Source: Hong Kong 01 website

In the 1980s, when the US President Reagan had sharply reduced the expenses of the health department, the nine most terrible words in English were from the government, and I came to help.More than 30 years later, the Canadian columnist Stephen Marche threw out the nine more terrible nine words: if you have any illnesses, please contact HMO (medical insurance company).Recently, Malti wrote at the Washington Post in the United States, proposing that the new coronary virus epidemic will cause the United States to lose any remaining leader of the world.Before one day, there were 85,000 cases of confirmation in the new crown virus, surpassing the number of Chinese official diagnosis.U.S. President Trump said that he was designed to include new epidemic prevention guidelines such as social distance, and predicted that the public would soon resume work, as if living in parallel time and space.

The article of Malci at the Washington Post compared with the 1957 Su Yi Canal crisis with today's epidemic.At that time, the Egyptian President Naisser gave the Su Yi Canal nationalization. The British and French forces also conspired to send troops to occupy Su Yishi and overthrow Nasser. However, it was strongly opposed by the United States and threatened to sell the pound of the US reserve.In the end, Britain retired sadly, revealing who is the real world hegemon.After being smashed by Egypt, the global colonial empire of Britain and France no longer was no longer, and the colonial movements in various places have sprung up. In just ten years, 24 British colonies announced their independence, and the Non -Sky Empire became the end.

Will the British Empire in the United States be dusty?

Half a century later, a global disease epidemic also exposed strong and middle -aged in the United States.There is no coordination, no system, disordered information, each state's respective politics, two parties in political competition, and leadership in a state of isolated. A large number of Americans who rushed back to China before the Chicago Ohel International Airport returned to China, which was even more shocking.For other countries, a chaotic country is not trustworthy at all. A Norwegian University also calls on the people to leave the United States as soon as possible, because the backward medical system in the United States is difficult to cope with the epidemic.Whether or not it is true, it also reflects the confidence of foreign countries in the United States system.

In fact, the chaotic scene of Oside has continued to appear in the United States in recent years.Nearly in 2014, Flint, Michigan, broke the lead water incident, exposed the serious ruins of local public facilities, and the basic conditions of the government could not be guaranteed.In 2005, Carterina was disaster, and the entire New Orleans in Louisiana was flooded by the flood. The victims were all over the world.As far as a riot in the southern Los Angeles in 1992, a large city of famous global cities also happened like a civil war.

In the 1970s to drop new liberalism

These three public emergencies have their common points. It happens that in addition to being ethnic minorities, it is also an area where the poor live.The racist problem has existed on the day of the United States, and a deep -rooted structural problem has been formed inside and outside the system.However, the disadvantaged status faced by ethnic minorities has exited the government on public policy, and it is even more deteriorating.Los Angeles riots originated from scholars of local black communities, and rents have risen racial contradictions to the Asian population.The Flint lead water incident was seriously insufficient in government resources at that time, and it took the use of local rivers to save costs to save costs.And this is what Marchi refers to the new liberalism built by the Reagan era.

Since the road of Hayek's duration, a classical liberal revival of classical liberalism suddenly appeared in the late 1970s. It depends on the government as the source of all evils and the less government intervention.Come to help jokes is the product of the background of this era.From then on, regardless of mass media or school education, it has strongly sold the theory of the market economy than the planned economy of the planned economy, which has become an unbreakable myth in the past 40 years.However, after the government withdrew, after the market became the helm of the economy, everything was based on profits. Rising rents and significantly reduced public expenditures. The first time it was a minority who had been discriminated against by the system.

In addition, under the law of the jungle of the market economy, large enterprises have accumulated a large amount of wealth in just decades, forming oligopoly monopolies, affecting and controlling the general public life at all levels, and also affecting political processes and elections.With an endless money, the chaebol shuttle in the villas of the parliament to lobby their industry interests, and put a large number of candidates donated by the two parties in each election to affect its political platform.Jun did not see the two trillions of the Republicans of the Senate a few days ago to stimulate the economy, and actually set up a $ 4.5 trillion aid corporate loan. Originally, it was more consortium to set up a half -year confidentiality period.After repeatedly negotiating with the Democratic Party, it added a symbolic monitoring of the same virtual.

The market cannot cope with the disease

At the same time, the government throwing a $ 4.5 trillion loan assistance at the same time, at the same time, it only dispatched 250 billion yuan and extracted for the whole people to be unemployed.When the UK, Denmark, Canada and other countries were in a difficult period of the epidemic and paid more than 70 % and half a half salary or basic income to maintain the emergency measures of workers. After the American political circles experienced many negotiations, they only proposed that each person was 1,200 US dollars per person.One of the sexual money.Such a thick and one -piece solution shows how Washington is inclined to the big consortium of the merchant.At the same time, when the U.S. government spends nearly double the expenses of other developed countries each year, the average American still costs double the cost and medication.It is necessary to bear high parables such as high premiums, registered fees, and payment. It is the new liberal government's inaction after the long -term squeezing by medical insurance and pharmaceutical companies.No wonder the University of Norwegian has to take a kick and call on the people to evacuate on the grounds that the American medical system is backward.

The global disease of the world can be described as a new liberal bankruptcy of more than 30 years.When governments of various countries are facing this colorless, odorless and olfactory enemy, it is difficult for the market to be difficult to lead the work of resistance.In addition, the lack of public medical insurance systems for the people also makes the public worry that the cost of doing virus testing must be assumed.If you have any illnesses, please contact HMO in 2020 to become a government from the government.

Americans' doubts lasted more than a month until Congress passed the expenses of national virus testing, but the country has entered a large -scale explosion stage.At this time, there were frequent reports that the hospital's equipment was seriously inadequate, and some medical staff had to reuse the mask.Trump even proposed to re -use the disinfection mask, which is ridiculous.In the past few decades, the market has been respected by the market that is almost universal, and the government will only drag new liberals in the back. How can the medical facilities that appear worldwide seriously inadequate, the shortage of masks and ventilator, but the market has not responded in a timely manner?When Trump claimed to consider the use of national defense production laws, requisitioning large -scale production medical equipment for enterprises, he was also opposed by corporate groups and retreated.

Disaster of over -free market

Since the U.S. government has continued to reduce the government scale, reduce public officials, reduce public financial expenditure for decades, and even reduce public financial expenditure for decades, Trump still plans to reduce the scale of the US CDC CenterIt is not surprising that the government should be so weak to this large public health accident.And when the government exits, how can enterprises bear the government's functions?Amazon, a subsidiary of the world's richest man, set up a rescue fund at the beginning of the month, supporting logistics companies and self -employed people who supported them to donate money online.Ironically, when Malch said that the United States was losing its world leader status and published the Washington Post, which was wholly -owned by Sorbes, was the most unparalleled business mouthpiece to maintain the new liberal system.

A major diseases undoubtedly exposed the defects of the US system.Dedicated by its market omnipotent, the government's instructions were abducted by the shackles of the heavy ideological shackles of all evils, so that it was weak on the anti -epidemic front.When politicians and chaebols have been telling the people for decades, they have to maintain their financial stability, so they must reduce the welfare of lowers, especially ethnic minorities, but when the economic crisis caused by the epidemic is constantly using trillions of funds to rescue the market, and it is completely exposed to completely exposed.Its false lies.

The corporate lover is that the trillion rescue plan takes advantage of the fire, and the content of the two parties is stalemate. When the people are in the deep water, they have fallen into a deadlock due to political competition.Holding, unable to respond to the practical demands of the people.After the Su Yishi in 1957, the British declined from the Nikko Empire to a small country on the edge of Europe today.The global disease in 2020 also made the United States -led new liberal system, proud political system, and world leaders of the world of power.A shuffle of a global political pattern may be staged quietly.