
March 30, 2020

The 2019 Coronary Virus epidemic outbreak of Wuhan in China has spread to all parts of the world in just a few months.The means of the city of the city also caused the social and economic life to fall into a pause, which caused the global economy to face a sharp decline.Although the target of the virus is not distinguished from the rich, the poor, and the poor, and the country with rich resources, it is undoubtedly more capable than lacking financial resources; the influence of the richness of the rich classes in various society is obviously lighter than the middle and lower classes.

As the number of infections in the United States jumps first, the epidemic in New York City may become another Wuhan, and the world's attention focuses on how the world's largest economy overcome challenges.At the same time, Italy and Spain, where the European epidemic is the most serious, has not yet passed the peak of the epidemic. Germany, France, and the United Kingdom may be possible in the next one or two weeks, and the second western nation will be.Although the situation in South Korea has stabilized, Japan's third largest economy in Japan issued a warning, saying that it was on the verge of outbreak of the epidemic.In other words, all wealthy countries are in the dilemma of mud bodhisattva to cross the river to varying degrees, and there is no time to pay attention to the situation abroad.

But the epidemic is actually spreading globally without distinguishing between borders.The rich and developed countries have been burnt when dealing with the epidemic, let alone those who lack the basic medical system and the backward development of the national economy.India, the second largest country in the world with a population of 1.3 billion, announced on March 25 that the country was locked for three weeks. In addition to purchasing a necessity of life, the people were strictly forbidden to leave their homes to go out.New Delhi officially launched an emergency assistance facilities of 32 billion yuan the next day, directly distributing cash and food to the poor.It is estimated that about 800 million people in India meet the assistance conditions.

The number of diagnosis of India has not exceeded a thousand people so far, and the number of deaths is also double -digit. HoweverSturded for a few weeks.With India's population scale, if the epidemic spreads on a large scale, even if the death rate of coronary virus is relatively low, the actual number of actual deaths will be a tragedy in the world.Other large population countries such as Egypt, South Africa, Brazil and Indonesia also have similar hidden dangers.If the epidemic in these countries concentrates on outbreaks before the epidemic in developed countries, they are likely to be isolated.

In addition to the threat of the epidemic, underdeveloped countries must also face the threat of economic recession and hungry people.The international tourism industry has hibernated and the demand for commodities in developed countries has been reduced, and a single country with a single economic structure is bound to fall into a dilemma between epidemic prevention or earnings.As Pakistan's Prime Minister Emran Khan said, if the city sealing measures are taken, the people who are avoiding the virus will eventually starve to death.Starting from the most fundamental humanitarian spirit, developed countries must extend their hands as soon as possible, not to mention that doing so is also self -interest.

The International Monetary Fund has stated that it is preparing to use the US $ 1 trillion credit reserves to supply national movements; the newly held Video Summit of the 20th National Group also promised to invest $ 5 trillion to stimulate global economic activities.In addition, it is necessary for rich countries to assist in developed countries to fight against epidemic conditions. When there is any effort, it provides anti -epidemic materials and drugs as soon as possible to avoid more unnecessary losses.From the logic of large flow disease, assisting other regions to curb virus spread can also play a role in reducing the probability of input -type cases in developed countries in the future.The virus has no national borders and helps to defend the epidemic in underdeveloped regions, and it will also enhance the health security of developed countries themselves.

In developed countries itself, the government must also attach importance to the vulnerability of vulnerable groups in front of the epidemic.A survey in New York found that most of the communities with serious epidemics are the concentration of poor people.The middle and upper classes can work at home, but more at the bottom of the society faces the dilemma of stopping oral stops, so it is necessary to take risks; the increasingly increasing number of employees of the zero -working economy also encounters livelihood difficulties that lack basic welfare guarantees.The urban measures have different degrees of impact on the unemployed, disabled people, patients with chronic diseases, and families with special needs.Both the government and society must pay attention to these disadvantaged groups and alleviate the damage they suffered in the epidemic.