As the 2019 Coronary Virus epidemic swept the world, the American Atlantic Monthly published an article entitled that there was no libertarians in an epidemic before the infectious disease.The main axis of the America VS. Socialism election, referring to socialism, as intended, and obviously intended to attach socialist labels on their heads when the Democratic Party Bynden recruits his opponent Sanders supporters.

On March 13, President Trump announced that the country has entered an emergency, which provides up to $ 50 billion in financial assistance for states, localities and overseas territories.On March 18, Trump even announced that it will start the Defense Production Act issued by the Korean War in 1950, which will help the president to ask US companies to speed up the production of masks, respirators and other necessary equipment.

Democratic presidential candidates held on the evening of March 15, because they were not open to the audience, the location was changed from the original Arizona to the Washington Video Factory in the United States CNN (CNN).In the debate, Sanders warned that the impact of coronal virus on the economy was comparable to the Second War.

Sanders's focus on Trump's question on this issue is that because of resources and uneven allocation, whether resources can be distributed fairly, some of which are controversial in consciousness, but how to allocate allocated, but how to allocate allocationIt is more fair than now, and it is a political question that implements social justice and generations of justice.

Although Sanders has increased the pressure of retirement every day, since the participation of the primary election in 2016, his polls have remained high, and the support rates in the youth and Latin ethnic groups are as high as 80 %.Even though mainstream political theory often classifies its policies as heresy of the extreme left, there are many sarcasters, but various signs show that Sanders's non -niche politicians have gradually become a climate in the United States.

The question is, the United States, who had sneered at the leftist thoughts and favored new liberalism during the Cold War, why did it start to accept the dogma of socialism and promote Sanders to become the party of the public market?

Take Latin America during the Cold War as an example. In 1970, the United States selected the first President of Latin America Salvador Allende, the first President of Latin America.With support, a coup was successfully launched in September 1973.

More importantly, American economist Milton Friedman has also become the chief designer of Chile's new liberal reform.However, Chile has continued the turmoil that has not yet subsided since the end of last year. It not only helps to understand why the United States has begun to accept socialism, but also foresee the possible consequences of the Trump administration.

The root cause of Chilean turmoil

Monica de Bolle, a senior researcher at Peterson International Economic Research Institute in the United States, believes that the best explanation of the Latin America's outbreak chain in 2019 is Tunnel Effect.

The tunnel effect proposed by Albert O. Hirschman, a political economist in 2012, in 1972, refersIt will become impatient and even angry.

Herkman believes that when the people are in an environment of economic growth, it will produce expectations of increasing their own income. This long -term beautiful vision fills the emptiness and anger of short -term loss.As long as lsquo; tunnel effect rsquo; continuous, everyone thinks it will be better, but its tolerance is deadline.If the gap between the rich and the poor is not as expected, it may become a disaster.

Jorge Heine, a professor at Boston, believes that one of the reasons for Chilean turmoil is the public frustration. The culprit is the privatized pension system established from the end of 1980.This has to be first mentioned that a social responsibility published by Friedman in the New York Times magazine in 1970 is to increase its own profits (The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase ITS PROFITS).

In the widely circulated article, Friedman pointed out that there is only one goal of business operators, that is, to obtain the largest interests for shareholders, and the CEO should not worry about providing work, eliminating discrimination or avoiding pollution environment.The company's senior executives do not have the freedom to do whatever they want, and they are just employees hired by shareholders.If they use their money to do charity in their spare time, it is okay, but at work, they must blame the maximum benefits for shareholders.He even believes that those CEOs who are worried about employees and society are advocating pure socialism.

Since 1981, the Chilean military government has carried out the privatization reform of the pension system. Although the reform has positive significance, there are still problems such as small coverage and high management costs.At the beginning of the establishment of pension privatization, it was claimed that the insured can receive 70%of the salary before retirement (replacement rate), but according to the statistics of the Economic Cooperation and Development Organization (OECD), the replacement rate in 2017 wasAverage of 58.7%in OECD countries.Taking the 2018 average as an example, men can receive 150,000 pesos (about $ 200), and women can receive 110,000 pesos, only one -third of the minimum wage.

Due to the strong relative deprivation of pensions, one of the reasons for the chaos in 2019, President Pinela promised to propose a pension reform plan on January 15, 2020.

Jared Diamond, a professor of physiology at the University of California, Los Angeles, was published in 1997, germ, and steel: the fate of human society (GUNS, GERMS, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies), trying to be nearly 10,000In the past 3000 years, human history, explaining why Eurasian civilization can eventually survive and defeat other civilizations.

The author found four factors related to the environment. The first is the environment with sufficient resources, the second is the difference between domestication and plant types, and the third is the development of the north -south or east -west axis.The fourth point is that there will be epidemic diseases after the population cluster. These diseases often find similar pathogens on pigs, sheep, and cows.When European colonists came to the Americas and Africa colonies, these germs were brought over, causing a large number of people to die.

Dimon believes that the differences between rights and technology in human society cannot reflect the differences in culture or race, but come from the environmental differences that are expanded by various positive feedback cycles.Unfortunately, the New York Times in the New York Times in the interpretation column in the interpreter that as the coronary virus spreads globally, it seems to be in another most severe problem in our era mdash; MDASH; economic inequality,Form a devastating feedback loop.

Huntington in the third wave: The key to a democratic country in the late 20th century: whether a democratic country can continue to survive is not the size of the problem it encounters, or even whether it has the ability to solve those problems.The key is how the leaders of democratic countries face major national issues that they cannot solve.

The test of the success or failure of the anti -epidemic combat was not only Trump, but also the democracy in the United States.

The author is Taiwan Zhili University of Science and Technology

Professor of the Department of International Trade

Director of the Latin American Economic and Trade Research Center

Since 1981, the Chilean military government has carried out privatization of the pension system. Although the reform has positive significance, there are still issues such as small coverage and high management costs.At the beginning of the establishment of pension privatization, it was claimed that the insured can receive 70%of the salary before retirement (replacement rate), but according to the statistics of the Economic Cooperation and Development Organization (OECD), the replacement rate in 2017 wasAverage of 58.7%in OECD countries.