The spread of coronary virus diseases in 2019 globally is undoubtedly a major test of all countries.There are many factors that affect the effectiveness of anti -epidemic in various countries, including systems, mobilization capabilities, the nature of human property, the cultural and living habits of the people, and so on.However, one factor is very important but often ignored, that is, the scale of the country.

Compared with small or medium countries, the anti -immigration of large powers may not be the most effective, but the big country is the most tough.The mobilization of the great country is not easy, and there will be a certain degree of chaos in the early days (whether it is China or the United States), but once mobils are mobilized, through different combinations of internal factors, the toughness of the great power begins to appear.The impact of external environment changes.Small nations and medium countries are different. If there is an effective government in small countries, it is easy to mobilize, and anti -epidemic is easy to show results.However, the internal toughness of small and medium -sized countries is poor. If the epidemic continues, the weakness will be exposed.What's more, once the external environment changes, small and medium countries can easily become islands.

Compare the resistance of China and the European Union to understand this.Crown diseases outbreak from Wuhan, China, spreading to other provinces and around the world. Therefore, controlling Wuhan and Hubei has become the most critical of success.In order to curb the Hubei epidemic, China's national system has played a key role.The central government coordinated Hubei to assist in Hubei.In early February, the Central Government established the work mechanism of inter -provincial counterpart support for medical treatment, and coordinated and arranged for 19 provinces to support 16 cities, states, and county -level cities except Wuhan.Support team.The Hubei Medical Team in foreign provinces reached 344, with a total of 42,322 medical workers.

The city, the seal community, the road, the road, and the flight break, the two mountains (Thunder Mountain and Vulcan) hospitals in a short period of time, all of which are the results of effective coordination of all parties.Although there are some contradictions between the central and local, local and local, and places during the period (such as the masks detention of some places to other places), these contradictions are quickly corrected because of the centralized system.

European countries become anti -disease islands

The situation of the European Union is different.The European Union can be said to be a great miracle in human history, which is a political unit formed by sovereign countries.Through the integration of economy, society, and politics, in the aspect of the perspective, the European Union has achieved brilliant achievements. Some people call the European Union as the new empire.However, because the EU itself is not a sovereign body, the power of coordinating member states is very limited, and these years have begun to decline.Brexit is not accidental, but inevitable.This time the crown disease constitutes an unprecedented crisis, and many member states have become helpless islands.

In the European Union, although people know that countries must jointly deal with viruses in the world, and the EU Parliament also emphasized the importance of unity in the early days, as the epidemic spread in Europe on a large scale, serious contradictions and disputes between sovereign countries have occurred.In order to meet the needs of the people in their own country, the leaders of the EU cannot act in accordance with the many frameworks of the EU.Although the two largest countries in France and Germany, although verbally expressed unity in verbally, they both moved to ensure that epidemic prevention equipment such as masks stayed in the country.The French policy order is a nationwide mask to prevent the accumulation of accumulation.Not only did Germany prohibit the export of medical equipment such as masks, but also detained masks transported to Switzerland and Austria.

The Italian EU Ambassador Maurizio Massari wrote on March 10, entitled that Italy needs European aid, and publicly complained that the EU countries are not rescued.According to the article, although Italy has rescued the EU through the EU civil protection mechanism, no member states responded to the call of the European Commission to provide medical equipment such as masks and other medical equipment for Italy.He admits that this is not good for European unity.After China's assistance supplies arrived in Italy on March 12, the European Commission stepped up pressure on Germany and asked the two countries to revise the decree, and the two countries eventually acted in accordance with the EU's requirements.

Italy is also a major country in the European Union, and the situation of smaller countries is even worse.Serbia is an example.On March 15, Serbian President Wugic delivered a TV speech, announcing that Serbia entered an emergency.Wugic emphasized that when the difficulties come, we cannot hope to be in the European Union. The only one who will extend a assistance to Serbia is China.

In addition to supplies, European countries have successively deepened the gap between them.Germany implemented temporary controls on border borders in Austria, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, and Denmark, which attracted French dissatisfaction. French presidents issued a statement condemning some EU countries to implement border control unilaterally.

The advantages and strengths of the great country in resistance have reminded people of the great discussion of China who has experienced in modern times in modern times.In modern times, China has been defeated by Western forces. Some elites, especially knowledge and political elites, have lost confidence in the country.Among them, Hu Shi, the master of the May 4th New Culture Movement, is a typical example. He has declared that China will not die.He explained further in confidence and reflection. Today's big deal is that the whole country is ashamed, so those who are not shameful are just because they have never reflected.

To a large extent, it is difficult to say that Hu Shi's words are just an angry man.Every time the crisis comes, the various chaos in politics and society will indeed give people a feeling of a country that is not the country.The problems exposed at the beginning of the outbreak of the crown disease made some people feel that there are so many disadvantages, from individuals, organizations to systems, from local to all aspects, there seems to be no links and problems.Therefore, complaints are filled with the entire Internet space, causing a wave of public opinion crisis.

The imperial imperial country does not die

However, once I realized the problem, the entire country began to mobilize and entered the national system model described at the beginning of this article.To a large extent, this model is also a common model in history.Here, it is easier to understand the advantages and disadvantages of the great powers in the process of cope with the crisis.People can discuss from the following perspectives.

First, in the face of crisis, the mobilization of the country is very slow.If you can't mobilize, you may die; once mobils are mobilized, huge energy can be displayed.Historically, once the court faced a crisis, it was always difficult to adjust at the beginning, and it was unusually chaotic. It seemed that no one was responsible, and the situation worsened step by step.At this time, the criticism of the knowledge persons, the people of the people continued, panic spread, and strengthened people's pessimistic disappointment.

However, because the country is large and the population base is large, some people will always stand out on the occasion of the crisis and shout to form a huge force to save the country.These people can come from the reformists in the system or the revolutionary school outside the system.If the reformists in the system win, it is called innovation and revival or ZTE; if the revolutionary parties outside the system win, it is called to change the dynasty.

Here we need to distinguish between the two concepts of the court and the country.At the end of the Ming Dynasty, Gu Tinglin (Gu Yanwu) said that the court could die, but the country would not die.After the Manchurians entered the Central Plains, the entire China died, but Gu Tinglin said that the rise and fall of a country is a trivial matter, and the rise and fall of the world are a big deal.The country he said here refers to the government's regime, or the court; what he calls the world refers to the nation and culture.Therefore, he said that the world rose and died, and the husband was responsible.In modern times, Liang Qichao also knew that the court and the country were divided into the country.

In fact, this is what people say. Chinese civilization is the only reason why Chinese civilization is not interrupted.The dynasty died, but the country did not perish.Why does the country die?

Mr. Qian Mu said in the Chinese culture spirit published in 1971: According to my personal argument, I have passed the seventy years hell; hellip; in the seventy years, some people said that lsquo; China will not die, it is nothing,Heaven Rsquo;.But there is feelings in life, which is a lsquo; heaven rsquo;.I will get a word, saying that lsquo; Chinese people do not love China, it is unreasonable rsquo;.This is the case in all ethnic groups in the world, not only the Chinese.

Such a big country, in the crisis surfaceIn the past, there will be any people, traitors, surrender, leading party, told people, greedy people who are afraid of the dead, negative pessimists, ridicules, and people who fight and kill.Because of such a large country, as long as Mr. Qian Mu said the existence of the country's emotions on the day, there will always be a great or hero who calls up at the crisis.

Second, the country size is large, and it is difficult to conquer when it is too large.The Yuan Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty were ruled by the Mongolians and Manchurians. In the concept of modern times, the entire country became a colony.However, this colonies and modern colonies are just the opposite.The colonies since modern times means that the Lord Kingdom has ruled the colonial country and society in its own way; as for the Mongolians and the Manchus, they finally have to give up their own way and use Chinese ways to rule China.China has digested, and they have also become Chinese (culture).

Some scholars believe that the rulers of the Yuan Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty realized that their culture (civilization) was backward than the Han people, so they gave up their own rule.This kind of statement has no reason. The Mongolians and Manchurians want to insist on their own rule. To a certain extent, they insist on (such as the two systems of the Qing Dynasty, for Manchu and the Han people), but because of the Chinese people)It is huge, and it is difficult to effectively rule it with your own way, so he has to give up and adopt the Chinese rule of the Han people.

Since modern times, imperialism has invaded China, but China is large. No country can invade the entire China, and China has evolved into Mao Zedong as the semi -colony.Li Hongzhang used the conflict between the interests of the powers on the issue of China, and launched his big diplomacy on the land of China, governing the strengths, and avoiding that China became the colony of a single imperialist country.

The East of the Great Power is not bright in the western bright effect

Third, it is precisely because of the country's largeness that during the crisis, the East will not have a bright effect.China is like Europe as a whole, or Europe with a strong sovereign central government.There are at least three results here.

First, a crisis occurred, and there was no crisis in all provinces. There are always some provinces that are good.

Second, because a unified regime, provinces without crisis can support crisis provinces, rich provinces can support backward provinces.Contemporary China has always implemented the so -called counterpart support. This practice has always been a Chinese tradition, which is the case in history.For example, most of the government taxes come from several wealthy provinces, and the government has always played the function of the rich and the poor between regions.

Third, it is difficult to cover the entire country even by artificial policy errors.The crisis caused by natural disasters cannot be nationwide, and artificial mistakes may become nationwide.However, because of China, the implementation and implementation of a policy (whether it is correct or wrong) is a long process.In the process, both the central government and the local government have trial error -oriented properties and constantly generate error correction opportunities.As long as the person in charge is not so stubborn, it is wrong to have a national impact after mistake.National policy errors like the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution are the result of the leaders' individuals who are too stubborn and lost the opportunity to correct errors again and again.

The division and integration in Chinese history is actually longer, but why does it become the normal state, but in the end, still returning to the state?In addition to the existence of Mr. Qian Mu's state emotional day, people finally choose a unified country under the centralized system. The huge benefits and benefits brought by the country size are an important factor.Under the premise of the existence of a strong central government, no matter what crisis occurs, it can eventually cope with the past and return to normal.

The problems of large powers and great powers, big powers can be problematic, but the ability to absorb and solve problems in large powers is not comparable to that of ordinary countries.However, people have absolutely no reason to be complacent to the advantages brought by the size of the country and do not ask for progress.For example, in the traditional sense of the imperial court, the country's death is not enough, because each dynasty is replaced, and the sacrifice and socio -economic costs brought by the dynasty are huge.People must use various systems to achieve the imperial court.Similarly, the initial ability of the government's crisis must be greatly improved.At the beginning of the crisis, if the government can deal with it in a timely and effective manner, it can minimize or even avoid the sacrifice of life and the loss of socioeconomic and economic losses.Undoubtedly, these are also the task of China's national governance system reform today.

(The author is a professor at the National University of Singapore and East Asia)

The article only represents personal point of view