Even if the mainland is one day long in epidemic prevention, it should be regarded as an advantage in specific conditions and environment. It cannot be pushed and exaggerated, deceiving and deceiving.This does not help reflect on, and helps the system's innovation and improvement.

Liu Xingzhi

Due to the torture of the 2019 coronary virus epidemic, the citizens of Wuhan City in China were resentful.A few days ago, a successive senior officials hit the muzzle and touched my head.

On March 5th, Chinese Deputy Prime Minister Sun Chunlan inspected the living security of the masses in a community in Wuhan. Some residents shouted the fake formalism through the window to disassemble the community on the spot pretending to let the volunteers send food to the owner. The atmosphere was embarrassing.EssenceDifferent from the past, the local people are unbearable to officials and are merciless.

There are Wuhan.Lenovo not long ago, a great review of war and epidemic was not good and hurriedly removed. It can be seen that public opinion was very disgusted with the official praise of the official handling.The society is looking forward to a reflection, review, and real change that touches the soul, and it is by no means to entertain itself.I do n’t know if the Wenxuan Department did n’t know about this, or did it intentionally meet the difficulties?

In fact, after Wuhan seal the city, a large number of medical staff are the most beautiful retrograde, and all sectors of society are generous donations. The Thunder Mountain and Huoshan Mountain Hospital have been built quickly. Many of these inspiring things are moved and bought.There is no government's efforts in the middle, but the epidemic has not yet ended, and the previous responsibility has not yet been held accountable.Scolding is natural.

How to evaluate China's resistance?At home and abroad, people are speaking.Is this disaster exposed system defects, or vice versa, which shows the advantages of the system?On each of the words.If you put aside your emotions and try to evaluate it objectively, it can be said that under the epidemic, the disadvantage and advantage of the system will appear at a glance.

The so -called system disadvantage.In early January, Wuhan delays epidemic prevention and made a big mistake. No one can deny it.After 17 years, the Sans incident was repeated. It shows that the political structure is single and the power is excessively concentrated. It often suppresss the harsh sound and blocks negative information transmission, which leads to slow reaction in unknown crisis such as emergencies, or major decision -making errors occur in major decisions.EssenceThis is a stubborn disease. Although there are no lack of cultural and social factors, the characteristics of the system are still the most direct cause.

The so -called institutional advantage.After January 20, the government resolutely took obedient measures such as sealing the city to help Hubei and the home isolation of the people. It is also a fact that the epidemic spread is basically controlled within 40 days.In a short period of time, governments at all levels have widely publicized and mobilized manpower and material resources, and anti -epidemics are used as the task of overwhelming everything, and they are organized and implemented.

In these respects, the current system has special forces and cannot deny it.This is the advantage of Deng Gong's concentrated power to do major events. It has also been proud of the supporters of the Chinese model.The rapid completion of Vulgar Mountain and Lei Shenshan Hospital, as well as extremely strict transportation and community management and control, are all typical and representative measures.

In early March, China's epidemic was controlled, but the overseas epidemic accelerated spread.Many countries have also experienced insufficient attention, slow response, and chaos.This seems to dilute China's mistakes at the beginning of the year, highlight the strength and effect of its subsequent measures, and save a hint of face for the system advantage.

Some people say that bureaucracy is a cross -cultural phenomenon. When various systems respond to such crises, they are not satisfactory.Some people are interesting. For the election plan, US President Trump's attitude towards the threatening of the epidemic seems to have a strange taste with the Wuhan government due to political considerations.Many netizens have called for countries with serious epidemics to quickly copy their homework and learn from the mainland epidemic prevention model.

It is the rotten thinking that is commonly used in Chinese folk ideological disputes in the national ideological dispute.

System supporters are accustomed to counterattack critics in this way to prove that many social disadvantages are cross -cultural and cross -state phenomena, not unique to the Chinese system.

It can indeed remind some idealists by rotten: there is no perfect government in the world.However, this will also confuse the problem and promote the political attitude of pragmatism and cynicism.In terms of bureaucracy and slow epidemic prevention, this attitude has once again created confusion, which may allow a profound and beneficial opportunity to reflect on quietly.Saying and laughing at others has never been helpless to improve its own shortcomings.

The disadvantage of Chinese system of epidemic prevention

As for the advantages of China in epidemic prevention, it should also be analyzed in detail, and it should not be generalized.Why can China be?At least the following reasons.

First, the government directly controls and dominates a large amount of resources.Especially for medical resources, most hospitals are state -owned.With noble emotions, a large number of medical staff adheres to the extremely high professional ethics standards, and risks to the front line of epidemic prevention in Hubei.However, it is also necessary to admit that if these hospitals are not state -owned, the speed of organizational mobilization is probably not a small discount.In the production and deployment of epidemic prevention materials and daily necessities such as masks, state -owned enterprises have also assumed a heavy responsibility.

The second is that the decree is unified and less constrained.The party committees and governments at all levels are united the overall situation. After the decision -making is determined, few people dare to restrain them.Although the functional departments that do not belong to each other and local governments occasionally have pushing their skin and fighting, they are all hurt.As long as the situation is clear, the central government is determined that all administrative forces will obey the overall situation high -profile, Ning Zuo should not be right.Even if there is a lack of legal basis, some emergency measures will be released everywhere.In order to ensure overwhelming all political tasks, you can invest in power regardless of cost, but there are people in terms of efficiency.

The third is to be improved by grass -roots organizations.Although urban and rural residents' autonomous organizations such as community neighborhood committees and village committees are generalized, institutions and personnel are sound.It is an important force in cooperating with the government's propaganda and mobilization of the masses, strict community prevention and control, urging home isolation, and ensuring urban operations.

Looking at the above advantages, it is also relative.The government directly controls a large number of resources, including medical resources, and is not the root cause of many hospitals in Wuhan's unknown cases of unknown pneumonia?Isn't it the reason for the administrative forces that the administrative forces can teach whistle and suppress the harsh sound. Isn't it because of the reasons for many major decisions due to lack of checks and balances and doubts?

As for urban and rural residents' autonomy organizations, they usually undertake the tasks of the grassroots administrative agencies, weaken the ability to serve residents, and the style of the gate is very heavy.It is called a residential autonomous organization, and is the outpost of the government to manage grass -roots society.They are good at performing simple tasks such as the gate of the gate and the inquiry and inquiry. They often lack motivation in organizing residents' autonomy, maintaining citizen rights, and improving refined governance.

As a capillaries at the end of the system, it should have been deeply rooted in the soil of social soil and realizing nutritional exchange, but there is rigidity and withering.Do not ignore its long -term shortcomings because it has completed a simple and good task.

In addition, the two favorable conditions should not be ignored in the epidemic prevention work: First, the city coincides with the Spring Festival, the timing is very suitable for the entire society to suspend operation.The second is the tragic scene of the outbreak of the Wuhan epidemic educating the people, and the awareness of epidemic prevention in the society has increased rapidly.No people are voluntarily banned, and no matter how much manpower and material resources are invested, they cannot forced the home of the people.

In the face of an unknown epidemic, China's system has not responded rapidly, which will never change due to the slow and chaotic work of epidemic prevention work in other countries.After the situation is clear, the advantages of the system can be played, but it must be seen that the unified scheduling command required for epidemic prevention, social suspension of operation, the isolation of the national home, and strict control of the control of the people are relatively good at the system.

As countries such as Italy have also taken measures such as sealing cities, they can be observed and compared. Other systems take similar measures, and whether the strength and effects are different.Even if the mainland is one day long in epidemic prevention, it should be regarded as an advantage in specific conditions and environment. It cannot be pushed and exaggerated, deceiving and deceiving.This does not help reflect on, and helps the system's innovation and improvement.Modest and make people progress.

The author is a legal adviser to Cultural Communication Company in Jilin Province, China