Lu Kewen

Recently, I went to visit my friends at the Bellviyi Hospital in Manhattan.From the hospital, I strolled on the streets of East 29th Street. A middle -aged white man interrupted my thoughts. He was roaring towards an old Chinese man: rolling out of my country, you Chinese garbage!The old man was stunned.I was also stunned, roaring back to that man (using my authentic Australian words): Go to you, stay away from him, you white racial garbage!

Pedestrians have stepped on.A black -haired white guy rushed over to me.I have no talent and training, but I am also ready to fight.He rushed to me and said to me and said to me: Thank you for talking for him.This is why I fight in Iraq; so, people like him can be free.

For the time being, we put aside the tangled history of the Iraq war. The 2019 coronary virus disease clearly reminds us that the global epidemic is like a climate change and will not respect the political boundary.China ’s experience in response to the virus in January and February may be repeated in other countries in the world in March and April.The number of infected people will be different, depending on whether the temperature, the relatively strong public health test and the treatment system, and the inestimable factors such as financial and economic toughness.We should be prepared for emergencies in ideology, and we should not panic blindly, let alone fall into racist prejudice.

This virus reminds us that no one or a country is an island.However, political leaders often have unable to stop people's mild racism inherent in some general reactions of the epidemic.Looking at the world, in public buses, on the train, on the streets, Asians, especially Chinese, often encounter what I have witnessed.The virus has now attacked Italy.Will it be the Italian?

This is shocking to generally lack unity, sympathy, and the hidden heart of the Chinese, especially the Wuhan people who have tolerate hell like hell.What happened to Manhattan, London, Sydney, Toronto, Berlin, Paris or Delhi?The pain that other people encountered, so that we could not organize effective global response to deal with this veritable global crisis.

The United States can easily contact Chinese leaders and set up the highest specifications of crown disease joint working groups early, laying a public impression that human unity is higher than politics.However, the US government's remarks on the political system of Chinese totalitarian power urged American investors and supply chain managers to withdraw the United States.It is true that in the past three years, the United States and China are in a strategic confrontation. When the crisis is over at the moment, routine political hostility will come again;This is just a kind of attitude that helps to solve the problem.

More positive news shows that institutions and professional cooperation are quietly carried out.No matter how failed the World Health Organization, it is still the official tool for global epidemic treatment.Attacking the Director -General of the WHO Tan Desai, saying that the people with low efficiency of WHO should take a good look at the international articles of association that stipulates the power of WHO.WHO can only provide international recommendations on virus activity, issue clinical and technical suggestions on how to cope with the national government, and emergency section in areas that lack sanitary infrastructure.If the virus spreads to the poorest region in the world, the last responsibility will become necessary, just like the West Africa Ipora crisis from 2013 to 2016.

The WHO also worked hard because of insufficient funding.Political rights attack Globalism believe that reducing the appropriation of UN humanitarian institutions is a glorious behavior and a strong signal of crushing left.However, when the funds of important institutions are insufficient, their effectiveness will also be affected.The World Grain Program, the United Nations Children's Foundation and the United Nations Refugee Agency are all confirmed, and they are all difficult.The WHO must rely on charity institutions such as the Gates Foundation and a donation of voluntary commitments.At the same time, in the current crisis, the Trump administration proposed to reduce the US government's core funding from the WHO from US $ 123 million to US $ 58 million next year.

In addition to WHO, we must also thank the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and its global sister institutional network (including China).The health professionals of these organizations have been cooperating with the analysis of viruses, predicting possible mutations, and developing vaccines, although they are in a very harsh political environment.We should also thank the international (including the United States) medicine, medicine and other companies that silently provide masks, gloves, protective clothing, ventilator and other important supplies in China.

Despite these measures, the world is obviously crisis of confidence, partly because of the loss of confidence in national and global leadership.The public panic and the high fluctuation of the financial market reflect this.Why don't the United States convene an emergency meeting for the Minister of Health and Finance and the Government of Health and Finance of the 20th Group (G20)?Such a meeting does not have to be present. It can adopt a virtual form.

This can quickly form a consistent policy framework and serious financial commitments to cope with the development of the epidemic.The G20 is the world's largest economy (more than 100 cases of crown diseases in many countries), and they are also the most capable of formulating financial and economic strategies to prevent global recession.

Only when both the public and the market see the government's cooperation against disease can the global confidence recover.This was the case in April 2009. The London G20 summit suppressed the panic caused by the 2008 financial crisis, laid the foundation for collaboration, and established a policy and fiscal framework for the final recovery.Without multilateral measures, some countries can only continue their own way, and the recovery will be extended.

In this international crisis, playing nationalist cards is the easiest and most natural domestic political strategy; but the situation is forced, this cannot solve the problem, only effective global collaboration can be.

Author Kevin Rudd is former Prime Minister of Australia and is currently chairman of the New York Asian Social Policy Research Institute.

English Title: Covid-19 Trumps Nationalism

Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2020

This virus reminds us that no one or a country is an island.However, political leaders often have unable to stop people's mild racism inherent in some general reactions of the epidemic.Looking at the world, in public buses, on the train, on the streets, Asians, especially Chinese, often encounter what I have witnessed.The virus has now attacked Italy.Will it be the Italian?