Source: Ming Pao Society Review

The U.S. epidemics turned sharply, and the country's confirmed cases exceeded 120,000. President Trump took the initiative to call Chinese President Xi Jinping to discuss the epidemic on Friday, emphasized that he would concentrate on cooperation and cooperate with the epidemic. He also thanked China for providing medical supplies.Last Thursday, the G20 Video Summit, and Xi Tong's phone, was an important turning point in international cooperation against epidemic, and had positive significance for controlling the epidemic and reducing the global economic impact.Trump's soft posture, suspending political arts and propaganda operations does not mention Chinese viruses, reflecting the severe resistance of the United States, and has to seek Beijing assistance, it does not mean that Sino -US relations have really improved, and the United States' strategy of curbing China will not change.Washington not only has not slowed down the Taiwan issue, but has recently deployed to strengthen the cracking down on Huawei. When the epidemic is slightly eased, the US -China struggle may be more sharp and dangerous.

Global epidemic explodes, and has increased to more than 600,000 cases a week. Europe and the United States have become the hardest hit areas.The United States has exceeded 120,000 cases, becoming the largest country in the world, with more than 2,000 people killed; more than 92,000 in Italy, more than 10,000 deaths, and Spain for 80,000, and more than 6,000 people have died.On the scale of population, the Italian country and Spain are similar to a Hubei Province. Now the situation in Europe is at least two Hubei epidemic areas.In the United States, more than 50,000 people have been diagnosed in New York State alone, and Chicago and Detroit may be the next wave of hot spots.The British authoritative epidemic prevention expert Neil Ferguson's research estimated that the worst situation in the US epidemic was the death of millions of people, and the Wall Street Journal quoted 34 economists.The unemployment rate rose from 3.5%to 10%, worse than financial tsunami.

Before the White House diluted the epidemic, the virus test was seriously lagging behind, which caused a lot of criticism.Before Trump's phone with Xi Jinping last week, he responded to the confirmed cases of the United States more than China, saying that it was because our virus testing was done well and in turn questioned the number of Chinese numbers.In terms of peace, there have been certain results in the recent post -pursuit of US virus testing. So far, nearly 600,000 times have been done, but per 10,000 per person, the United States is still less than 200, which is still worse than 700 people in South Korea and 600 in Italy.far away.In China, there were more than 300,000 people in Guangdong Province alone.The current diagnosis number in the United States is still the tip of the iceberg.

The confirmed case is an important reference number in various places. However, if it is only used as a cultural propaganda operation, it is quite impossible to see it as a cultural propaganda operation.The virus is not controlled in one day. All human beings are losers. At the moment, watching the fire from the shore at the moment is lucky. If you do not do a good job of the immigration work, the feng shui will be circulated at any time in the next moment.Recently, some people have paid attention to the definition of confirmed cases in China, which is different from Europe and the United States. The test is positive but asymptomatic.It is found that it will be separated for 14 days, and the negatives will be dismissed by twice. If clinical symptoms occur during this time, the diagnosis will be changed in real time.There are different methods of immunerals in various places. Crossing the river with stones. Compared with the argument cases, there are more or less, it is more important to see if it can prevent the epidemic.In the future, the trend of China's epidemic needs to pay close attention. However, the current situation in China is generally controlled, and the European and American epidemic conditions are far from being topped. It is a widespread view of international experts and will not change due to the dispute between tongue.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, there are many neighbors in various countries and less coordination and cooperation.As far as resistance is concerned, the G20 summit last Thursday and the next day's call was very important, and it was the turning point of international cooperation against epidemic.In the previous seven major industrial countries (G7), the epidemic was mainly concentrated in supporting the economy. However, controlling the epidemic was the foundation of the economy. Regardless of the treatment of drugs and vaccine research and development, epidemic prevention materials and information sharing, it was necessary to coordinate.The G20 Summit proposed that the Minister of Health of the member states in April meeting was an important step to discuss substantial resistance measures.As the two most important countries of G20, China and the United States have repeatedly risen due to epidemic problems.Recently, Trump has suspended the operation of diplomatic texts and no longer hangs Chinese viruses on his mouth. He actively called Xi Jinping's business epidemic situation, and undoubtedly removing a major obstacle for international anti -epidemic cooperation.

During the call, Trump praised China's epidemic prevention work. We learned a lot and thanked the Chinese side to provide medical supplies to the United States. Xi Jinping said that he was willing to provide power and support.U.S. immigration is urgently hugging the Buddha's feet, and the epidemic prevention supplies are seriously insufficient. There is a medical death in New York. The same robe pointed out that the hospital lacked protective equipment, and even helplessly used the garbage bag right to fill the protective clothing.The strategic inventory of the US government's mask is only 1%of actual needs. Recently, the State Council has ordered the embassy and consulates from all over the State Council to spend money (buying materials).In the large country of medical supplies, even if the Washington Hawks are always unwilling to help China help.The G7 other member states did not intend to follow the Washington Hawk to take the new crown virus to operate, which also made the White House have to collect it.

The Xiut Call indicates that the two countries' diplomatic literature declares the temporary and rest, but China -US relations have really improved.Trump ’s epidemic on the issue of the epidemic is just an expedient plan, which does not mean that Washington will change the strategy of curbing China's rise in recent years.In the call, Xi Jinping urged the United States to take substantial actions to improve the relationship between the two countries. Trump did not respond positively. He only said that he would ask himself to ensure that the two countries excluded interference in cooperation against disease, indicating that the White House was limited to resistance.

Recently, the US military's activities in the China Sea China have increased, and the problem of Taiwan ’s operations has become more intensified.EssenceReuters also reports that Washington plans to repair the plan to restrict foreign suppliers with chips to Chinese telecommunications equipment merchants.All these are Sino -US relations and even anti -epidemic cooperation, adding a lot of haze.The epidemic has impacted the world, and the resistance of the epidemic will determine which country will be smaller and which country has the deepest frustration.If the development of the epidemic in the future makes Washington believes that compared with the United States and the entire West, China will become a political and economic winner under the epidemic, and it is likely to strengthen China's efforts.After the epidemic, it may be a more sharp Sino -US competition and wrestling.