Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Quanye

The epidemic of new coronary virus pneumonia is like a mirror. It not only follows the various problems of the domestic outbreak and the two sides of the Chinese system, but also the sentient beings in the international community.In many aspects, the wrestling between China and the United States is particularly prominent.U.S. President Trump, which responded to the local epidemic, publicly used Chinese virus to describe the disease, which not only caused criticism of incitement discrimination within the United States, but also caused a strong response from Beijing.The Sino -US public opinion war not only turns from dark, but also continues to intensify at a very fast speed.

Last Tuesday (March 17), Trump first used a Chinese virus to call the new coronal virus in Twitter, a personal public opinion position.The next day, he publicly stated at a press conference that this was a war against Chinese virus.In another day, some media posted pictures showing that Trump changed the new crown virus in his lecture to Chinese virus.Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to high -profile responses: Some people in the United States attempted to stigmatize China's anti -epidemic and attempt to shirk responsibility to China. This approach ignores the great contribution of the Chinese people to maintaining human health and safety.Contributions are against the professional opinions of the World Health Organization, and they also play with the expectations and efforts of the international community to fight the epidemic.Stop slandering other countries, transfer responsibilities, and play a constructive role for countries around the world to fight against the epidemic and maintain international public health security.

Time goes back to the beginning of the diffusion of the epidemic.On the evening of January 30, the World Health Organization Director -General Tedros Adhanom held a press conference in Geneva, Switzerland, announcing that the new public health incident (PHEIC), which is concerned about the internationally concern.Tan Desai also said that this decision is not because China is happening, but because of the situation where other countries are happening, nor is it no confidence in China. Our biggest concern is that the virus has spread to some weak countries.These countries may not be ready to deal with the epidemic.Tan Desai put forward seven temporary suggestions. The first of which is that there is no need to take measures to restrict international personnel flow and international trade. WHO does not recommend restricting trade and personnel flow.

As soon as the WHO's words fell, the Sino -US dark battle on the string began.The US State Department and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will be adjusted to the highest level at the Chinese tourism warning. It is recommended that passengers cancel all the necessary journeys to China.Further action has come one after another. For example, on January 24th, he took the lead from Wuhan to withdraw from the consulate personnel. On January 30, the United States announced that all non -urgent personnel in China would withdraw from the Embassy in China and would suspend all visas to the United States; 2From the 2nd, all foreign personnel who have been traveling to China have been temporarily prohibited from entering China in the past 14 days; the three major US airlines have canceled all flights to China.

In response to the continuous ban in the United States, Hua Chunying, a Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said at a regular press conference on February 3 that the United States had an excessive reaction to the Chinese epidemic and took excessive response measures.The U.S. government has not provided any substantial help to China so far, but the first one from Wuhan withdrew from Wuhan, and the first one proposed to withdraw from some of the staff of the embassy.Constantly manufacturing and spreading panic, bringing a bad head.

Although Hua Chunying said that the U.S. government has not provided any substantial help to China to help China and the United States so far, the United States has indeed made and spread panic from government officials to some media.Raise the banner of racism and label this major epidemic.For example, Peter Navarro, a US White House trading consultant, described China as a disease incubator. The United States Republican Senator Tom Cotton claimed that the new crown virus was repeatedly said that the new crown virus was made by Wuhan Laboratory., U.S. Minister of Commerce, Wilbur Ross, was gloating during the interview that the new virus would help to accelerate the opportunity to stay back to North America.Hat, Bloomberg Business Weekly on February 17, the cover of large fonts presents a fragile China. The New York Times said that China is currently in European Europe.The determination and policies and measures taken by wealth are similar to the British writer George Orwell's masterpiece 1984 similar to Hellip; Hellip;

After the rhythm of the United States, coupled with the panic that the epidemic itself is unknown, there are different degrees of fear of Chinese disease worldwide.In the vast number of people, the Chinese brains are also used as walking viruses, abuse, discrimination and even uninterrupted attacks.I am not a virus, I am a human, do n’t discriminate against me Mdash; this is the behavior art of Massimiliano Martigli Jiang, a Chinese young man in Italy in Florence.When such shouts have detonated social media, in turn, it also confirms the broadness of discrimination.

The virus has no borders. Such a simple truth should be the basic consensus of human beings who have experienced countless virus invasion, but now it is covered by political contests.Although it cannot be attributed to the United States of terrorism in the world, it is indeed a bad head as the boss of the world.As a result, Rose's disaster and the Wall Street Journal's Asian sick husband caused his family dissatisfaction (Rose's remarks caused questioning in the United States industry, the Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman pointed out that he did not understand the operation of the modern manufacturing industry; the Wall Street Journal JournalThe head of the branch department in Beijing represented the newspaper's letter to the management of the personnel in China, asking for an apology on Mid's articles), and the battle between China and the United States quietly changed from darkness.The depression and anger brought by the epidemic came out.

On the occasion of the Chinese Internet public opinion, in the face of the continuous action initiated by the United States through the new crown pneumonia's epidemic, the Chinese official level did not sit at the level, but based on the so -called Asian sick husband's speech of the Wall Street Journal as the target.The humiliating article apologized and investigated and dealt with relevant responsible persons. After no response, it was announced that the three journalists in Beijing, the Wall Street Journal, were announced.The United States has not been idle. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has condemned Beijing's expedition to reporters and called on China to respect the freedom of pressing on press. On the other side, the day before the Wall Street Journal reporter was expelled by Beijing, the U.S. State Department announced that China would five ChinaThe official media of the family is specified as a foreign mission and stated that the five media are controlled by the Chinese government and are not independent news agencies.

Faced with the counterattack of the United States, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Hua Chunying and Zhao Lijian frequently spoke frequently on the battlefield with Twitter.For example, Hua Chunying responded to Pompeo's remarks that it was more dangerous than the coronary virus was a political virus out of political motivation; for the five Chinese media as a foreign envoy, she asked me if they should enjoy itDiplomatic exemption?

Last Wednesday (March 18), the next day Trump called the new crown virus as a Chinese virus for the first time, China pushed rebellion measures and announced that it would be required to ask the Voice of the United States, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post.The five American media, the US media in China, reported to the Chinese side in China to all the staff, finance, operation, and real estate information in China.The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post reported to the American journalist who expired before the end of the year to declare to the Journalism Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from now four days, and pay the reporter's certificate within ten days.The administrative division continues to work in the work of reporters; for the United States, Chinese journalists have adopted discriminatory restrictions on visas, administrative review, interviews, etc.Shi, China will take equal measures against American journalists.

The Chinese side repeatedly stated that these practices are completely reasonable defense, which is aimed at the continuous upgrading of the United States' discrimination and political suppression of Chinese media, as well as unreasonable and unreasonable.In response to China's ideological prejudice, it is opposed to the so -called free news to make fake news, which is against the act of violating the professional ethics of the news.

When the wrestling of the great power began with the news media as the battlefield, the deep values and ideology of all parties unconsciously occupied the upper hand.On the one hand, in the field of international public opinion, the United States occupies a strong dominance, so when Beijing decided to expel the journalist Wall Street Journal, even those who did not recognize the Asian sick husband's statement would easily be hung up by Pompeo in their mouths.Free persuasion; on the other hand, given that the Chinese media has always existed as the CCP's mouthpiece, and it is considered that publicity has long overwhelmed the value of the news itself.No matter how denying China, it has nothing to do, but it has exacerbated whether some countries will restrict China ’s concerns about China on the grounds of this way.

This stereotyped cognition is not formed overnight, and it is difficult to achieve it overnight to change.At least at present, the late American Palestinian scholar Edward Said (Edward Said) in 1978, the western centralism in the world culture dissemination of the classic orientalism published in 1978, is widely existed.Even if China has been in reform and opening up for more than forty years, it has stepped up from the poverty and weakness to become the second largest economy in the world today.There are many people's cognition and judgment.Under the leadership of this established cognition, China ’s power to block the country’ s resistance to the country is an invasion of human rights, manufacturing concentration camps, and the spread of the epidemic is the failure of the governance system and the institutional crisis.In a word, it is wrong to do whatever.

Ideological contradictions cannot be resolved through debate, but can only be resolved through practical practice.In the face of this time the United States waves the press free news and keeps human rights and democracy, Beijing's biggest confidence is that China has indeed effectively controlled the epidemic, and proves that it is not a sick husband in East Asian with practical actions.When the epidemic spread around the world, China launched another round of global united front offensive, giving countries to the maximum assistance, and specifically practiced and explained what is the community of human destiny.Such a practical movement, the human rights and democracy at the juncture of the epidemic is obviously more convincing.

There is also an unexpected episode in the process of developing wrestling with the media as the battlefield, which is the debate around the source of the virus. It accelerates the intensity and breadth of the Sino -US public opinion war to a certain extent.

In fact, from the day of Wuhan on January 23, the debate on the source of the virus has not stopped.The origin theory of wild animals, the theory of American gene weapons, and the leakage of the Chinese laboratory can always set off a typhoon inside and outside the Chinese network firewall.As the American gene weapon said that the epidemic spread in the global spread, it did not break self -defeating, and the Chinese laboratory leaked that it was temporarily stunned after the Chinese official rumors. People generally recognized the origin of wild animals.After all, the plague caused by wild animals, the Middle East respiratory syndrome, Ipora, and SARS (SARS), which are still remembered by Hong Kong people, are all learned from the front of the car. The early patients in the new crown pneumonia are related to the South China Seafood market in Wuhan's downtown.It is well -founded.

But when people's attention was transferred from the source to the epidemic prevention, the high -level expert group of the National Health and Health Commission and the academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Zhong Nanshan on February 27 may not necessarily originate in China, and pulled people's attention back toThe Chinese public opinion field began to find the culprit in this statement, and eventually got preliminary answers MDash in the anxious wrestling of China and the United States; the virus came from the United States, and the US military went to Wuhan to participate in the military movement as a high probability channel.

There are actually many evidence of this conclusion.On the one hand, in a paper published in January of the authoritative medical medical journal in the UK, Huang Chaolin, deputy dean of Wuhan Jinyan Tan Hospital analyzed the first 41 new crown pneumonia cases, and found that only 27 of them went to the South China Seafood market.The retrospective study believed that the first diagnosis patients became onset on December 1, 2019. There was no history of exposure to the South Seafood market in China, nor did they find an epidemiological connection between confirmed cases, and their family members had not experienced fever and respiratory symptoms.

On the other hand, Japan's Asahi TV first disclosed in late February that some of the people who have died in the United States of Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) are new patients with new crown pneumonia. New York, Los Angeles and other cities have begun new testing.Way.Such news is spreading worldwide in an instant, especially directly stimulating the Chinese people.Although it has been proven afterwards, the CDC only said that among more than 14,000 people who died of flu in the season, the types of influenza virus infected by some people were uncertain and did not confirm that some of the patients with new coronary pneumonia were proven, but in order to prove advance pre -advance pre -advanceIn the conclusion, most people can no longer hear the truth.

With the new spokesman of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zhao Lijian's voice at Twitter, the virus source dispute was pushed to the official diplomatic level by the original Chinese netizen's verbal saliva.On March 12, Zhao Lijian sent several tweets in Twitter to directly question the United States: When did the patient appear in the United States?It may be that the U.S. military brought the epidemic to Wuhan.The United States should be transparent!To disclose the data!The United States owes us an explanation!

In order to counterattack Zhao Lijian, the United States broke out in succession.On March 13, the US State Department summoned the Chinese ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai to condemn the conspiracy theory proposed by Beijing; last Monday (March 16), Pompeo called Yang Jiechi, director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee of China to expressThe dissatisfaction of the responsibility of the new crown pneumonia was pushed to the United States; Pompeo publicly criticized in an interview with the CNN last Wednesday (March 18) that China did not curb virus, but suppressed the information.The precious time allowed thousands of people to escape from Wuhan, went to countries like Italy, and brought suffering to the local area.At the same time, Trump continued the qualitativeness of the United States from politics to the media from politics to the media on Twitter. It was bluntly to fight back that China ’s wrong remarks were blamed by the US military.

When the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs was asked about the incident, it did not give a clear statement on the source issue, but continued the attitude of Cui Tiankai in the CCTV connection.And professional opinion.Subsequently, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs unified MDASH; the problem of the source of the new coronary virus is a scientific issue that needs to listen to professional and scientific opinions.The World Health Organization and the international community have long have a clear and consistent opinion on this, that is, they oppose associated with the virus with a specific country and region, and oppose stigma.

China and the United States are unable to fight at the official level, and the saliva war at the folk level has not been broken, and it has become more and more nationalism or even populism.Overseas Chinese in the gaps have become the focus of attention.On the one hand, there may be discrimination and exclusion that may be caused by the beauty, and on the other hand, it is the obstacles that return to China.In addition, most of the newly confirmed cases in China are overseas input cases. Overseas Chinese are also considered to be the result of the inferior foreign epidemic prevention and panic in China.

The Internet poll is the double -edged sword.If you use it, you can become a weapon for the four pounds; if it is not used well, it is easy to reflect your own interests.When a hat such as the Asian sick husband is deducted, the nationalist emotions of the Chinese people are easily mobilized. After all, these four words carry too many historical scars and national shame of the Chinese.When all parties in the United States could not help telling the label of Chinese viruses to this major epidemic, while inciting racism and anti -China emotions in the United States, it also made China's domestic anti -American emotions rising.

The US election is imminent. Trump, who was originally stable, was suddenly disturbed by the epidemic. He naturally needed to say something to the voters and stabilized the votes.This period is really special for Trump.And China paid a huge price on this epidemic, and also tried to use this big test to consolidate its own system advantages and negativeThe image of the great power.When their respective positions and their needed collisions between the boss and the second child, public opinion war and diplomatic warfare are inevitable.

This is the reality of the current Sino -US relations.What will happen in the future, there is both predictable inevitability, such as long -term structural conflicts that will inevitably arrive with the focus of the power of the power of Chinese and Western power, and there are unpredictable accidentality, such as the military conflict that may occur under fear and anxiety, and various realistic wrestling.The series chain reactions that may be guided by the stock market, the economic crisis may be guided, and the possible subversion and reconstruction of people's value systems after the epidemic.There are both contradictions and conflicts and mutual interests. Whether contradictions and conflicts overwhelming each other, or the overwhelming contradictions and conflicts of mutual interests. The two countries that have lost their fantasies have obviously realized that these two factors have continued to change the main, inside and outside, and inside and outside.Resonance and common role are the fate of each other. Not only are the past history, but the future cannot get rid of this life.

From this perspective, it is not surprising that this time the pneumonia's epidemic set off in China and the United States.It is not difficult to recognize this. What is really difficult is how to see opportunities in the fate of Sino -US relations, and use each opportunity to do something responsible for a responsible country.After all, any change is not completed instantly, but happened step by step.Just like the colorful glasses of the subconscious form, whoever wears it will not be removed at once.

This sudden major epidemic is a big test about the modernization of governance systems and governance capabilities for China. For the world, isn't it a big test?Calling away the fog of Sino -US public opinion, all parties may wish to calm down and think about it, what is the big road through Rome, what is the shoes that do not fit the feet, only what they know, what is the community of human destiny.How many simple and simple principles have been covered by ideological colored glasses?How many are the political correct concepts of freedom, democracy, and human rights?

Therefore, the phased result of China's anti -disease after paying pain in the pain is not a necessary condition for copying operations in other countries, because it involves too many complex factors such as history, system, culture, and values.Seiyuki and restrictions on the flow of crowds are the only effective practices of human beings when facing a major epidemic. When the West has repeatedly used human rights and democracy to demonize China, should they ask themselves: when the epidemic comes, when the epidemic comes, it comes, andIs it people's life or democracy?

In the face of major epidemics, no one is an isolated island. In today's globalization, none of the countries can really be out of the case.The new crown pneumonia epidemic broke out in China first, and it broke out in Wuhan. No one will know where the next time will happen.If you have experienced so many plague invasion, there are still people with ideological prejudice that this epidemic is narrowly believed that this epidemic is a Chinese virus. The relevant departments that have the right to speak only know that they have wrapped and used folk emotions to push each other.The all -knowledge and memory left by the plague at the cost of bloody ginning is just an empty talk.