This is indeed a strange and even weird day: the restaurant and restaurant's door is too close. If there are guests, the waiters must strictly require the guests to have a distance of about one meter;Opening the middle door, no mask can't enter; the transparent isolation membrane is made between the seat driver's seat and the back row; the cinema is shut down for a limited time, and there is no film to watch;A brand new home work and life form MDASH; it has also become the normal state of China during the spread of COVID-19 in 2019.This situation has never been encountered in the life of many people.

Fortunately, in the future, the epidemic control is properly controlled. It will become a short memory, but it is more likely that many details and habits in life will be completely changed because of this epidemic and will continue to survive.The past habits or values will be broken, and the new pattern will be reshaped, which will further become a new normal and change the future life.

Different from the SARS epidemic background and its subsequent development in 2003, when the coronary virus was raging after 17 years, the technology of networked, e -commerce, home distribution, and identity certification has improved high, and the deepening of the epidemic has been extensively deepened by the epidemic situation.Application, and progress quickly.Even with this statement: 2020 as the transfer point of the old and new worlds of human beings in 2020; BC and AC refers to Before Coronavirus and After Coronavirus.In 2020, China entered the first year of the new normal AC.

China is a society that promotes great reforms through quantitative changes.In the past, e -commerce or online shopping was not Chinese original, but this society has the ability to become popular through a large -scale application, so as to achieve qualitative transformation, forming a global e -commerce and online shopping country today.Similarly, the epidemic that occurred in 2020, based on the national closed epidemic prevention strategy, has shaped many new development and new technologies, or even new consumption models, has shaped the new social daily life through daily dense training for nearly two months.

The most intimate and powerful example of the occurrence of around me is that when traditional editors have always talked about how to transform, in just two months, in the experiment of working in passive clouds and remotely work, it is forced to open the live broadcast live broadcast live broadcast live broadcast.New skills.

With a small view, when the epidemic is far from over, but when the epidemic will bring the lives that the epidemic will bring to the Chinese people, the following top ten trends can be said to be the most widely mentioned name:

Top ten trends in life change

I. Online entertainment output is mainly produced by mobile games and short videos; 2. New online service industry such as online consultation, fresh e -commerce business; 3. Big data analysis and monitoring equipment;And meeting; 5. Medicine health and health reform products; 6. Unmanned retail, unmanned catering, unmanned distribution; seven, corporate grid management; 8. VR/AR and other scenarios to replace field inspections; 9.Logistics and leg service in the same city; 10. Delivery and door -to -door service industries.Among these ten major, the transformation of the perspective behind is a new understanding and pursuit of the relationship between entity/online, high -end/general, individual/group, international/China.The new understanding of these relationships has laid the normality of future life.

Regarding the impact of the economic decline caused by this epidemic, you can first refer to the big data statistics of Alibaba, the mainland e -commerce platform.Data show that during the epidemic, the city's most purchasing power groups at the age of 30 to 35 years old, the daily consumption amount shrinks by about 20 % compared to the past.It also dives sharply, and changed more attention to three meals a day, which truly conveyed the message of consumption downgrade.

The prospects of the large shopping malls (Shopping Mall) are the most worrying. Originally, the crisis of excess supply before the epidemic was now the most heavy blow.Under the spurring of hard resumes, although the door is open, the flow of people is sparse.The same is true of all kinds of retail stores. When the spring arrives, it will usher in the cold winter and have to try to transform.Therefore, there is a transformation that is not helping to save his life, but it seems that everyone has to think about it: live broadcast.

From small service stores to large -scale sales boards, all the live broadcasts can save at least a little attention.Although the webcast is the latest sales mainstream in the past two years. The owner or shop owner can launch live broadcast on social platforms at any time. There is no threshold. You only need to make a video of the video.But is it suitable for every retail industry?People obviously light up other successful elements other than the technical threshold.

However, in the larger business promotion context, the live broadcast has indeed become a climate.Now it is even more forced to try this possibility of creators or business talents, as well as the characteristics that it can complete in small spaces, and the personalization of the reality show also matches the popularity of the amateur in this era and the leaders of the opinion of the leaders (KEY OPINIONConsumer, referred to as KOC) logic.It will be convenient to watch on mobile phones and the characteristics of directly connecting to trading online stores, which will become the next wave of media content that occupies entertainment and leisure time.

Offline, the old home store in Beijing is actually a typical case. After cooperating with Alibaba last year, it expanded crazy and opened 80 new stores. In addition to furniture, kitchen and bathroom products, it also accommodated Hema Xiansheng and other daily life.Product brand, try to transform into a unit of retail positioning into a set of daily life complexes to sell a set of home.

Promote online and offline combination

The other direction is of course combined online and offline. Many restaurants, even the Michel Lotus Star Restaurant, which has been high in the past, or the high -end Cantonese cuisine houses that heroes love to go.The people's takeaway package, online promotion, arranging employees who do not work at home to deliver meals.In Shanghai, where the coffee industry is developed, many chains and independent coffee shops are also seeking online survival space, and they have launched closer cooperation with public reviews and hungry food information platforms, including providing various discounts.Pickup and wait.Now, when the weather is better, the cafe is still full, in order to eliminate people's depression within two months.Customers scan the QR code of the store, order to place an order, and avoid contact with the clerk. After getting the drink, they dare to remove the mask to taste mdash;

The myth of the real estate industry, which has a higher real estate industry in the national economy, has also been broken, and the number of rents/sales numbers has declined. Because no one in the epidemic dares to see the house in person, the residential area may not be opened to outsiders.For online drainage, the development of online sales department, online houses, online experience, etc. do not need to go out.

Although governments in different cities have begun to carry out so -called super -strong control, stimulating rigid demand to ensure the economic restart.However, the best transaction at present seems to be a community -based shops with online signing. The main transactions are supermarkets, bakery, pharmacies, etc., which meet the daily needs of meat, beverages, grain and oil, drugs, etc. of the surrounding residents.As for the construction of houses in the future, in response to the epidemic, it is also necessary to redesign the management space of the property and the lobby's delivery space to become a rigid need for another architectural concept.

As for long -term controversial topics: living in the countryside or living in the city?Considering the inconvenience of the rural city and traffic during the epidemic, it may also cause people to dispel the longing for the distant rural life.

It is difficult for us to say that this is the limitation of physical business space. On the surface, all sturdy people have disappeared, but except for the crisis of large shopping malls more obvious, in the development field of small and medium -sized physical stores, we see that the e -commerce giants have taken the opportunity to take the opportunity to take the opportunity to take the opportunityStrengthen the control of the physical industry to promote the further combination of online and offline, thereby forming new business opportunities for vertical living retail systems.

Hema Xiansheng, a subsidiary of Alibaba, may be a typical beneficiary in this epidemic. It is exactly a case of combination of online and offline. In the epidemic, it has also been highlighted.Products, house delivery and other systems, it marks the true popularization of food online food (mainly absorbing the middle -aged and elderly customers who do not need this service in the past and the couple's office workers who cook at home without time).

New tacit understanding of eating habits

See the ChineseThe changes in diet habits can also be a folk Chinese history.In terms of food culture, another situation that can most convey the new normal is that the segmentation of consumption capacity and health requirements of different strata will be more obvious.There are many types of food products that are more affordable. During the epidemic, sales reversal appeared (the previous two years of sales have fallen due to the popularity of the Internet for takeaway). It is still continuously performing strongly. For example, the sales of food noodles increased by about 350%.

At the same time, due to the long days of cooking at home, the new market for those with higher consumption power is derived, that is, the demand for high -quality ingredients online.Therefore, for the health and nutritional value of high -end ingredients, there are meticulous presentation in the cloud: medium and high -end ingredients such as lobster and salmon are often appeared on social networks.Topics and social means.The middle -class customer group not only attaches importance to the quality and safety of fresh ingredients, but also has a preference for community retail, and has continued to improve the loyalty of the trustworthy platform. They are willing to discover some fresh ingredients that can tell stories, show their ingredients or expensive fresh ingredients,Selling platforms.For example, a hot seafood fresh ingredient platform between the epidemic is distributed on WeChat and Weibo every day to tell the video that the fish acquired on the same day, and also produced special cards and cooking textbooks.This seafood sales platform known as Fujian, after placing an order, ensure that all kinds of seafood that is rare to the house within two days.

But more important changes will occur in the dinner culture and game ban.Of course, the public does not seem to have much confidence in implementing the relevant laws related to dispensel specking, but in the long run, after this epidemic, I hope that the wishes will still fall into the heart of small individuals.This will only be achieved with the successive evolution of social catering culture.On the other hand, the habit of eating dinner in public places will also blow a new wind direction. If you completely abandon the traditional Chinese style of eating big tea rice and sharing a few dishes, it will be impossible, but at least the use of public chopstick spoons will be available.It may evolve into a kind of social food tacit understanding.

When will Chinese netflix come?

The epidemic caused offline physical bookstores, cinemas, art museums and other destruction strikes, especially the film and television industry. From the shooting to the release, it was affected by the disaster.You have to close it again), but the box office will be tens of thousands of yuan a day in the country. This is not the same as that in the glorious day.

Here, the most serious problems facing film and television works are channel issues.Will this be forced to change the distribution model?Netflix, this model of taking funds, outsourcing production, finding master creation, branding, bypassing the screening of large theaters, can it be implemented in China?Xu Yan's mother -in -law was an attempt to come out of this time. She was pulled away from the theater system due to the outbreak of the epidemic, and was sold to the online platform for free premiere.The film winner also borrowed this idea and chose another video platform for premiere.Although this change has caused fierce controversy in the industry, in the long run, this means that there will be a wider choice for the screening channel of mainland film and television masterpieces, and there is a lot of room for old film and television investment and the background structure.

But to explain, the video website will invest in shooting works, and then premiere on its own platform. Many video websites in the Mainland have taken this road.The so -called Netflix mode is not purely the online broadcast form of the work. More importantly, it attracts the highest -level talents to shoot and produces high -quality film and television works with brand charm.In this regard, China's video market and technology have more than enough capabilities. It is only a conservative and unpredictable review system. Just as we will not be optimistic about the Chinese film and television industry that the palace fights or martial arts dramas are good at in the short term.Can be shot a series of works such as the Korean corpse war North Korea (formerly known as Lee's Corpse North Korea).