Source: Hong Kong 01 website

The core of the 2019 Coronary Virus epidemic has gradually moved west to Europe, America and other places from the original Wuhan Wuhan.The number of diagnosis in the United States exceeded 85,000 on Thursday (26th) local time, surpassing the number of Chinese official diagnosis and becoming the most severe area of the epidemic.Europe suffered the largest blow to Italy. By Hong Kong on Friday (27th), more than 80,000 people had been infected. 8,215 were killed and the mortality rate was as high as 10 %.Many Western European countries include Spain, Germany, France, Switzerland, and British cases.However, among the countries in the country, the preliminary mortality rate of a country is far lower than that of neighboring countries. So far, 262 people have died. This is the same as the epidemic. Even the Prime Minister Merkel is separated from Germany.

At present, many patients in Europe are still in treatment, and it is too early to accurately calculate the rate of death.However, from the preliminary figures, the number of diagnosis in Germany is 43,000.many.80,000 people in Italy were infected, at least 8,000 people died, the mortality rate was 10%, more than 4,000 of the 57,000 infected in Spain died, the mortality rate was 7.6%, France was 5.8%, the UK was 4.9%, Germany was in Germany, GermanyIt is only 0.6%.

Large -scale testing in Germany

After the outbreak, German Chancellor Merkel once said that 70 % of the Germans, that is, 58 million people will be infected, and then because their doctors also confirmed, Merkel himself accepted himself.However, according to local experts, Germany is still in the early stage of the epidemic, and the government is actively conducting large -scale testing for the people, so that early diagnosis patients are treated earlier.Germany can detect 160,000 people every week. In contrast, the European epidemic has the most serious Italy to detect 150,000 people. In the face of an out of control, Italian Jili has to implement the national ban.France, Spain and other countries have followed Italy and announced that it is sufficient to prevent the spread of epidemic. Only Germany has not yet implemented a ban. Only local governments in Bavaria and Freiburg have corresponding measures.However, the rising numbers in Germany are not much different from neighboring countries.

The German anti -epidemic policy is obviously similar to South Korea's large -scale testing measures.Since the beginning of the outbreak of the outbreak of South Korea, it has been tested on a large scale of more than 340,000 people, causing asymptomatic or mild symptoms to have nothing to do. In addition to getting the diagnosis and treatment early, it also avoids its transmission of viruses.Under the government's aggressive policy, the Korean epidemic growth curve has been flattened.However, because young Germans attended the Carnival, or skiing in Italy and Austria, the German community communication continued. It may be time to flatten the curve, or the federal government's stronger social distance measures.

There is sufficient hospitals and beds

German patients are dominated by young people, while Germans have fewer habits with the same habit of living with the elderly like southern European countries, making the elderly infection lower than neighboring countries.In comparison, Italy is the second largest population of the world in Japan. The average age of patients is 66 years old, and 58%of the infected people are over 60 years old, which also causes its mortality to be as high as 10%.The German government is also worried that once the community has continued and the elderly population starts to become infected, it will also increase the German mortality.

However, Germany's mortality rate continues to be a healthy medical system that is not more than 1%.Germany spends $ 5,728 a year above the medical system. Except Switzerland, Luxembourg, or Norway, it is higher than any European country.In comparison, France has only $ 4,902, US $ 4,246, Italy and Spain only more than 3,000 US dollars. It happens that Western countries are the most severe countries in Europe.The per capita hospital bed ratio of Germany is also one of the highest countries in the world. It ranks fourth in the 40th countries of the OECD (OECD). On average, there are 8 beds per thousand people. Compared with Italy, there are only 3.2.The number of German hospitals is also crowned in Europe, about 1,900, and 28,000 in severe patients.

The German government has also taken precautions against the epidemic.On January 6, when Wuhan had just broke out of the epidemic and informed WTDs, only one week after the WTO, Germany had established a permanent monitoring committee, and the first confirmed case of the party appeared on January 27th after more than half a month.Prepare sufficient detection equipment and medical facilities.There are sufficient testing equipment, anti -epidemic resources, and sound medical system, making Germany hope that Europe will get out of the haze of epidemic disease.