Bloomberg quoted the US confidential intelligence the day before yesterday that China deliberately made a case of confirmation and death, while US President Trump questioned that Chinese data seemed a bit mild.(France -France -France -France Archives)

The public opinion that western countries about China's concealment of crown disease epidemic data have risen again. Bloomberg quoted the U.S. confidential intelligence the day before yesterday that China deliberately reported the case of diagnosis and death. US President Trump questioned that Chinese data seemed a bit mild, causing the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs to scoldThe United States is slandering, smearing, and shaking the pot.

Scholars of interviewees believe that when Western politicians accusing China of the European and American epidemic, it is one of the means to alleviate the pressure of domestic public opinion.However, China still faces the challenge of information asymmetry. Whether the data is involved in the report should still dig deep investigation.

According to data notified by the National Health and Health Commission of China, as of the cumulative diagnosis and 3318 deaths from mainland China yesterday, mainland China.Bloomberg quoted three U.S. officials the day before yesterday that a confidential report that a US intelligence system presented to the White House pointed out that China concealed the seriousness of the epidemic and reported the number of diagnosis and death cases.

The report quoted the White House coronary virus response coordinating coordinating officer Deborah Birx that the information released by China has affected other countries' assumptions on the nature of virus and prompts the medical community to make a serious but less than expected judgment on the epidemic.However, Bloomberg's report did not further explain the basis for the intelligence to accuse China of concealment.

U.S. President Trump also questioned at a press conference the day before yesterday that China's epidemic data seemed a bit slightly slightly hellip; hellip; and I said so politely.

Some British, France, and Australia media have recently published articles questioning that China concealed reports, accusing these unreliable data that caused other countries to lose valuable time for preparation for the epidemic.In China, Caixin, known for survey reports on Thursday (26th), mentioned in the report that a driver took more than 2,500 ash boxes to a funeral home in Wuhan.The car beeper box caused public opinion to speculate that Wuhan's death case far exceeded the official notification of 2,559.

Hua Chunying condemned U.S. politicians to be anxious to throw the pot and push the pot

Regarding the accusations of concealment, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Hua Chunying opened the firepower at the regular press conference yesterday. Long -term listing China ’s schedule of informed epidemic and sharing information from December last year, and asked: If the epidemic was first discovered at the beginningIs the country in the United States and not China. Will the United States deal better than the Chinese government?

Hua Chunying condemned U.S. politicians when the domestic epidemic was seriously eager to make pots and shake pots, and said that the behavior of slander, smearing, dumping, and pushing was not available. Continue to lie.loss.

Chen Gang, assistant director and senior researcher at the East Asian Research Institute of the National University of Singapore, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the West has set off a new round of accusations for Chinese concealment.In particular, cases in the United States, Italy, and Spain have surpassed China. The Western government must find a statement in the face of public opinion pressure. One possibility refers to China concealment.

However, he also believes that some doubts in Western public opinion make sense, especially in China to respond to the challenge of information asymmetry.He explained that there is no motivation for concealment at the moment of the Chinese central government. After all, the global outbreak of the epidemic has reduced the pressure from China, but individual local governments may still be due to economic pressures such as resumption of work, employment, taxation, and comparative pressures between different places.And have a certain degree of concealment motivation.

Wang Jiangyu, a professor at the School of Law of the City University of Hong Kong and the director of the China Law and Comparative Law Research Center, said in an interview that whether China concealed the epidemic was a matter of facts. China has some complaints about this. Public opinion calls on the deep investigation.

However, he also pointed out that even if the actual number of Chinese diagnosis and death cases is higher than the public notification, the existing figures should have caused western countries' vigilance of the epidemic.He believes that Western countries still have a slow action after the city sealing the city in January this year, and has not taken adequate epidemic prevention measures in time. The arrogance and prejudice are more important for the current deterioration of the epidemic.