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The 2019 coronary virus disease has become a global disaster, and countries have adopted extremist measures to be sealed in the city. A large number of population enters the active and passive isolation state.As a result, he created a world -renowned masterpiece for ten days.

This is a specific example of the Renaissance inducing the Renaissance, and Europe has gone out of the Dark Age of the Middle Ages.In addition, the population decreased sharply caused by black death, leading to lack of labor force and rising wages, forcing employers to try to improve production efficiency and help promote the industrial revolution.

In my opinion, the coronary virus is likely to have similar long -term historical influence. It is too early to predict accurately, but you can still see some general directions.

The first is the backstur of the process of globalization.In this trend, the world's factory status established by China in recent decades has faced a great crisis.Although the domestic epidemic has been controlled, the economic cost of blocking the population in the country for several months is huge.Especially nearly 100 million individual business enterprises (the research group of Peking University estimates that 2018 is 97.764 million households) and the 230 million employment people they have hired, the survival and livelihood issues after cash flow, and the huge domestic demand leakage of the huge domestic demand that occurredEssence

China is the world's largest trade exporter.Outside China, the crown virus storm has hit the largest blow to the economy, one of the best in the world in the world.Both are the post -industrial society where the service industry is occupied by the main body, restricting the impact of social contact with the mobility of the flow of economic output.The unprecedented decline and even the Great Depression seem to be imminent, and it will inevitably greatly reduce the demand for China's exports of these two huge economies.

Then, under the impact of coronal virus, from small masks to the guarantee supply of many industrial products such as various drugs and medical equipment, it has become a national security policy, and it will inevitably promote the encouragement of Europe and the United States and even the return of manufacturing.In addition, the areas where viruses are raging and severe have close economic and trade exchanges with China.The virus causes losses of huge people, which will inevitably lead to a general anti -China trend.

In contrast, coronal virus may bring additional historical opportunities to India.Because of limited direct economic and trade exchanges with China, and in tropical, the Indian domestic epidemic is significantly lighter than Europe and the United States.Of course, the situation is changeable at any time, and India's medical system is far from Asian countries such as Singapore and South Korea, which shows outstandingly in the control of the epidemic.However, the main output of India in the process of globalization is not industrial products, but a high -tech service industry.This business may have developed unexpectedly due to coronal virus disasters.

When the city's urban and restricting population flow contact, network services have obtained an unprecedented major status.Not only the people who block the people can only obtain information through the Internet, but also seek pastime by the Internet when they are very boring, but also a large number of public and private employees are forced to work remotely through the Internet at home. In addition, there are sudden online purchases and delivery services.

This is obviously a huge benefit for the Indian high -tech industry, which is mainly based on long -range services.It is also important that in the source of coronary virus, India has no Chinese burden. Do not worry about overseas hostile forces, and it is more likely to obtain dual benefits in the new geopolitical strategies since Europe and the United States.

However, the Hinduist belief of the People's Party Government has made India be able to seize this historical opportunity to make people doubtful.The BBC reported that Hindu believers believed that drinking beef urine can fight coronal virus is an example.According to the Economist Weekly, the magical medical effect of cattle and urine is the scientific research project strongly encouraged by the people's party government.

The author is engaged in scientific research in North America