Ming Pao News Agency

The leaders of the G20 (G20) of the 20th Group (G20) held a video summit to discuss the epidemic, promising to take all necessary sanitary measures to curb immune prevention.The virus has no borders and no one can be alone. The United States has the most cutting -edge medical technology. President Trump said that the United States will never rely on foreign support.Century plague.Different from dealing with international terrorism or financial tsunami, since the outbreak of the epidemic, no one can see who leads the leadership of international cooperation.Since the outbreak of the epidemic, developed countries and developing countries have discussed the epidemic for the first time to take the first step for international cooperation against epidemic.Stop political operations; some countries continue to adhere to my respect, emphasize that the country is prioritized, and that international cooperation is difficult to resist.

No leadership

G20 summit fills vacuum

The G20 leader issued a joint statement that promised to adopt collaborative operations in public health and fiscal measures, controlled the epidemic, maintain financial stability, and support countries. Officials from various countries will share anti -epidemic experience.The plan, cope with the global epidemic, has also promised to comprehensively coordinate the development, production and sales of antiviral drugs and vaccines.

Since the 21st century, global challenges have been challenged one after another. There are ninety -one attacks and international terrorism, and then financial tsunami. This plague is the third test.Looking back at the two challenges before, the international community is probably united. In 2009, the British Prime Minister Bai Gauding advocated the G20 as the platform. It was a global economic crisis from developed industrial countries and emerging countries. It became a model of international cooperation in the 21st century.The West has led international order for more than a hundred years. In the past, each international crisis was usually led by Western powers. However, in the face of this epidemic, the international community has not seen concentric work, and it is more selfish and intimidating.

In the early days of the mainland explosion, the West only made a wall view, and the outbreak of the European and American outbreaks earlier this month. The seven major industrial countries (G7), a wealthy country, agreed to support the economy.How the state -owned state -owned state -owned state -owned was resistant; US President Trump did not consult European allies, and suddenly announced that it would be uncomfortable with European countries and make many European countries dissatisfied.As for the internal sand of the European Union, in order to protect themselves, in addition to closing to other member states, the export of medical supplies to other European countries has also been restricted. Recently, a number of mask materials donated to Italy by China have been deducted by neighbors. Although although althoughAfterwards, the Czech Republic emphasized a misunderstanding, but the incident had made Italy quite dissatisfied.

The international community did not make a mess. This time, the G20 summit was the first time to discuss the epidemic situation of international leaders, marking an important step in the international anti -epidemic cooperation.At the meeting, China stated that China will increase its efforts to supply raw materials, necessities, and epidemic prevention supplies to the international market. At the same time, it will call on countries to reduce tariffs, cancel barriers, unblock trade, and revise the world economy.This year's G20's rotation chairman is Saudi Arabia. The meeting was also chaired by Saudi Arabia.Recently, the main topics of the G20 summit were discussed with German Chancellor Merkel, French President Macron, and British Prime Minister Johnson.State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi also publicly called for the G20 to promote unity and resistance. Recently, he frequently power with foreign ministers such as India and Indonesia.

Cultural Propaganda White House is isolated

U.S. priority to obstruct cooperation

All countries should have let go of their personal prejudice to resist the disease. However, in recent years, China and the United States have fiercely wrestling, and the political operations of great powers under the epidemic are even worse.In 2015, Shi Wei made a guidance and did not use the name of the place name as a virus to avoid stigma.At the beginning of last month, the World Guard announced that the epidemic disease caused by the neo-virus was COVID-19. Trump and his staff insisted on calligraphy or Chinese virus. China was unwilling to show weakness.China's publicity attack also makes it difficult for China to lead international cooperation.At present, China is the chairman of the UN Security Council. The Security Council has the previous example of the Epolla disease. It can definitely become a platform for discussion of this epidemic.EssenceNow that Saudi Arabia and G20 face can be at least reduced.

Trump has given up the role of international leaders often played by the United States in the past. Many measures only consider their own interests and emphasize the United States priority.Recently, the German media reported that Washington wanted to buy the vaccine developed by German companies to make Americans exclusively, and the news caused a lot of response; global anti -epidemic supplies were tight, and the United States was seriously out of stock.Foreign rescue was exposed to ask for supplies from South Korea in private. Internal documents also showed that the US State Department ordered the embassy staff to help find supplies, and even asked them to pressure them.Remind other countries to rebound.

The Chinese epidemic is eased. Recently, it also provides medical supplies or dispatch of medical teams to many countries. The situation touches Western nerves. The mask diplomacy is spreading. Some people have questioned that China wants to fade the initial anti -epidemic error. However, for many countries with serious epidemic conditions, nowThe most important thing is that someone sends charcoal in the snow.In Europe, some political officials in Italy and Serbia described that other European countries did not help, but depended on China.The global epidemic is severe, and no country can deal with it alone. The G20 summit reflects that countries aware of strengthening cooperation.The United States originally wanted to use the name of the virus to fight against China. Secretary of State Pompeo insisted on using the G7 to use the new crown virus together. Unexpectedly, the other six countries opposed the voices and gave up a joint statement.Trump said that he will no longer use the name of Chinese virus. The declaration of foreign countries in China and the United States is expected to be suspended. However, if the White House does not adjust the US priority policy, international cooperation will still be difficult in the future.