When Obama was president, he pushed the European -style health insurance, but like other policies such as the Paris Climate Agreement and TPP, Trump overturned after he came to power.Under the political intervention of conservative forces, the United States' health insurance loopholes have never been fully filled. After the outbreak of the epidemic, medical resources cannot cope with it.Although Trump ordered universal companies to rush the respiratory device, it is difficult to say whether it can provide timely support in a more serious epidemic in the future.

Many people think that the United States is a country where democracy, freedom, advanced and scientific and technological progress. In fact, American society has always had powerful right -right conservative forces. They are stubborn, powerful, and strong.Now Fos News is afraid of being legal responsibility for diluting the epidemic. The female anchor Reagan who said that the epidemic is a conspiracy theory of conspiracy theory, but these politically overwhelmed the scientific polar Sichuan powder have paid the United States a heavy price.The slogan of Trump American FIRST is realized in a sad way.

The author is a senior media person