The origin and spread of coronary virus in 2019 points to the severe problems in the relationship between man and nature.Although there is no conclusion on which country the virus originated from, the scientific community recognizes that the virus comes from the inappropriate contact or interaction between nature and nature.This requires people to rethink the relationship between man and nature, because if humans cannot find a suitable relationship with nature, different types of viruses will continue to reproduce, affecting or even punishing humans.

The virus was originally part of human history and part of human culture.Therefore, a human history is also a history of the generation and spread of viruses, and a history of a contest between humans and viruses.People can confidently predict that this history will never end, and what cannot be predicted is the question of who has a lord between viruses and humans.

The existence of the virus is an objective fact and does not move by human will, but the relationship between the virus and human establishment is caused by human cultural activities.In the early days, with the development of agriculture, human footprints began to reach the distant five lakes and seas.Modern industrialization and urbanization have completely eliminated the boundary between humans and nature. Unprecedented road construction, forest cutting, and land cleaning have made wild animals unprepared.Relationship.Ebola virus, SARS, Middle East Breathing syndrome (MERS), and the current coronal virus are all related to wild animals.Large -scale epidemic diseases usually start with viruses in the animal. When humans come into contact with them, the virus is on human beings.

The commercial interests (profits) discovered by humans on wild animals have contributed to wild animal trade entering the city center and putting on people's dining tables.The rapid development of pets has made more and more wild animals even become core members of many families.In Hong Kong, it was found that pet dogs were also infected with coronal virus.It is not unusual for animal infection viruses. Earlier, Sans and Middle East respiratory syndrome had similar cases.Because of human selfishness, pets have become abandoned on many occasions. If pets can also spread viruses, it will increase the way of virus diffusion.

The globalization of the virus

With the beginning of globalization and growing tourism and trade activities in modern times, it has also contributed to the globalization of the virus.The diffusion of coronal virus globally has led to more and more people's profound philosophical thinking on globalization.The virus not only caused another heavy blow to the global economy that had already slowed down, but also prompted people to question the concept of globalization from deeper.In a fierce debate that integrates or separate around the world, the spread of coronary virus may be a decisive moment.Some people even believe that the spread of coronary viruses globally is the last blow to globalization, or straw over global camel back.

Setting on science is the source of human arrogant attitude towards viruses.The development of modern times is undoubtedly promoted by the progress of human scientific and technological, which has led to more and more people that science is confident that science is universal and always capable of subduing any kind of virus.From politicians to ordinary people, people seem to treat viruses as natural disasters, waiting for them to happen, and naively believe that after a new virus occurs, humans can quickly develop vaccines or drugs.

However, this is far from this.To this day, human beings still have not been able to develop a vaccine for the 2002 and 2003, and there is no vaccine for love, Zika virus (ZIKA) or a series of new pathogens.In fact, the nature of human self -interest often gives viruses and viruses a lot of opportunities and space.Experience shows that during the two outbreaks, the behavior of various countries (no matter what political system) shows that because of the government’s short -sightedness and the nature of capital, it has caused the willingness to invest in funds to prevent greatly weakened.The vaccine and drug markets are not enough to promote research and development.

In other words, humans often show helplessness in front of viruses.If so, people must rethink and position the relationship between human beings and nature.In the relationship between human beings and nature, people's cognition has a process regardless of the East and West, but in general, this is a process from humility to arrogance.

In the West, this change is manifested in the evolution of liberalism.In the East, liberalism is more understood as a trend of political and economic ideology.However, Western liberalism is also manifested as a understanding of the relationship between man and nature.Before modern times, in Aristotle's interpretation of nature, people are considered an inherent part of the natural order; people themselves are regarded as the ultimate point fixed by nature, which cannot be changed.

Since human nature and the order of nature are consistent, people must be consistent with their own nature and consistent with the natural world.Although individuals can indeed run counter to their own nature and natural order, this behavior can damage themselves, not only destroying human good aspects, but also destroying natural order.In the Middle Ages, both Aristotle theology and Aquina theology tried to elaborate the limits set naturally.

The liberal philosophy since modern times has rejected all these restrictions that are naturally added to humans.As far as the relationship between man and nature is concerned, liberalism has gone through two waves of revolution.The first wave of revolution occurred in the Renaissance, advocating that humans should apply natural science and economy forces to realize the dominance of nature and become the master of nature.As far as the origin is concerned, the first wave of revolution began in British bacon.

Bacon questioned the natural views of Aristotle and Thomasism, and believed and advocated the dominance and control of human beings.These ideas of Bacon are the basis of early Western liberalism.Liberalism was surprised by his big discovery of economic order.They found that the economic system based on the free market can be used by humans and is an effective weapon for human conquest and dominating nature.

However, early liberalism still believes that human nature is fixed and cannot be changed.In other words, in terms of its essence, human nature is evil, and human evil can be curbed by various factors, but the nature of evil will not change.Therefore, on the one hand, early liberals believe that human evil can be used to enhance economic and scientific systems, thereby increasing human freedom and improving the ability of human conquest.Balance) to curb evil, so that evil is maintained at an acceptable degree.

The second wave of revolution took place in the 19th century. This wave of revolution completely changed the view of liberals' own people. It was believed that the nature of human beings was not fixed, but was able to change to obtain an infinite progress in morality.Liberals refer to the first wave of revolution as conservative liberalism, and the second wave of revolution is regarded as progressive liberalism.

The second wave of revolutionary liberals criticized the first wave of liberal people and the concept of nature, and believed that they did not improve enough.It is not difficult to find that from Rousser to Marx, Mill to Dewey, to various contemporary transhumanists, people refuse to refuse humanity.They want to apply the human conquest of the first wave of thinkers to the human conquest to human conquest.Today's crossed humanism believes that humans can evolve evolving by scientific and technological to promote human and mental limits to surpass their material and mental minds.The development of biological gene technology is increasingly believed that the death genes will eventually be discovered and cut off, and people can surpass the natural restrictions of age and get eternal life.

Heaven and man must be the best of the sky with others

In China, people's views on man and nature basically have gone through a process similar to the West, and it is also a process from humility to arrogance.Ancient Chinese philosophers put forward the idea of the unity of heaven and man more than 2000 years ago.The integration of heaven and man refers to the relationship between man and nature, and treats human beings as a harmonious component of nature.The ideas of the unity of heaven and people have affected the views of the ancient Chinese people's various social relations, which can be said to be the source of many ideas.Historian Mr. Qian Mu believes that the unity of heaven and man is the core of the entire ancient Chinese ideological system.The ideas of the unity of heaven and the people are not much different from the ideas of Western Aristotle and Aquina and other people.

Of course, the unity of the heaven and the people is not the same.The concept of the master and guests does not distinguish from Zhuangzi, but it only exists at the philosophical level, but in practice, it does not work, because in reality, people are still people, mountains or mountains, although the two are integrated.Because man and nature are actually separated, just like the West, the ancient Chinese people also proposed the idea of making a victory.Yi Zhou Shu middot;Song Middot; Liu Guo Xiangyang said that people are sure to win the sky, and half a long time.Qing Middot; Pu Songling Liao Zhai Zhi Yi MIDDOT; Xiao Qi, although he couldn't come, would rather be inbring me, wouldn't he go to the door, or can't you know that he would be overwhelmed?Essence

Although these expressions are somewhat different, the overall thoughts are consistent, that is, people have subjective initiative, can find the laws of natural operation, and deal with the laws and naturally.Whether it is the legend of Dayu's water or the Dujiangyan Water Conservancy Project in the Warring States Period.This is also manifested in military strategy. For example, the statement is not as good as the time, and the location is not as good as human beings.It can be understood as opportunities or climatic conditions, and geographical conditions are favorable geographical conditions.Time and local interests are important factor in winning the military competition. For example, Zhuge Liang borrowed Dongfeng and Zhou Yu burned Chibi to defeat Cao Cao's million troops.

Since modern times, the meaning of people's victory has undergone essential changes.The various doctrines in the West are flowing into China, and any kind of doctrine often appears in the most aggressive form. At the same time, in the process of various doctrine competition, those gentle ones are eventually eliminated and the survival is radical.This is determined by the historical conditions of modern China, because traditional China has been defeated by Western powers and requires the survival of the nation and the country to adopt a more aggressive and extreme way than the West.

In this process, people who have attached great importance to people's subjective initiative have been pushed to extremes, evolving adults to defeat nature, dominating and controlling nature.The so -called fighting with the sky, the endless music with the earth, and the endless joy with others reflect the trend of this extreme thought; even obvious, the people (others) here have become natural (object)) Part of it is the object that individuals need to fight and conquer.

In terms of struggle with nature, if the market natural order is found in the West, many developing countries, including China, have discovered political and natural order based on power.Different discoveries have the root cause of history, because if developing countries only rely on market order, they are not enough to compete with the West, let alone defeat the West.Therefore, many countries have shifted to politics, shaping strong national order through politics, and defeating the West.Conquering nature with the power of political organizations has become the beliefs and practice of many countries.Over time, people began to regard this kind of political order above power into natural order, that is, not a system of artificial manufacturing, but a system that transcends humanity.

In China, people seem to be more extreme.There are examples of failure here, such as the Great Leap Forward (struggle with nature) and the Cultural Revolution (struggle with people), as well as a very successful example, such as the Three Gorges Dam and the national system.However, people seem to have no memory of the past failure, but only care about the glory of success.

I remember in the beginning of this century (2005), a Chinese official media interviewed a well -known scientist. The interview draft was published publicly in the title of humans without being awe nature.Natural contempt.Although this arrogant attitude has been restrained due to the needs of governance environment in recent years, people's worship of the national system has not only weakened, but has intensified.

Regardless of Chinese and Western, human beings are facing huge uncertainty because they often encounter the sudden outbreak of coronary virus, let alone other natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunami, and huge climate change.Virus alone, scientists estimate that 1.67 million unknown viruses exist in the world of human life.From this perspective, the struggle between humans and nature will continue, that is, trying to discover these viruses and sequencing, and on this basis, vaccines and drugs are found.However, in essence, this is not as good as a struggle with nature. It is better to fight with themselves, because the virus itself is an inappropriate way to interact with nature.

If people Ding Shengtian means that human beings use rationality to understand the laws of nature, and get along according to the laws of nature and naturally, humans will get closer to the realm of heaven and man in the ancients; howeverTo be a natural master, to conquer the owner of humans itself as others, this will not only control and control nature and humans, but will eventually lead humans to a horrible X era.

The author is a professor at the East Asia Research Institute of Singapore's National University

The article only represents personal point of view