Du Yun

Needless to say, the 2019 Coronary Virus epidemic has impacted the world. It has become a fact that countries around the world have also shown different trends at the humanities and society, as well as international relations and political aspects, and have special significance for global cooperation and promotion of sustainable development.

In China, it is the most direct impact of the epidemic on the social level.From a legal point of view, many countries do not agree with China.In fact, in China, these compulsory measures are not acceptable to everyone. Some reports are reported that some people try to impact the whistle card organized by the neighborhood committee, but these people are finally taken away by the police.There is a highlight of the neighborhood committee. This is the organization that most countries do not have. Most of them also wear red sleeves. It is expected that its functions will be paid attention and research in the future.

Japan and South Korea are two near Asia neighbors that are inseparable from China. Their practices are different from China from the beginning, and their intervention in society is not the same. Ordinary people can still flow freely, but with the exposure and rise of risks, the risk is exposed and risingGeneral people require regional social control to rise, and the government must choose between social risks and jurisprudence.

Unlike Asia, Europe and the United States disdain in the early days of the epidemic.In a sense, personal freedom is the slogan that Western society is willing to advertise. People will question why it is restricted to personal travel. This is also the most difficult part of the European and American governments.Strike.But in fact, buying masks and toilet paper is the human nature that the people cannot resist, and Europe and the United States have failed to prevent the epidemic from spreading in the country.Obviously, in the humanistic concept of Asian countries, Western countries have made common mistakes at the beginning and did not adopt social control.

For the attitude of the whistle, the response of the international community is even stronger. The requirements for calling for a free flow of information and a sound legal system are the overall needs of the public.In China, the whistle is commanded, which has led to a tragic situation.In Europe, outstanding doctors and political parties are blindly optimistic, and the use of new media to dilute the risk of crown disease. This is also harmful to society, and most people condemn.

Trump's turning point

In the United States, due to the huge influence of the president, the whistle can not exist.But don't forget that one thing exists is that if the American people determine that the government is clumsy in responding to the epidemic, it will force the government to shake, so President Trump will continue to change his attitude.

Trump's transformation is not accidental. Social rumors are rumored to be for the election. To the society's favorable level, to ensure the US economy.But perhaps because of the influence of Brazil's high -level infection, after being tested, Trump has become closer to civilians instead of president, and then announced that it is forbidden to fly in Europe and criticized Europe that has not been banned to China before.

During this period, a serious political conflict took place between China and the United States, but it was surprising that it did not spread seriously.The term Chinese virus was abandoned by Trump for a few days.Obviously, the different practices of China and the United States' treatment of crown diseases highlight the long -term geopolitical confrontation between the two countries, and it also reflects the social voices of the two countries in China.

Taking the United States as an example, when Trump does not know how to cope with the virus, he emphasizes that no one gives him data in social media. The only thing he can be sure is that he must dominate domestic and international politics and maintain his leadership.effect.Therefore, Trump is very skillfully used to use social media tools, sometimes dilute the risk of epidemics, sometimes criticize Europe and China, and help determine the legality and support of decision -making at the social level.

The extensive spread of the epidemic prompted people to realize that the world was not large, and the time and space were narrow, and the relationship between the country and the country was often stumped.Taking Iran as an example, the epidemic has made it look forward to the lifting of the United States and the world, but the political opposition has made it reject the US assistance claims; the same is true of North Korea.Obviously, the politicalization of the epidemic is a new feature.Similarly, the epidemic revealed this concept. When the epidemic comes, everyone tends to find their own country, not a country of immigrants; in other words, no country does not expect and trust the vows of those foreigners.

In the United States, there are many shadows in the United States in political elections to resist globalization and ensure the interests of Americans. It may be a magic weapon for winning.Although more studies have explained that climate change, immigration and refugee issues require global coordination, the popularity of crown disease epidemic will only make narrow politicians more support.Closing the national gate, the national authorities will be strengthened, because this can make the unlimited economic growth and the satisfaction of the people's self -centered people seem to be satisfied with false satisfaction.

In the process of international cooperation and global sustainable development, the new epidemic has challenged the new rules advocate.The Europeans abandoned Italy, the British were rejected by countries around the world, and Chinese overseas Chinese set off a return to China. Singapore called for students to return to China. Japan withdrew from Vietnam and China from Vietnam and China.

These appearances all support the political claims of Talit and the Politics of Brexit. Although the political parties of these countries have repeatedly ignored the needs of respect, safety and status in life, they also need to recognize ordinary people.Social and boundless worlds, the values of advocating the process of free globalization are proven to be difficult, even if it is still possible.

In a sense, China, which has its own political claims, is also more open in the process of treating the crown disease epidemic, at least it looks complete.One thing must be clear that even if a country fails to resist, it should not be considered to be compromised and accused. This is an immoral response.For example, the group immune policy introduced in the early period of Britain has been advised by the World Health Organization, but in fact Britain's approach may be legal in the context of today's multi -pole international order and geopolitical competition. In fact, Britain is also constantly constantlyFix the policy.

In addition, the role of the World Health Organization is of course important, and it has been warning worldwide risks.In the early days of the epidemic, some countries hoped that the Chinese economy would slow down to provide huge opportunities for other countries.This kind of remarks are immoral, and can only be regarded as an illusion and tendency of self -realization, although it pleases citizens and votes.

Although the crown disease epidemic does not change the status of the World Health Organization, countries around the world still have their own practices, but from peripherals to the center, the value advice of the World Health Organization is necessary.For example, the value of the national economy comes from the status of countless supply chains in this country. Self -sufficient self -sufficiency cannot be adopted as a development policy of a closed country.

The continuous controversy around the crown disease epidemic will affect international values. Some countries are questioned at the cost of sacrificing the interests of the people. For example, the practice of Britain and Sweden is questioned, no matter how immorality is, it may be legitimate.Similarly, Asian countries, in the name of protecting the people from the invasion of the people, areolate and restrict freedom or other practices.Essence

After China ’s epidemic is generally controlled, it has begun to assist other countries. This is also a manifestation of international value and promotes the concept of global cooperation.Imagine that if countries take care of the people and are unwilling to provide medical help to others, this will cause another immoral response to international relations, and ultimately damage regional relations and even international relations.It is regrettable that EU member states failed to assist Italy at the most difficult time, and China was accepted by the Italians because of stepping up to provide the country with the most related medical assistance, and gave the Chinese flag to the flag.

Facing the crown disease epidemic, we are experiencing difficulties and challenges, and the needs of re -examining international political values are never so urgent.Priority to the United States seems to be a legitimate logic is being learned, but it will cause damage to human development.Conversely, Asian countries such as China, Japan, and South Korea insist on defining human beings as the most important wealth, and will further strengthen the optimization of the world's values.

As human beings among international members, we do not need to pay great attention to safety, nor need infinite pursuit of prosperity, and develop the country balanced in balanceFamily relations are dual needs for self -interest and global cooperation.

The author is professor of economics

Dean of the Confucius Institute of Middle East University of Technology in Türkiye

The extensive spread of the epidemic prompted people to realize that the world was not large, and the time and space were narrow, and the relationship between the country and the country was often stumped.Taking Iran as an example, the epidemic has made it look forward to the lifting of the United States and the world, but the political opposition has made it reject the US assistance claims; the same is true of North Korea.Obviously, the politicalization of the epidemic is a new feature.