On March 11th, the World Health Organization announced that the epidemic of coronary virus disease has become popular in the world.Global popularity of crown disease reveals the vulnerability of globalization. It is manifested by globalization that can quickly spread infectious diseases, and it is also more likely to be affected by the interruption of supply chain to cause production to discontinue production.

First, economic relations depend on promoting the flow of personnel, leading to the spread of infectious diseases.On March 13th, the Wall Street Journal reported that Iranian officials traced the source of the country's crown disease to the Saint Town Cam, where there were infrastructure projects participating in China.

Iranian health officials said that the source of crown disease may be a Chinese worker who works in Kum, or an Iranian businessman with a local Chinese travel history.Coronatte virus spread quickly to the whole country after the spread of a city with a population of about 1 million.

Italy is the most serious country in European crown disease.On February 27th, French International Radio reported that according to Su Huanzhi, former head of Tainan County, Taiwan, the Italian authorities knew that the virus from Wenzhou immigrants from Prarto was worried that the secrets made by Italian brand Italy were known by others.

Plato is a heavy production town. It supports the world's famous design capital and the fashion industry center MDash; MDASH; Milan.The world's famous Gucci, Armani, Prada, etc. are all produced in Plato. Many factory owners, staff and workers are from Wenzhou.The Italian authorities are worried that the value of the Italian manufacturing of the Chinese processor affects the value of the brand, so it would rather discuss this source of infection.

Japan is also a country with a serious crown disease. It is very dissatisfied with Abe's measures in Abe in the epidemic in the crown disease.It wasn't until March 5 that China clearly informed Xi Jinping's delays three hours after visiting Japan that the Japanese government announced that it was banned from entering the country from mainland China and Koreans.Compared with Taiwan's comprehensive restrictions on the entry of mainlanders from February 6, Japan has been one month later and missed the golden time of epidemic prevention deployment.

On February 19th, the Japanese current Affairs News Agency reported that the Japanese government personnel pointed out that because Xi Jinyuan was scheduled to visit Japan in April, the Chinese side asked Japan to do not make a new crown virus.People in mainland China enter the country and dare not control the behavior of Chinese masks in mainland China.China is the second largest export trade partner and the largest import trade partner in Japan. Many Japanese companies invest in China in China. They are so closely related to economic and trade relations, making Abe dare not decide decisively.

Second, globalization promotes the interdependence of enterprises, making them more vulnerable to the impact of accidents.Globalization enables enterprises to embrace the global supply chain and form an intricate production network.This result makes it difficult for enterprises to find alternatives or substitutes, especially for products and enterprises with specific technical requirements.

As of March 2, 2020, the six countries with the most cases reported in order are: China, South Korea, Italy, Japan, the United States and Germany.These six countries account for 55%of the world's GDP, accounting for about 60%of the world's manufacturing industry, and 50%of the world's manufacturing exports.China, the United States, Germany and Japan in these six countries are hubs of global supply chains; Italy and South Korea are also in the core position of global supply chain in some areas.

The production of these six countries has been blocked, and many factories in the world have ended abruptly.For example, on March 16, France reported that large manufacturers such as Renault, logo Sedaron and Michelin tires will be closed one after another from the 17th, and the suspension time will be temporarily set at least one week.

The decline in production in these six countries has led to a decline in exports and the most serious impact on the epidemic.Taking China as an example, the exports of goods in China by 15.9%in the first two months of 2020.The demand for these six countries has declined, leading to decline in imports.Taking China as an example, the import of goods trade in Chinese goods by 2020 decreased by 2.4%.The decline in exports and imports of these six countries must cause a sharp decline in global trade flow.

Third, countries should respond to global fragility measures and lessons.From the perspective of restrictions on the movement of personnel, it is very important to decisively take isolation measures in the early days when the epidemic outbreak.From January 22, North Korea closed the border and prohibited foreign tourists from entering North Korea.From 17:00 on February 2nd, the United States has forbidden to enter the country in China within 14 days.

Russia has closed the Sino -Russian border from January 30, and the Chinese have banned the Chinese from entering from February 20.Russia's use of face recognition technology recognition Chinese citizens to identify Chinese people who have been suspected of arriving in Russia but not for 14 days of compulsory isolation.Russian police search hotels, dormitories, apartment buildings and merchants, and tracked Chinese people who stayed in Moscow.It is said that the Russian authorities have enforced more than 14,000 personnel returned from China.

What are the results of these three countries that have taken restrictions on the flow of Chinese personnel?On March 18, Kim Jong -un announced that North Korea defeated the crown disease and was infected.As of March 16, there were 93 confirmed cases in Russia. As of March 15, there were 3,244 confirmed cases in the United States.

The situation in the United States is much worse than Russia, which has led to the Democratic Presidential candidate Biden and Sanders unnecessaryly criticizing Trump's incomparable epidemic, and it was not until March 13 that it was announced that the country entered an emergency.However, the United States confirmed 4,838 cases in Germany on March 15 and the Italian diagnosis of 24,747 cases, which was much better, which was related to the border measures adopted by the United States on February 2.

From the perspective of the supply chain, economic losses are only a problem of fragile supply chain, and it is not all the problem.The mask shows the security factors of the supply chain.In the context of globalization, the United States moved almost all of the mask factories to China. 90%of the domestic masks in the United States came from China. At a critical moment, the United States discovered that there were no mask factories in China and a mask crisis.

On February 25, Peter Navarro, a White House trading consultant, said that due to the ban on masks from the export of masks, the United States is determined to recall four companies specializing in masks from China to return home.On March 18, after the phone calling the chairman of the EU Commission, Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang decided to transport more than 2 million surgical masks to the EU and 200,000 N95 masks.In this context, Trump stated on March 18 that a war -war law would launch a war -to -mask and other protection equipment.

The most important lesson that this crown disease has brought the world: Globalization must not only consider economic benefits, and security issues are extremely important.

(The author is a professor of economics at Shanghai Normal University in China)