The Hong Kong Ming Pao's review article stated that the world's 2019 coronary virus disease has exceeded 1 million, and more than 50,000 people are killed.In just one month, the global confirmed cases rose from 100,000 to 1 million, highlighting the rapid epidemic, and also brought about great changes to the world.On the epidemic, the east of the earthquake moved west, and the severe disaster in Europe and the United States. Many of the Asian anti -epidemic laws that have been questioned by the West, such as Fengcheng wearing masks, are now adopted in the West; on the economy, the aviation industry is on the verge of collapse, and global economic activities are half semi -half.Paralysis; on politics, countries have suspected each other, with neighbors as much as mads and less cooperative cooperation, and whether the trap of Sino -American Xiu Xidd is deeper and deeper, which is deeply worried.The developed world epidemic has not been controlled, and the epidemic in developing countries may come, which may set off a new wave of global infection.The epidemic is severe, and countries must let go of their prejudice and fight against the plague of this century to avoid disasters infected by more than 10 million people.

Horner of the century to fight against the epidemic war, curb the epidemic, the epidemic becomes the level of 10 million

On the 6th of last month, the global confirmed cases exceeded 100,000 cases. At that time, more than 80 % of the cases were in China. The Italian epidemic had risen. It was expected that the European and American outbreaks turned sharply one month after a month.It accounted for nearly 20 %, and Europe accounted for more than 50 %.On the number of deaths, Italy and Spain have exceeded 10,000, 6,000 in the United States, and 5,000 in France. The U.S. epidemic prevention experts, the United States, may eventually have 100,000 to 200,000 people died of the epidemic;The number of diagnosis and deaths remained at the level of more than 80,000 and 3,000.

Regarding the number of diagnosis of China, there have been many controversy in the outside world. China and the Western epidemic have disappeared, and there are more relevant discussions.Singapore anti -epidemic expert Xu Liyang described that the list of confirmed cases in various countries, the sudden glance is a bit like the football league rankings, many people care about ranking, but everyone must understand that these numbers, whether it is China -US or Singapore, is actually not accurate.All, all underestimated the actual number of people infected.Many countries seem to have few cases, only because the testing work is not done, not the mild epidemic. The situation in the United States in early March is a typical example.If you really need to calculate accounts, the number of global infections may have exceeded one million.

In China, only those who have symptoms of pneumonia occur in confirmation cases, and those who are positive asymptomatic infections need to be isolated, but they are not included in the diagnosis.The Chinese diagnosis and definition are different from the West. Recently, many Western public opinion's attention and doubt have caused many western public opinion.Too concern.In addition to confirmed cases, even the number of deaths is defined.At present, most countries' practice is that anyone who confirms that the infected person is killed, and it is included in the number of deaths. However, it is also mentioned that some people died of the original long-term disease, not directly due to COVID-19, and some countries were only calculated.The infectioner of the hospital died.Yesterday, the French death case increased sharply nearly a thousand.In any case, the cumulative cumulative cumulative cumulative cumulative cases in the world are always an important watershed. It marks that the global epidemic is severe.The epidemic has risen to tens of millions.

In just a few months since the outbreak of the epidemic, it has brought great changes to the world.In the early days of explosion, Western public opinion had a lot of doubts about the anti -epidemic resistance of the city and wearing a mask. Among them, some people put forward different views based on scientific research, but some people also looked at the Asian anti -epidemic method with ideological or exotic mentality.The mask is even discriminated against.However, as the Western epidemic intensified, many countries have also blocked the city to resist and call for a mask out of the street.In various places, they crossed the river with stones and learned from each other to talk about ideas and cultural differences.

The developed country's epidemic is not seen in the top of the country's crisis.

The epidemic changes the living habits of people in various places, and it also has an unprecedented impact on the economy.In order to resist the immunity, the Western countries and Russia were semi -paralyzed in order to resist the suspension. The number of people in the United States has increased sharply to 6.64 million.Western developed countries saved money to save the market, and the major central banks had a wide interest rate reduction. Germany and Italy used more than 20 % of GDP funds to save the economy.It takes two or three years to recover.Compared to the developed world, the situation in the development of the region is worse.According to data, 45 countries with a per capita GDP of more than 10,000 US dollars have intended to use at least 1%of GDP's silver bombs to save the economy; countries with a per capita GDP of less than $ 10,000 have only 29 states to do so.

Economic and medical infrastructure in developing countries is weak, and there are not many cases of confirmed cases, only because many countries are weakly tested on a large scale.In the West, the Italian epidemic has recently been treated, but the US epidemic is still very severe. It is unknown when Fang Fang has transferred. Now the epidemic in developing countries is also desperate, and it may become a new epicenter at any time.Many developing countries do not have sufficient information technology, many people cannot work at home, and the poor are stopped by hand. Social alienation is luxury.The Indian government had previously ordered the nationwide to block the cities to resist the disease, but the reality could not be operated. Instead, it caused a social crisis. A large number of migrant workers were forced to return to their hometowns and exacerbate the spread of the epidemic.

The epidemic of developing countries is a chronograph bomb. Once the outbreak is bursting, it can set off a new wave of global infection, and it will exacerbate the epidemic in East Asia and even the West.I do not know when the epidemic can end. The worst case may have to wait for the vaccine after more than a year before they can really stop.The world's confirmed cases have exceeded one million, and the international community reminds that the international community must step up cooperation against epidemic.Western public opinion has begun to pay attention to whether the epidemic will make the international power Libra change from the West to China. The Sino -American Xuxuedid trap may be deeper and deeper. Recently, Canadian and French officials have paid attention to whether the United States has stopped the road.Buying medical supplies that were originally transported to the two countries reflected the distrust of the United States in the West.All these are worrying that whether all countries can help each other to prevent the worst situation from appearing.