Early North to read

Han Yonghong

U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo recently spoke to international media, explaining that the international public health obligations and contributions to the United States have undertaken the United States so far. There are no other countries in the world to compare it and emphasize that in the issue of confrontation with the 2019 coronary virus disease, the United States is equally in the United States.Also lead the way.

He rarely held a round -table telephone interview with media reporters from eight countries in the Asia -Pacific region on Tuesday to explain how to resist the United States in the media in the four Asian Simpan countries, Japan and South Korea, New Zealand, and Australia, reiterating the United States' commitment to international humanitarian rescue; 31On the morning, Pompeo emphasized this on another media.Of course, in a round table interview with the Asia -Pacific media, Pompeo also did not surprise criticism that criticized China to provide unrealistic descriptions that caused world confusion, expelled Western journalists, and reiterated that the United States supported Taiwan to participate in the World Health Conference as an observer.

However, the most prominent information he tried to convey is obviously: the United States is still the leader of the world. In the global action against crown disease, the United States is still playing a leading role. In particular, the contribution of the United States is far beyond China.The story is reported too little.

Judging from the series of comparison numbers from Pompeo, the situation does be true.He said that in 2019, the United States contributed more than $ 400 million in the WHO, 10 times that of China; the United States contributed to US $ 1.7 billion to the United Nations Refugee Agency, while China's contribution was only 1.9 million US dollars; the United States supported the United Nations Children's FundIt will be $ 700 million, and China's support is just a small share.

He also mentioned that since 2009, the United States has provided US $ 100 billion in medical assistance and humanitarian assistance of US $ 100 billion in countries around the world. The United States' commitment has never been surpassed by Hellip; Hellip;Scientists, technicians and other professional knowledge.

Faced with Pompeo's offensive, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which has been adopted recently without going to non -ritual, and tattooing. A spokesman Hua Chunying said that these are the responsibilities and obligations of the United States as the world's largest developed country.As for China's anti -epidemic aid provided by other countries, it is just to do their best and unintentionally compare.

The fact is that after entering March, with the control of the domestic epidemic in China, and the European and American epidemic began to get out of control, China has the ability to donate medical supplies to dozens of countries in dozens of countries.Attention.Conversely, the number of diagnostic people in the United States and death cases have risen, and the protective substances of medical staff are on the verge of interruption. At this time, Pompeo's foreign aid amount reflects the anxiety of China's threatened international leadership in China. It can also be seen that China can also see China.The diplomatic offensive has forced the United States to sit still.

Don't forget that just a week ago, Pompeo had a nose ash for the narrative right of the epidemic when he attended the Video Conference of the Seven State Group.At that time, he insisted on writing the new coronal virus into a joint statement, and as a result, the conference jointly stated that the meeting was difficult to produce due to opposition.

In contrast to the current situation of China and the United States, China's international momentum seems to have an advantage at this moment and the market outlook is bullish. However, the mid -to -long -term risks in this one cannot be underestimated. For China, Sino -US relations, and national society, they are allin this way.

First of all, the disputes between China and the United States around the theory of epidemic responsibility and the source of virus have become more and more not just saliva, but to compete close to the international leadership.On the one hand, there are many countries that are more pragmatic internationally, and there are many countries that do not support the theory of responsibility in China. However, at the same time, in the United States and European countries, and even in Italy, it is time to blame China and the words to recover from China to recover from China.The sound of compensation is also rising.

US Senator Josh Hawley and Representative Elise Stefanik proposed separately to investigate China to cover the epidemic and pursue compensation.As the U.S. epidemic expands and the people are harmed deeper, the remarks between shaking and finding war criminals will not fall, and the rising water will rise, and even rises from the dispute between tongue and spirit to actual compensation.Bloomberg reported yesterday that the confidential documents of the American intelligence agency stated that China deliberately concealed the cases and the number of deaths, which may become the basis for the future of the United States for accountability and claiming compensation.Furthermore, the United States also has many bargaining chips that can counter Chinese, such as the new round of scientific and technological warfare has recently been on the string.

In all fairness, when countries around the world see the violent means of blocking the city at the end of January, they should be able to realize that the risk of the tsunami is coming. Unfortunately, some countries ignore the reason why China pays a huge price resistance.time.When the epidemic was out of control, he was too much and struggled to shake the pot.

Pompeo's role in the leadership of the United States in resistance, unfortunately, everyone did not see it.The amount of gold aid is not a sign of international leadership. It can propose new thinking that leads the way in the previous way. It can coordinate all parties to adopt consistent goals and obtain multiple trusts.

However, in terms of financial resources, scientific research capabilities, soft power, etc., the United States is still the world's number one powerful country. The number of foreign aid for Pompeo's case does remind the outside world to face the major obligations that the first country needs to assume.I feel that the United States is getting up.The question is that China has intended, capable, and new thinking to replace the United States?China is short in soft power, and it can be made up in the short term.

Sino -US relations can't go back. The United States is still powerful but not enough to play the previous role. China can give the United States more and more competitive pressure on the United States.Essence